Sunday, February 28, 2010

And the cycle begins again

That's right today begins the week cycle all over again. Today I have to do laundry, go shopping, and get ready for the up and coming week in general. Always fun. At least this is the last Sunday of this month. Tomorrow begins March which is always nice. Like I said March brings spring and all other joyous things. According to my weather forecaster it's suppose to get into the 40's by Wednesday. The annoying thing is that it's always off and it's always colder then what it reads. Maybe because it updates itself so early in the morning, but if it says it will reach the 40's it really means it will be like 35 max. Anyway this week should be a good week. I just have a good feeling about it. Probably because I know it's a new month and a it's so close to spring. Yesterday not much really happened again. Trained a trainee on how to use stuff and that was pretty much the highlight of the day. Well and some of the many weirdos that came in. One such weirdo was this guy that wanted a weight gainer. He wanted to gain weight before he gained muscle. Ok sure...usually people gain them at the same time, but what works for you. So I should him our weight gainers and he's like how fast would I gain weight. And I said about 2 lbs per month. He said that well slim fast has this new weight gainer and you gain like 20 lbs in a month. I said well I'm not so sure and he cuts me off saying no it's true I mean look at me. The guy was so skinny that you could see the veins in both his arms. The only place that 20 lbs went was to his head. Then suddenly he wanted to know what was going to put on muscle fast. Yeah because gaining muscle and fast usually go in the same sentence. I said well depends on your body type, how often you work out, your protein, and he cuts me off again says yeah yeah I know it's about diet and stuff. Then why would you ask the question. So the guy finally left, but I'm seriously just sitting there thinking what was that all about. Oh and I looked into it. Didn't see and weight gainer put out by the slim fast corporation. That's not to say that they don't have one on the down low, but I didn't find it. Oh well. So I figured people are tired of the Space Channel 5 videos so I decided to go for a different video game. This one was stuck in my head. Mainly because I haven't played it in oh so long. This is the opening of Bloody Roar 4. I think that is one of the most interesting video game concepts. Humans turning into weird animal human hybrids. That would be so cool. Well anyway enjoy the opening. Sometimes what's best isn't what is the easiest thing to do, but you can suck it up and do it or sit there and hope it works out.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Last Saturday of the 2nd month

Yep tomorrow is the end of February and I could not be happier. Like I said once I get past February the rest was all down hill. March doesn't have nearly as much stuff to do. I'm not moving my stuff to a new apartment or helping to start up a new store from scratch. Plus I get my first Saturday off in 3 weeks in March. Plus March means SPRING!!!! Plus it also means we lose an hour over the weekend, but still it's worth it for warmer weather. Oh that reminds me last night I have no clue what was going on in the apartment above me. I just heard this "Oh God!" "Oh My God" and a lot of panting. Now to me it sounded like the people upstairs were having sex. I mean I've watched quite a bit of porno and that's what the panting sounded like. My room mate said no it sounds like she's crying. So now we are wondering who's right and if we need to do something. The downside to not having x-ray vision is you can't see what's going on in the apartment above you. Now she could have very well been crying. She could have been crying because her cat just died. She could have also been crying because she was being beaten, but I didn't hear anything that sounded like that. I still think they were just having wild sex. Then this morning me and my room mate saw the guy cleaning out his car. Yeah it was weird because it was like 25 degrees outside. Plus he had the car running which was also weird. Typically whenever I clean out my car I don't leave it running and I do it on a warmer day. Yeah my apartment building gets weirder and weirder the longer I live in it. My room mate is so lucky that he's done with his old apartment. I still have to pay one more month on mine. Yeah it's not fair at all. The annoying thing is I can't stick it to the landlord before I leave by like busting the pipes or spray painting the side of the building. The guy would deserve it. Curse you sense of justice and not wanting to do things that I know I'll get caught if I do. So I bet you can't guess what I have stuck in my head. That's right Space Channel 5 part 2. Well this one for some reason started playing in my head today. This is where you meet up with Space Michael (voiced by the late great Michael Jackson). It's funny to watch the dance battle because it's like watching a bunch of Michael Jackson impersonators going at it. Plus he says Ulala kinda funny. Sounds like You-la-la. The first part is just Ulala saving some cheerleaders and that's the part that's stuck in my head. I guess because I watched Wizards of Waverly Place last night and it was an episode about cheerleaders. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is If your feet are killing you then maybe you shouldn't give them knives to play with.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Yes and since it's Friday it means pizza night. YAY PIZZA NIGHT!! Plus it means tomorrow is the weekend. The weekend makes me happy. Honestly I have nothing planned for this weekend other then writing out my last rent check to my asshole landlord. Man can I not stand that guy. Probably should give him a 30 day notice as well as the rent check. I mean I gave him like a 60 day notice, but I'm not taking any chances. The last thing I need is for him to say oh you didn't give me any type of notice. You have to pay for April. Man I can't stand that guy. I seriously will be over joyed once I'm out of his grip. I'm also glad that the Olympics are finally over. I seriously don't care who gets a medal for what or who got disqualified or who did what. I am not a sports guy. Also means I can finally watch the Today show again which I prefer to Good Morning America. It just makes me laugh more. Did a chest workout last night as well. Yeah that was fun. I also slept really well I think. I think it's because of this stuff I took before going to bed. Helps to produce more growth hormones. I did have quite a few people stop in at the store which was nice. Helped the day fly by. That and I was playing a game that helped the day fly by. So since I'm still kinda on a Space Channel 5 buzz I thought I'd bring to you the finale for the 1st game. This video features your battle with Evila and the big bad boss. Forgot what his name was. Think it was big. Anyway it's just a fun little finale. I will say that if I was to play the original I probably couldn't get 100%. Well there here you go. Today's tip is if your going to ask a tall person "how's the weather up there" make sure you carry an umbrella because the will say it's raining.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Almost the weekend

