Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day off

Yep today is my day off. Heance why I didn't post earlier. On my day off it's just that. Until I feel like I want to post. Anyway I did my normal stuff today. Did a back workout this morning. Had a new guy show up. He didn't bother me and I didn't bother him. After we left I was talking to my workout partner about how I think he really isn't someone that spends a lot of time at the gym. Yes he was lifting a lot of weights, but doesn't mean he was doing it correctly. Anyway he had this sheet of paper that I assume he wrote all the exercises on. Plus he took two sets of dumbbells to use at a time. Now I was back there with him and I'm just thinking seriously? What if I needed to use one of those. Well I didn't because the only time I use dumbbells is for the shoulder shrugs. So my partner starts telling me some of the horror stories he has. I mean he was telling me about a guy that was basically gym blocking him. Then there was another story about a set of guys that just kept talking and hogging the equipment. He then also told me about a friend of his that was working out at the YMCA and there were these two guys that were on the treadmills. Now apparently there are only 3 and they were taking up two. They weren't working out they were just talking. That's it. So his friend asked them to either use the machine or leave. Now I know this friend and he's a very mellow guy. So I can imagine him saying that really nicely. Well one guy says "well aren't we uppity". Now that pissed him off and I can imagine. The friend he's talking about like I said is mellow, but he looks like a biker. He has all these tattoos and piercings and has this long ass beard. So when he gets pissed it can looks scary. I guess since I've never seen it myself. Like I said he's a mellow guy and I have no reason to piss him off. On top of that he's not the one hogging two machines so that he can talk. He's in the gym doing what we all in there are suppose to be doing working out. Just amazes me how people do that. Well I should say mostly guys. I mean what is the point of being an ass like that. Why block everyone from having a good workout. Not like we all didn't begin somewhere. Just so annoying. Guess it's human nature to want things to be fair even though they aren't. So I was watching DBZ abridged (again) and I just couldn't help, but remember the opening for DBZ they did in english. I loved how it was a rap. I mean come on. How was it not funny. Anyway enjoy.

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