Thursday, June 10, 2010

Having a pisstastic day

Yeah it's just not going good at all. I woke up late so I couldn't workout today. Yeah that didn't make me happy. So that put me in a bad mood. Then when I get to work I'm doing the deposit all by myself which honestly wasn't that bad. Then I had my first customer. I say hello and he just keeps saying hello hello hello. Trying to be funny, but it came out as rude and annoying. As I'm showing him where his stuff is this young woman comes in I make I contact and I would have helped her, but clearly I had this old guy to deal with first. Then as we are checking out this old guy just throws a fit about his discount. I seriously just wanted to freaking yell at him. During his fit the woman walks out before I even have a chance to help her which pissed me off because I'm sure I could have got her to buy something since she was looking at proteins and workout supplements. So the old guy finally leaves and I have another customer who seriously takes forever. Again another customer comes in and I know I could help him, but I was clearly busy. She then takes like 20 minutes to check out because she's pulling loose change from her purse. I finally get her on her way to help the other guy. Yeah I'm not in a great mood at this point. Then I get a call from one of our suppliers and this guy just keeps talking. He starts of saying well either way works. Plus he was talking really quietly which meant no good news. He then is calculating something on the phone with me. That's right he didn't even have it ready when he called. Then after this long calculations finally gets to the bottom line. Basically either buy 70 dollars more stuff or get it with that in shipping. Then after I hang up with him I get the autistic kid coming in yet again. Just not my morning. Ugh just want to roll over and sleep the day away. Or at least go workout. So since I'm having a bad day I'm reminded of something on family. A certain someone was having a worse day then me. Just watch. Sorry that it's crappy quality, but it's hard to find a clip of this. Today's tip is when your day just keeps getting worse and worse just remember that as long as a baboon doesn't fall on you it was a good day.

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