That's right it's almost the weekend which means it's almost pizza night which means it's almost Saturday which means I'm one week closer to my Saturday off. We just did the schedule for next month and I get the 1st Saturday off. I'm perfectly ok with that since I honestly need a bit of a vacation. Yesterday was a good day for sales. Had a lot of people come in and some good sales. That makes my day go a little bit faster. Well again I was watching Good Morning America because I refuse to watch Today until they stop covering the Winter Olympics because honestly I hate the Olympics. They were talking about the killer whale incident at Sea World. I kinda knew what happened because of twitter, but I watched it anyway. Nothing about the report really got my attention until I heard that the animal had been involved in 3 deaths. Ok now I'm thinking some logic should have kicked in. After the 1st death yes that's a fluke we just need to be more careful around him, but after the 2nd you'd think that they'd pull him from the show and maybe have him in the observation tank or something. I mean I know that killer whales rarely go after humans and that they are probably accidents, but after two deaths I think that means that you need to keep people away from him. For there own safety. Or maybe return him to the wild....oh wait actually that's not such a hot idea because it is a domesticated animal and probably wouldn't survive. My point is that there should be something done. I don't think that he should be put down because like I said I think they were accidents, but I do think he needs to not be in shows with trainers. That to me just seems like your opening yourself to a lawsuit. Luckily I think the family isn't going to press the matter, least the sister isn't and is actually pushing to keep the whale alive. So just keep him in the observation tank or something so something like this doesn't happen. Then after that story they were talking about is there such thing as Sexual Addiction. Now I will just say this about that. I think we wouldn't be having this discussion if so many celebrities weren't claiming it and it wasn't getting so much publicity. I don't know if it's real or not. I don't know if it's simply a compulsion and not an addiction. The way one guy described it I was a sex addicted, which I know I'm not. Like I said not sure if this would be a debate if it hadn't been getting so much press lately. So this video is from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Lately I've kinda had a song from the musical episode stuck in my head. If you never saw that episode it was a funny one. It kinda answered my question about musicals. In it this demon makes the town a musical. There are songs starting everywhere. Doesn't sound to bad huh? Well except for eventually everyone will burst into flames from all the dancing. I just remember a scene where someone was walking down the street and you saw all these separate music numbers going on. Oh and about the subtitles. Couldn't find this video on youtube so I had to google search it and this is what I got. Today's tip is apparently naming your child me can lead them to be narcissic. Who knew?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last day of sleeping in

