Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I don't understand

I don't understand the logic behind some people. I really don't. Had a guy come in yesterday and he never buys anything. He just soaks us for info or free samples then goes and buys it off the internet. He came into our other store one day and wrote down all our prices and never saw him again. He also wonders when one of the other employees will be working who he soaks for info and again buys the stuff off the web. So I didn't help him very much which sucked because he was with a guy who would have bought stuff, but I knew he was talked out of it. I mean this guy has a bad attitude. Thinks we are always trying to cheat someone. I think he kinda got the feeling I was blowing him off too. I conveniently didn't know when the other employee was going to work. Then we have this other guy who is just so picky it pisses me off. He will stand there looking at one section for 10 minutes mumbling and saying he usually gets this, but it's not here so he should get this no this. Then after he finally gets his stuff he spends another 10 minutes looking at everything or looking at our info table. Well he called up because he bought some soap and the safety seal dissolved. Now keep in mind this is soap. Not food. Not a pill. It's stuff that will be used to clean surfaces, and by his own admission said it was the soap that did it. He said he'll call up and see when we get more in and get a fresh one. Well who's to say the soap won't do the same thing again. So we have to open one to see if it's not broken and if it is then we can't sell it to anyone else. So we are figuring we'll just say contact the company because we have no clue if the seal will in tact or not and if it isn't we are out of money. In both cases the guys just assume we'll bend over backwards for them. The first guy thinks we'll give him info on everything he wants to know despite the fact he never buys anything and we know he never buys anything. Or this guy who comes in every like 3-6 months to buy 2 things and expect us to give him fresh soap because the seal on his was dissolved by the soap. Like I said I don't get people's logic sometimes. Today's video is Left 4 Lol. Needless to say it's a spoof off of Left 4 Dead. Now if you've played Left 4 Dead you will find a lot of similarity in these situations. Me and my college buddies use to watch it all the time. Well enjoy. Today's tip is if your going to keep pushing for a position of power, then don't go complaining about the responsibilities.

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