Monday, June 14, 2010

And not feeling so hot

Woke up this morning and I was just not feeling so hot. Usually when I wake up to workout I feel tired, but I get over it. Today I just didn't feel right. I think it's because of something I ate last night. It could also have had something to do with bleaching my teeth. I don't know, but I was just tired. My stomach was just not feeling right. Well I do feel better now that I took my probiotic. I swear that stuff works miracles. Sunday was full of laundry and working out. Which I'm not sore from luckily. I also did a little gardening. Not for me, but for a friend. They wanted to plant some corn. In return I got some lettuce. It was some good lettuce, but I think it might have made me sick to my stomach. Or it was the garlic pizza that had way too much grease. If it was that then clearly I'm never buying it again. Honestly I really don't want to buy it again because it's no longer a good deal like it was when I first bought it and it didn't make me sick then. In other news a lot of crap is happening. For one that Jordin Van Der Slunt or however he spells his name is now wanting to work with officials to be moved to Aruba in exchange for some information. I mean that guy just pisses me off. He is only giving that information because he wants to get out of "hell". He is being treated like the criminal he is and he hates it. He's back into a corner and wants to get out. I mean come on. Now he wants to work with officials. He was going to keep his mouth shut until the day he died. It just annoys me. I say leave him where he is and say hey if your information is true after peru is done with you then will fly you back to Aruba to stand trial then you can finish out your sentence in Lima and then come back to Aruba to finish your sentence. I just don't like the guy obvious. He's one of those people that I don't get a good feeling from. Then that missing 7 year old case is now going criminal. Which is so not good. I just hate that these kids are being stolen and what not. Just scares me. Then a teacher is got fired because she had a child with her fiance out of wed lock. Are you serious? Your firing someone for having a child. I mean what stance do they have to do that. It's discrimination. It's also not a legit reason to fire someone. Now if she had a child with a student then yeah I'd get it, but no she had one with her adult fiance. I swear we are going back into the dark ages of American history. Honestly I think the real reason is because they were an interacial couple. I mean at least that sounds a legit reason why you'd fire them. It would also be easier to fight legally. So I wish her good luck in her lawsuit because clearly she was wrongfully terminated. Especially since the adminstration told all the staff why she was fired and told all the parents why she was fired. Oh yeah they are so going down. So again I'm feeling nostalgic. You remember the very first Pokemon Movie. you know before they got movie happy and made one every month and no one really cares anymore unless your in Japan. Anyway this was a funny opening mainly because of the battle. I mean it was the first time we ever saw the pokemon Donphan and the move rollout, but I mean the other trainer has the lamest pokemon ever. His freaking Machamp lost to a squirtle that used bubbles. Not Hydro Pump or even Water Gun. No BUBBLES! That is one weak ass Machamp. Least the Donphan lost to Solarbeam which is a powerful move. Then to top it off his Venomoth, Pinsir, and Golem lost to a Pikachu. Ok the Venomoth I can get. The Pinsir is a bit of a stretch, but the Golem really? Golem is part ground which means it is completly resistant to electric moves. So enjoy this clip. Today's tip is sometimes to know where you are you have to look back at where you were. Say that three times fast.

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