Well not the last day, just the last one this week. Tomorrow is a banking day and that means I need to be there early to help with the deposit. I also have to be there Friday for payroll, but I must say these last two days have been nice. Seems to put me in a better spirit. Here's hoping that someone comes in today. It just hasn't been that great of a week for sales. Doesn't seem like a lot of people are out and about. I think it's because everyone is sick of winter and doesn't want to venture out until it's finally spring. I mean it seems like it's the longest winter of my life. Well there are just 4 days left in February and then spring is March 20th apparently. I always thought it was the 21st, but the calender says 20th. Anyway yesterday I had a cathartic blog post. No not here because it had to deal with personal issues, but it was a post somewhere else. Anyway the blog was about my ex and how I still felt a lot of anger there. After writing the post I think I was able to finally move on. Seems like it helped cut the final thread of that relationship. For me writing things out is a good way to get my thoughts out. I rarely go back and read my blog posts. Mainly because I'm trying to remove the clutter from my mind. Once I remove it seems like my life can move on better. I tend to hold onto things far longer then I should, but once I write it I seem to move on from it a bit. Now some things it's fine to hold onto like a funny family moment, but anger and frustration not so much. Crime doesn't pay, unless you get paid to take people's stuff.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New morning

So instead of having to get up as early as I usually do on days when I have to work the new store I get to sleep in a little bit. Like an hour, but that means a lot to me. There are days where I still have to go in early, but sleeping in at least 2 days out of the 5 weekdays means a bunch. I however did get up in time to see a story that made me say what the hell. I'm sure you all know about the suicidal man that crashed into the IRS building in Austin, Texas. Well his daughter apparently had a comment saying that her father was a hero and that people will listen now. Now I of course got really pissed for several reasons. 1. That is my home state. 2. How is being a kamikaze pilot heroic. That man could have killed far more then he did. So then I said ok wait a second maybe his daughter is pretty young and just didn't realize what her dad did. Well the daughter looks like she's 30 and is living in Norway. Lucky for her because if she was living in the US she'd have a literal ton of hate mail and death threats and would need a bodyguard 24/7/365. She then later retracted that statement and said her father was not heroic in what he did and felt bad for what her father did. I think her mom called her up on the phone and said she had clearly lost her mind. I mean I can't imagine ever calling someone that does something like that heroic. Not even if that building was full of nazis and racist and known terrorists. For the simple fact that the building could have fallen over and crushed tons of innocent people. I just know if I was the daughter I would fly back over here and apologize to every single one of those IRS workers, to everyone that was near that building when her fathers plane hit, and do tons of community service to make up for saying such a horrible statement. I even retweeted the Good Morning America article about it. Like I said it just makes me sick that anyone would say that. Oh and for those keeping notes. I did actually work out yesterday and will probably do it again. I think I'm now that guy that has to work out a certain number of times a week to feel decent. It's probably because I'm finally seeing results and I want them to get better. Tomorrow I am taking off though since it's my comedy night. Today's video is one from the game space channel 5 part 2. Note that it is not me playing. I never had the game. I just had a demo version that let you play part of the 1st level. I don't know why I like this scene so much. I guess because you know that would so never happen in real life. Or because it's just the big finale. Either way I love it and I actually have just the audio on my MP3 player and I do listen to it. If I was to get the game now I'd do pretty well since I have the audio for every single level unless they change it from play to play. Anyway enjoy the cheesiness. Today's tip is when kicking a ball on the ground make sure it's not of the bowling variety and that it's actually a ball.

