Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The world is crazy

That's just a constant fact. There is always something crazy going on somewhere. There is some odd thing that is being discovered. It's one of the few constants that you can count on. When you think you've heard it all something will come along and blow you out the water. For me I've had like 3 of those today. Well first one was that the father of the missing 7 year old boy Kyron has filed for divorce with his wife (Kyron's stepmother and the last one to see him) and filed a restraining order against her. Ok I will say that this family had a rough start with this whole thing. People were suspicious that they hadn't made a public statement and I will admit I did at first until I started thinking about it. You have to be emotionally ready before you step in front of those cameras because they will tear you apart if your not ready. Well now that this is going on I'm just thinking what the hell. I mean if you were planning on filing for divorce then why not wait and what's with the restraining order. I didn't get to see the story because I was at the gym so those answers might have been answered, but it doesn't change the fact that it now looks like something was going on. I just find it really really odd that this would happen now of all times. The next thing is gun control. I'm honestly shocked that the ruling happened like it did. Now granted the court swings conservatively, but still. With all the shootings you hear about. So now states are severely limited when it comes to keeping guns out of the hands of psychopaths. Now the next part of this is where can guns be allowed and not allowed. I mean I wouldn't want to allow guns in my store or bar. That's like asking for trouble. Just feels like the supreme court is doing so much damage everywhere. I mean companies basically own elections now. Lastly the big shocker is what happened on the Bachelorette. I expected this big show down to happen. They made it a 2 hour special. Now granted I didn't watch it (got better things to do with my time), but I expected to hear that a fight broke out or something. Nope the player just walked out. The funny thing is that the girlfriend said he was doing it for the fame so I figured he'd do something to make him well famous. Nope he just got up and left. What kind of reality show doesn't have drama when a show about a girl or guy looking for love finds out that one of the contestants has a boyfriend or girlfriend. I mean I'd thought that at least one guy would be so pissed he'd throw a punch, but I guess that would get you thrown off the show.So I was surfing youtube again and on a recommendation I clicked on a link. I watched it and said to myself, "Wow this looks legit". So I googled it and of course found nothing other then people saying yeah it's a fake. What I'm talking about is this Sailor Moon Supreme. If you watch it, it kinda looks like it's legit until you get to Sailor Earth who looks like Sailor Uranus with different colored hair. Plus Mamarou (think that's how it's spelled) is suppose to represent the earth, but again it looks too good to be a fake (like most found on youtube). So as far as I know it is a fake, and I hope to be proven wrong, but I doubt it will happen. So enjoy. Today's tip is when overcome with emotion, write it all down then throw it away. It's like taking an emotional dump.

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