Friday, June 4, 2010

Fun day

So today has been a fun day. I mean that both literally and sarcastically. So I didn't have to go into work early so that was nice. I was surfing the web then all of a sudden my spybot kinda goes crazy. Then my internet explorer started bugging out. So I try to open up my anti-virus and spybot and of course the "antispyware" program wouldn't let it run. So I had to restart my computer and when I did run a virus scan and a spybot scan. Found the problem and took care of it. By this time it was time to go to work. Get to work and internet explorer is being funky. And my yim won't pop up. Still isn't. Not that I use it a lot. Oh wait there it goes. Anyway so I had to reset my internet explorer which I didn't know you could do. I notice that it's working very nicely. Clearly should have done it a long time ago. Anyway so right now my computer is being good. I knocked on wood of course. Anyway then I get to work and I'm just hot. I mean I've been hot all day. I feel that I clearly worked out my legs. So I think it's this gh stuff I'm taking. We'll see if it results in more fat loss and more muscle and strength gains. Sure can't do any worse then Nano Vapor. So that kinda wraps up my blog for today. Didn't feel like doing a tip of the day or messing with youtube since my computer was acting up.

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