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's down...yet again

Well I should say it's down still. The wireless network I normally use at work is still down. I really think that the nail people haven't been paying their bill or just don't get that something is wrong and need to call someone. Like I said they don't speak English well. So I'm here internet less. The worst part is when I'm at this location all day. Today I get to go to the new store which has a working wireless network. Yeah it's annoying. Maybe they blocked me out. Nah that can't be it because I'm connected I just have no internet. Better be fixed by tomorrow because there are somethings I'd like to be able to do on the internet. Such as pass the time by playing games or reading news article or tweeting. Anyway I was watching Good Morning America and they had some more clips of the Tiger Woods apology which lasted 13 minutes apparently. They had a friend of Tiger's saying he was quite emotional during the speech. Which is funny because to me looked like there were no emotions at all. The friend did raise a good point though. We don't know Tiger very well. He apparently isn't an emotional guy. I'd kinda like to point out all the moments we've seen him happy, and that time we did see him cry on someone's shoulders publicly, but let's go with it. Let's say Tiger isn't an emotional. No one would know him like his mother. As far as I know the mother didn't really give a response either way. Just gave him a hug after it. Didn't look like she could see he was very sincere. That makes me stick to my he's a robot and I'm not so sure he's learned from what happened. Well I'll just keep watching. Another news story that got my goat was about a boy in Pennsylvania who was being spied on by his school. They apparently took screen caps and pictures of him while he was surfing the web. He was then approached by the assistant principal and was told that he was suspected of selling drugs. Now here is my thing. Shouldn't the school have said something about the laptops. Shouldn't they have told the parents, "What your son or daughter does on a school laptop will be monitored." The school's defense was that they do it to find stolen laptops. Ok fine I understand that, but let's say that your system gets hacked. A pedophile then takes pictures of all your students with these laptops and knows where they go to school and can now stalk these students. That to me just seems really irresponsible. If the parent signs something saying they understand that their child is being monitored then ok it's an agreement and there is no way to get out of it. What is sounds like is that the students just sign their name saying they are checking out a laptop and they check it out. So like I said my beef is with the school and for them not educating the students and parents that the laptops are monitored. I just know that if it was my kid I'd sue the school for putting my child in possible danger without my knowledge along with the privacy thing. I mean what if they set the laptop down take a shower and come out partially naked and the camera takes a picture then. I mean either way it looks bad for the school. The annoying thing is they'll probably just get a slap on the wrist for it. Which reminds me I had a weird ass dream last night. Basically I quit my job and went to one of those employment agencies. I had a job with some company, but I like never showed up for work or I didn't show up during the holidays, anyway so there was this sheet I had to fill out because I saw someone else do it, but they filled mine out already. Then somehow I'm at this carnival and I go to live in Mexico because I couldn't find a job (yeah I know the perfect place to go for a job). I find a place I can rent for six months and some how manage to afford a car. I then get pulled over by a cop who happens to be my former college room mate (who wanted to be a doctor then changed to graphic design). Then somehow I'm working for Satan and I give him this vile that has my former room mates DNA which he uses to make an army of clones to rule the world. I could fly at that point somehow. Yeah weird dream.Today's tip is if an offer is too good to be true it probably is. If an offer is too terrible to be true who cares it's a terrible offer.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's that day again

That's right it be sunday again. That means that tomorrow it will be Monday and that means work again. Yesterday was a pretty decent day. It was snowing so not as many people came in as I would have liked. Oh when I got my pizza for some reason the guys at Toppers gave me an extra pizza. I thought they were just giving it to me because I was like the 50th customer of the night or something, but there was a slice missing. I think they had it returned and were eating it and put it under mine and gave it away accidentally. So I got a free pizza. Meant to write about it yesterday, but I was side tracked with the lack of internet. Still don't know what's going on with that wireless. If it doesn't work monday then I know something is wrong. I of course can't fix it since it's not the wireless for the office. It's at a place down the hall. They don't speak english. Wouldn't be shocked if they didn't pay the internet bill. So annoying. Too bad I don't have one of those wireless modems that you take anywhere to get internet. I also worked out last night. Can't keep a low body fat if I don't keep working out. I also talked to my Ex. Mainly because I was feeling a lot of anger. Mainly about how I was treated during the relationship and the break up. It ended up being me just saying that I'm more muscular then when we were going out and I weigh more while my Ex just told me about all the money being made. I think yeah I'm officially done with my Ex. Well again I felt like a good laugh. This video is called Parle a Ma Main. It's french and I can't put the correct accents on the correct letters. Anyway it's a funny video because we all know the girls that act like this. They think they are all that and have abbreviations for everything, but we also know the guys that think they are cool and try to score with every girl. Even if you don't understand french, you can get what's going on. Like I said it's a funny video mainly because there is cross dressing. Today's tip is practice makes perfect, but since no one is perfect they should say practice makes less crappy.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It happened again

