Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day off...kinda

So I'm not working today. Well I'm working the last 2 hours of today. Then I'm working all Wednesday and Thursday by myself. Which isn't too bad, but it is that whole I have to get up early tomorrow to go to a meeting that will kill me. Anyway so today I'm just going to hang out and honestly I don't have anything to do. Hmmm I'll have to figure it out. I guess it's daytime television for me. Yesterday was a pretty decent day. Had some crazies per usual. Had one that was insistent that we had this product. He kept saying oh you have this product. It's freeze dried adrenal gland. And I mean come on. Then after I have explained to him that we don't have this or asked him to describe the container he couldn't. He just goes on about how it makes him stronger and what not. So I said should I call up my boss and he said no don't do that. I'll just go look for it at the capitol. How the hell can you find it if you don't know what it is. The annoying part is I did call up my boss and he said oh it's this. So I'm thinking if that's what it was how the hell could he not tell me that. It has this very big id on it. It says it's for men. If he had just said that I probably could have found it. Oh well. So I was just going through youtube and I found something that shocked me. There was a space channel 5 game for the game boy advance. It was based on the original game for dreamcast. So I figure I'll post both so you can kinda see for yourself. Scary how similar they are. Today's tip is you should never base your real life skills based off a game. You can't really dance, skateboard, or fly a spaceship.

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