Friday, June 25, 2010

I could be a gymrat

So today was the first day that I worked out at the gym. Wow I still feel the workout. Clearly a good workout. I honestly love it. I could see myself getting addicted very easily. I mean it's a high really. Knowing that you got a great workout and that your taking a step to make yourself look better and feel better. I mean like I said it's a high. It's the 2nd best high the world. The first being sex of course. I really can't wait to get back in there. Actually I do have to go back today because I have a free consult to do. I honestly figured oh I'm going to do a quick back workout and I'd be ready for my consult. Well I don't regret the decision, but clearly I'm going to be tired after the workout. It's 30 minutes of talking then 30 minutes of working out. I'm really really excited because I might learn some new exercises that I might be able to use. There are so many machines that I can use. I can change up my workout in so many ways. I'm hoping that means I can get some of the results from my chest and arms that I've been looking for. I mean I see I have some chest development, but I want a better development. I want my arms to look better. I'm finally kinda getting a peak, but I'd love a better peak. I mean that took so long just get get the bit I see now. I now see how a crossbow isn't as great as I thought it was. Man it would so be easy to become addicted to working out. Well after today I'm taking tomorrow off and going Sunday to work my legs. Man my legs will be be sore. I'm so excited. I think we all remember the group TLC. They just seemed to have a rough time. First they go broke then one of their members dies. Well one good thing we know is the song No Scrubs. Seems like it was their most popular song. So here you go. Enjoy the song. Today's tip is love is one of the most healing emotions. Anger is the most destructive. Now you know and knowing is half the battle.

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