So the wireless internet is down again at the main office. I swear it goes down at least 5 times a month. So I have to use the office computer to do my blog. Luckily my boss doesn't mind since it's 1. the weekend and 2. we rarely use the computer anyway. Well yesterday was a pretty decent day for me. Actually had some people come in and bought stuff. I treated myself to Toppers pizza and watched a movie. I didn't work out last night since I had just worked out two nights in a row. I will work out tonight though. Can't keep my figure if I just sit and do nothing. Especially the way I eat. Not good for anyone. Now I'm just trying to figure out why I can't sleep through the night anymore. Now I will say that is a sign that my depression might be coming back. I have been feeling weird lately. Well it's my depression coming back then I will be ok because spring will be here soon. It could just be that my sleep patterns are being messed up for some bizarre reason. Maybe I need to take something before going to bed. I still haven't heard Tiger Woods' apology. I probably should, but then again I really couldn't care less if he means it or not. I guess I just like seeing people fail publicly that way I can point out all the things they did wrong. Well that isn't healthy is it? Oh well it's what the tabloids do...and all other news medias. Well tomorrow I'm going to have quite a bit to do. Should be fun...not. I can't stand the fact that I only get one day off a week, but then again I did bring it upon myself. I guess I should also do some of this stuff during the week like laundry. Think I might also take a nap sometime tomorrow. Should be fun. So I have this song stuck in my head for two days now. It's the song Ain't Got Rhythm from Phineas and Ferb. I don't know why it's been in my head lately. I haven't heard it in awhile, and I haven't been watching the show. I guess I have been eating their fruit snacks, but still. Anyway if you've never seen Phineas and Ferb, then you didn't know that each episode has it's own musical number. This particular episode had 4 in it. This of course being one of them. So enjoy the song and I hope it doesn't get stuck in your head like it did mine. Today's tip is with friends quality is better then quantity. Don't let someone try to take away the good ones you do have.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wow I'm not fat

That's right I found out today that I'm not fat. Yeah I know you can usually tell if your fat or not, but I just got measured. My body fat is below 5%. Yeah so not fat. *Throws a little party* Anyway yesterday was kinda a weird day. Didn't feel like a lot of people came in, but the sales were pretty darn good. Just didn't feel like a lot of people came in. Here's hoping that tons of people come in today. I need a lot of people to come in today. I'm kinda on a buzz. I've kinda got the feeling I was leaning out. I don't know I think it was my body getting competitive. What I mean is that someone came in a few weeks ago and his body fat was down to 5%. Now the guy is older then me so I guess subconsciously I tried to beat him. Or maybe the stuff I'm taking to get bigger is actually leaning me out. Or it could be stress. Well I'd like to have more muscle mass at my current body fat. Well at least I don't feel fat anymore. Thought my weight went up though. Oh well. Which reminds me yesterday I seemed to be having a lot of internal monologues. Yeah I don't know why. The weirder part was that After Dark was playing in the background. Anyway the internal monologues were just basically things I might focus on on my blog. Or on my new blog which is private and for thoughts that well I don't want to air here. Anyway I kinda needed that blog because I've learned if I hold things in then well they come out in very destructive ways. Plus I get really mean when I don't express myself. So that's why that's there. That happens to remind that Tiger Woods is going to speak today. He's just going to read a statement with no questions. Yeah that seems like the stupidest PR move ever. Him not answering questions is what got him in trouble in the first place. I still say that if he had just talked to the police about the accident instead of being secretive then no journalist would have bothered to investigate and found all those women. Now he doesn't want to take questions at his public apology. Makes it seem staged and like he's really not all that into it. Well I won't get to see him apologize because I'm at work. So I'll have to watch the news clips and figure out if I think he really means it. Just goes to show that hiding stuff when your in the limelight is nearly impossible. Especially something as big as 14 mistresses. Or was it 15 in the end. Either way I don't really care. Never cared for Tiger since I hate golf. He wasn't a hero to me so I really didn't care when he fell from grace. I just saw it coming and tried to say hey dude don't do that. Today's tip is having an internal monologue is perfectly normal. Having an external monologue that isn't in a play not so much.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

