Monday, June 21, 2010

And it's summer

Yay summer. On the downside I was suppose to get remeasured today, but my boss is feeling sick so I will probably have to put it off until Wednesday. Yeah that's not cool. I think I've got my body fat back down and my lean muscle up. Well won't know until Wednesday maybe. I really don't know when I will get to get it down this week. Might not even happen until Thursday. Oh and update on that interview. That job I was basically gaurnteed to get. Yeah not so much. The very next day they send out a rejection letter. Keep in mind that the person interviewing me said I was going to get a phone call either way next week (which is now this week). Yeah like to see that manager that assured me a position show up this week. Bet he'll steer clear of here for at least a month. Other then that not much has really happened to me this weekend. Kinda just sat back and watched It Only Hurts When I Laugh and Smoking Gun presents World's Dumbest. Not really much to do when your not with your dad on father's day weekend other then give him a call.So I was just surfing around newgrounds when I discovered they made a third brawl taunts. I believe I posted the other two awhile back. This one is again pretty darn good. Wish I was good at making flash stuff. Anyway it's pretty good. If you've ever played brawl you'll find something about this you like. Today's tip is it is the first day of summer meaning sending something to the sun takes a little less fuel.

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