Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And I'm fat

No not really. Turns out that the reason why my body fat keeps going up is because of all the creatine I have on a daily basis. On days I workout I'm getting it from my pre-workout and my protein. On days I don't workout I'm getting it in the morning when I drink my mass gaining protein. So right now I just have to cut it out. So that means that once I finish with this gainer I won't be getting it again because all pre-workouts now have creatine in them. I've taken them before and stayed pretty lean because it's such a low amount, but I guess the double dose did the job. Good news for guys that want to gain weight and size. Me I want to gain, but stay pretty darn lean. So today I bought a cutter pre-workout. Hopefully I'll keep the size, but lean out. I also got some Kre-Alkalyn. Hopefully that means same size minus the water retension. Plus got a testosterone booster which also should help. Plus it's not like my body fat percentage is 30% of something like that. Just about 3% higher then where I'd like it to be. Which when you think about it isn't really that big of a deal. Besides I just go from being very lean to very fit. So like I said it's not a big deal. Today's tip is idiots are like cockroaches. They multiply like crazy, are hard to get rid of, and no one is quite sure what purpose they serve.

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