That much closer to the weekend

Yes and aren't we all so happy about it. Last night I just kept tossing and turning and I don't know why. When I went to bed I was all tuckered out, but I woke up at like 2:30 and didn't seem to go to sleep. It was just weird. My day at the shop went pretty well. More people came in then before. So that brightened up my day. Would have been brighter if everyone that came in bought something. Anyway other then that my day was pretty simple. I was going through the mail and we got some questionnaire from a congressman and one of the questions asked if we should make illegal immigrants citizens. Ok who thought this was a good Idea. I mean seriously. The big word in illegal immigrant is ILLEGAL! Why should they have more of a right to become a citizen then the people that fill out the paperwork to become a legal immigrant, who then waits the correct time to then apply for citizenship. How is that fair to them. Just because assholes out there want to pay cheap ass wages to illegal immigrants, then don't want them deported because they are a "good worker" so they try to push for citizenship. Ok news flash if they become a citizen then guess what. YOU HAVE TO PAY THEM MINIMUM WAGE AND THEY'LL BE LIKE ANY OTHER WORKER YOU COULD HIRE IN THE US! That is what really annoys me. They want to keep the illegal immigrants because they can pay them beans then when they get deported want to scream and cry foul and try to get them to become a citizen. Like I said they don't realize that they then now have to pay them minimum wage and have to report them as employees. Like I said this issue shouldn't even be a question. If they love this country so much they can fill out the proper paper work and get here like everyone else. If not then you get deported. It's the law. It would happen in any other country so why is ours different. I can't sneak over to Canada and expect to become a Canadian because I work for some company. Like I said it just annoys me that the question is coming up. Which also reminds me I've given up using the word "hate" for lent. Why that word? Because I use it a lot. Least recently. I did this before when I was cussing too much. I made a deal with myself where I did negative reinforcement every time I said something like ass, bitch, bastard, and so on. It worked I actually stopped much. So I'm giving up using this word for lent (which is really hard). Yeah I didn't have to give up anything, but hey never hurts to give something up for 40 days. So while I was working out one of my favorite songs came on. It's called After Dark by Asian Kung Fu Generation. I absolutely love this song, which is funny because I hated it at first. It's another opening for Bleach. The 7th one if we are getting specific. I mainly like the song so much because of the music video. I mean when you watch it the title seems to make sense. I can't speak Japanese, but I think I got the gist of it. So here is the music video for After Dark. Please enjoy. Today's tip is forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. -Michelangelo of the ninja turtles.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's that famous humpday

On top of that I have to go over to the new store which shockingly was busy yesterday while I was at the old store. I swear everyone knows when I'm there and refuse to come in. Yeah that's not annoying as hell. Why can't people come down and visit the store while I'm there. I only get caught up with playing on the internet. Like I said seems like they know when the owner is there. Granted he said he just had a lot of talkers not so much a lot of buyers. Well it's more then I ever get. Yesterday also ended in a good note since I got a free dinner. Free dinner is good. Also got to play some stuff on the new Wii Fit. I've never played anything on Wii Fit because well I don't think that a game system should be paired up with fitness. To me that just seems like the ultimate laziness. I don't feel like going to the gym or going for a walk so I'll just play on this game system and do what it says. Oh and what is with people and bsing. You know how some people just seem to talk and talk, but when you listen your like that doesn't sound right. Well apparently one of our customers got rid of the "muscleheads" at one of the gyms. Yeah it already sounds like a load of crap. Why would gyms get rid of their "muscleheads". Especially this gym which seems to cater to them. Not only that but the owners are ones as well. Not to mention they have a rep of selling steroids/doing steroids. Must say I'd be afraid to go into one of those gyms for the simple fact that I don't need someone getting all roid ragey on me or trying to push steroids on me. Anyway back to this guy. I mean this guy is one of those guys you just don't really want to trust. He goes on and on about how he helps his nephew get in shape and how he can bench 230 lbs and how he helps young boys int he gym. Plus he's allergic to EVERYTHING! Also doesn't seem to ever work, but now is suddenly a director. I just wish if someone was going to try to push bull shit on me they at least push some good stuff. You know somewhat believable. Oh and that reminds me. I've been wanting to post this pic I took for awhile but I keep forgetting. I was moving some stuff around in my room and Well I did this. The only grass pokemon to become a ninja from the village hid... on Twitpic If you know your pokemon and watch Naruto you find it funny. If not you just find it cute. So I felt like I'm in a good mood today so I uploaded a song that well makes me feel good. It's called Hare Hare Yukai. It's from an anime called The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. This is concert footage of the song sung by the voice actors from the show. Now yes it's obviously lip synced, but you try doing all those dance moves, while singing, and not sounding like you just ran a 30 mile race. I mean this was the final song. They've been dancing around the whole show. This was by far the most intense dance number there. So I really don't fault them. Anyway enjoy it. It always brings a smile to my face. Today's tip is after partying hard at mardi gras make sure you have tons of tums, pepto, advil, and a sick day from work.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

