Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oooo kinda nervous

So today I'm nervous. I have an interview for a 2nd job. Now my boss is like don't worry you'll do fine. That's the thing I do great in interviews, least I think I do and I get a rejection letter. So yeah I'm nervous. Plus I don't know what I'm going to end up doing. I got into this because the manager knows my boss and he told my boss he was looking for someone and he told him that I was looking for a job. Well I send in an app and call up to make sure they got it and the person that I talked to said I did. Then it turns out that it was deleted because I didn't pass the psych test. Ugh I hate those tests. They ask you the same question like 5 times in different ways. Plus it is so long that eventually you don't care anymore. So I did it again and it got sent in now I have an interview, but the manager is conveniently not the one interviewing me. That's why I'm nervous. I don't know what they are going to ask what I'm even truly applying for and what not. So this will be fun. Yesterday I finally got my boss to let me wear shorts. I have been trying for a year to get him to let me do it. When two other business owners were seen wearing shorts I of course point this out so it lead to a conversation where as long as I wear nice shorts I can wear shorts. The main reason why I couldn't wear shorts because the guy before me always wore shorts and sandals and never seemed to do his job. So yay shorts for me. I also saw the series premiere of Hot in Cleveland. Wow I just loved it. It really is a throw back to how sitcoms use to be. It was really funny. Plus Betty White plays the part of the old lady that says way too much very well. I think that's why her career is taking off again. She isn't one of those ladies that's just sitting around knitting. She's out there speaking her mind. Even though she was only in a few scenes she had some good one liners. My favorite is "What are you a cop?" So I've done a lot of transformation sequences for the girls (mainly that's because they are the only ones that have them, but there is one of just guys. It's from the anime Ronin Warriors or Legendary Samurai Troopers. Depends on your translation. It's also interesting because in this clip they clearly say something in Japanese to call on the armor, but in the dvd's I purchased which were supposed to be uncut they actually say to arms. Yeah that's a little fun fact for ya. So the order is Wild Fire, Halo, Torrent, Hard Rock, Strata, and Inferno. Enjoy. Today's tip is when someone is mad at you just speak with an accent. Everything sounds better with an accent.

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