Saturday, June 12, 2010

And back at work

Yep back at work. Feeling a whole lot better then I did on Thursday. Will say that my weight went down again. I swear it just won't stay up. Then again that could have been fat that went up not muscle weight. I think my body fat is really low so most of that now 160.8 is probably muscle. Hey I'll find out in about 8 days.... better make that 9. The 20th is a Sunday and I either do it a day before or a day after if I can't do it on the day and I don't work on Saturday so that means Monday I get my weight check. Feels like it's the 3rd week in June not the 2nd. Oh well. Had a really relaxing day off. Pays to do nothing. Also pays since I didn't sleep well the night before. Plus I got to workout yesterday morning like a planned. Helps that I didn't have to be up early to get to work so I could not feel so time constrained. I also watched the movie It's Complicated again. Which of course brings up the good point of you shouldn't sleep with your ex. Which reminds me. One of my friends plans on doing just that. Not only does he plan on doing that, but he also is a virgin. He apparently struck a deal with his ex that they'd both lose their virginity to each other. Now I should point out that my friend is 19. Well apparently in our 2 years difference I've got some common sense. I mean if you two were together I'd get that. That would make sense, but losing your virginity to your ex. I just don't get. I mean are you so desperate to lose your virginity you have to do it with your ex. I mean at least do it with a hooker. That way there is no emotion attached. Now granted I'm not suppose to know this plan of his because he didn't tell me, but told a mutual friend of ours who told me. I know if he had told me I'd sure as hell say he was stupid for going through with this idea. Well if he wants to screw up his emotions then he should go for it. This was the girl that got him to fight with all his friends and just dumped him. I mean she was a real bitch, but hey if he's that desperate then clearly he won't listen to reason. So on my pisstastic day I found this video that made me feel a little bit better about my day. I thank World's Dumbest for posting the link on twitter. Anyway this guy Logan Lacy tried to squat 1008 lbs. As he was coming up he just shoots chunks at the judge sitting there. I mean what really gets me is everyone's reaction when it happened. I mean some step back. They help him get the weight up, but I mean no one really ran to help him. Everyone moved very slowly. And the judge well...then again he did have vomit on him. Sure does take a long time for someone to hand him a towel though. Well just check it out for yourself. If your ever having a terrible day just remember least you didn't projectile vomit at a competition and it landed on youtube for all to see. Today's tip is getting hit by Cupid's arrow means your in love. Getting hit by his diaper means you smell like imaginary baby poo.

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