9 days left

Then it's off to a new month. A month that will hopefully bring a hell of a lot more warmth. I can honestly say this has been the longest winter of my life. I thought time moved faster the older you get. I'm sure it's been a long winter for other people too. Like those on the east coast. I seriously wonder what summer brings though. Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. When I went to the new shop a lot of the ice had been plowed and melted and when I went home it was almost all but gone. Today is suppose be a nice day. Sunny and what not. Tomorrow suppose to bring a small flurry that's not suppose to stick (again while I have to do more driving then usual). I also got a dinner invitation tonight so no quick pasta or frozen dinner for me. Least tonight anyway. Oh I was watching Good Morning America and they were talking about this case where a father could be in jail for 6 months because of contempt of court. Ok on the face doesn't sound news worthy, but apparently it's because he took his daughter to church. Apparently he had a court order that whenever he had his daughter that he can't go to church because the mother wants the daughter to be Jewish and all this other stuff. The whole time I'm just thinking what the hell? I thought courts weren't suppose to mess with anything that has to do with religion. I mean shouldn't that be something between the parents. Then I come to find out that the judge is Jewish. So before I got all up in arms about it I realized that well how are you not going to find a religiously unbiased judge. Can't get a christian one because then the mother will say oh he's just getting a judge that will side with him. Pretty sure an atheist judge wouldn't care and say do with it what you like. The point is that I swear some courts are getting way too involved with some things. I mean it would be one thing if the father was a devil worshipper or was taking the daughter to a nazi colt meeting, but no he's taking the daughter to church. As far as I know I think that's suppose to be a place that teaches tolerance (to an extent). Wouldn't that be a good thing? Today's tip is if your coffee needs sugar dip a girls finger in it since they are 1/3 sugar. Oh and keep salt away from boys.

Monday, February 15, 2010

And it snows...again

So yesterday was a pretty nice day here in Wisconsin. Well I should say in my area of Wisconsin. It was one of those days when it looks like spring is almost here and everyone gets all excited. Then it got cloudy and by 6:10ish it was snowing. I go out this morning and my car was white when it was suppose to be gray. I have to leave so early in the morning that the road conditions are terrible. I mean I turned and actually was sliding. Lucky for me I got a hold of the car and it didn't hit anyone. Man I can't stand the snow now. It's been long enough. Anyway yesterday I just went shopping and moved more stuff around. Didn't do anything fancy. For me it was just another Sunday to get stuff done. As for today it's just living on the road. I swear it takes way too long for stuff to get plowed and salted. Most people leave early in the morning so should the roads be relatively clear by then? So I have to go out in that at about 11:30 to open up the shop and be cold for like 5 hours. Of course tomorrow is suppose to be clear along with the rest of the week. I just wish it wouldn't snow on my days to work at the new store because I have to do a lot more driving that day. It scares the hell out of me. So I felt like posting the opening for Bleach. Again it was just because I felt like it. This is the 4th opening called Tonight Tonight Tonight. It's one that changed every time it aired. Trying to find a specific picture is always tough. So I just found one that played well and posted it. Oh and yes they are singing in English, but it takes a long time of listening to it to figure out what they are saying. Enjoy it. Today's tip is if you hide your number from a caller id, don't be shocked when no one answers your call.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's V-day

I'm still trying to figure out if I'm anti-V-day or still for it slightly. I say this because well for 21 years straight I never had anyone for a Valentine. Kinda makes the holiday an annoying one. No one wants to be single on the day for couples. So eventually I got really cynical about it, but after my stay in the hospital kinda not so anymore. Now I do hate how it's so commercial and stuff. It always makes it sound like the rest of the year you can blow off unless it's a b-day or anniversary. Plus I swear guys always seem to think they are going to score today. Tons of guys came into the store yesterday to buy male enhancement. Well if it makes the wife and/or girlfriend and/or boyfriend happy then go for it. At my store however only had a few visitors. On the plus side I did see Wolfman. The sad part is that I swear the sour patch kids at the theater made me sick. It was the same type of sick I get whenever I lose a lot of blood which was the weird part. Maybe I was feeling sympathy pains for all the people that lost limbs and organs and stuff. Will admit that I thought it would have ended differently. Plus I would have thought the werewolf would have been more well wolf like then man like. Well come to think of it, I think it's a remake of an old movie and that's kinda what the werewolf looked like. Probably wasn't as graphic though. So today I have/got a lot of stuff done. Plus I work the new store again tomorrow. Should be fun... if people show up that is. Which reminds me I hear it's not looking good for Canada. Apparently their women's hockey team won 18-0 in their match with some other country and people are pissed about it. I can understand why. I mean that's like the highest score I've ever seen in hockey. You'd think that after the first half they'd say yeah we only need to score maybe one or two more times. Guess that's what happens when you let Canada host the Olympics. They think it's their time the shine and tend to not care about their rep. On the day of lovers do not forget that dining and dashing is still a crime.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today will be good

