Sunday, June 27, 2010

And feeling better

So my back was killing me last night. Seems like I didn't get much sleep because if I turned over I woke up from the pain. I couldn't find a good position. So I ended up sleeping late. Which means I went shopping late. Ugh and I seemed to run into tons of customers. Plus my back was hurting so reaching up hurt like hell. Just honestly wasn't my morning. I also discovered I can't do squats. My ass is too tight apparently. So I have to do more stretches and do more squat practice before I add in those weights. I'm also doing stretches. Seems like my back is getting better. I think mainly because I did a short workout which of course sends those feel good chemicals to the brain. Or it could have been that aspirin I took. I also got some anti-fungal stuff for my toes. Hopefully it will fix it so I can look at my left foot without wanting to shoot off my toes. Granted I don't want to do that now, but I refuse to wear sandals because they look terrible. My right is good, just not my left. It's really weird. Actually the weirdest part is that there is one toe on my left foot that doesn't have the fungus. I mean it's perfectly normal. I don't know why it's unaffected and wish I could make all the other toes like it. I also did my workout in my apartment. For several reasons. 1. My back was killing me so I didn't think I'd make it to the gym without wanting to cry. 2. So didn't need to run into that trainer and have him ask how I was doing and pat me on the back. 3. I bet it was going to be busy and that's kinda not what I need since I was moving so slow. So yeah that's fun. So since I've posted the kingdom hearts' version of Under the Sea I figure I should post the real one. So enjoy the classic song Under the Sea. Oh and before I post it I figured I should show you this. I always make sure the video I want is the right one so I play a bit of it then pause it. Look where I paused it. Funny look huh? Anyway enjoy.

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