One way or another. Yesterday no one came into the store so my boss' daughter made us a craigslist. That was cool. I mean I could have made one, but honestly I've never used craigslist. I have used twitter and I have used facebook. I know how to do stuff on those sites, so I guess it makes sense that we ask someone else for help on a site that they know better. Here's hoping it brings people in. She said the worse that could happen is they take it down. Plus tonight I shall be watching Wolfman. Should be fun because I get to watch it for free. When I watched Avatar at the theater I'm going to it died in the middle of the showing and they fixed it, but gave me a free ticket. So that's why I'm all excited to go see it. I kinda want it to happen again so I can see another free movie. Of course when I think about it basically seeing Avatar in 3-D basically cost the price of two tickets. Probably the only reason why we got the free tickets. I bet a lot more has to happen during a 2-D movie before they give out one of those tickets. Oh and the winter Olympics started. Ask me how much I care. Yeah I don't. I really can't stand any form of Olympics. I'm not really a sports guy. Plus I really don't get it. I mean it would be one thing if like the nation that wins the most gold gets a portion of their debt with other countries settled. Yeah then I might be interested, but again that's just me. I just realized that the summer Olympics will be held in 2012. Again I find that funny. Plus I heard that a Luger died and they didn't postpone the opening ceremony. Heard the track was pretty dangerous, but of course the officials aren't blaming the track even though there have been tons of crashes in the training runs. So far they are off to a great start. Heard the opening wasn't all that great either. I worked out and watched Ben 10 Alien Force instead of watching the opening. Yeah apparently the most developed part of me is my back. Yeah that's great. I have a great area that I can't even see. Yeah that's not frustrating. I'd pay for a good front and a so so back. I also swear my body fat has dropped again. Maybe it's just my mind. I'll be measured in about a week or so, so we'll see. Today's tip is no one is an expert at everything. Never be afraid to ask for help. Unless the expert is an expert in fear.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The day's are getting longer

Which is a good thing because I hated going home when it was dark. Least when I'm leaving the building there is still some light out. The joy of getting close to spring and daylight savings time. I will say I won't enjoy the fact that I've lost an hour. Got a good arm workout yesterday and did a short ab one. I think every night I'll do a short ab workout. Seems like all of a sudden I'm seeing something there. I get to work the new store today and tomorrow. Which is always fun because it's all about trying to find something to do for 6 hours. Trying to get more people to stop in right now because it's new and just opened up. On the plus side I plan on going to see Wolfman. I have this weird fascination with werewolves. I think they are a lot more fun then vampires. Oh and no I don't put myself on team jacob because I hate twilight and think it's a crappy movie. It's basically Harry Potter all over again except with a bunch of teenage fan girls instead of elementary age fan girls and teen girls. I just realized I didn't see anything on the news today that got me up in arms. Well there was republican hypocrisy again, but that's getting old. We know that the republicans love not practicing what the preach. Well at least for me it's pizza night. The only downside is I went to Wal-Mart to do my shopping and for some reason they don't care the four cheese version of the pizza I like so I got something that I thought wouldn't be too bad. Yeah it sucked ass. I for some stupid reason stocked up on the stuff so that meant that I had two weeks worth of the crappy pizza. Well I won't make that mistake again. The main reason why I went to Wal-Mart is to avoid that guy that loves to talk. He's so nosey and stops me from shopping. Here's hoping he's not working when I go there this weekend. If he does I swear I'm throwing the cart at him and running for my life. So I felt like doing another opening for an anime. If you've never heard of One Piece then clearly you weren't around anybody that had cartoon network for like 2 years. It was one of those popular animes that lost favor because the company that was dubbing it did a terrible job. It was one of those animes that had way too much stuff to be edited to have been done by 4kids. Anyway when funimation got a hold of it they did a better job, but by that time the fad was over and they stopped showing it, which is good for them because I think they are up to episode like 534 now in japan. Anyway this is the 8th opening I believe called Jungle P. Enjoy. Today's tip is there is no better joy then reaching a goal. Well maybe getting free money and/or free food.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Day fast approaches

No, not Valentine's day. I couldn't care less about that "holiday". I'm talking about spring. Only 17 more days left of February. Then it's March which means spring. Plus I think the whole nation is tired of this weird cold weather. I still say something is up if the weather is this off. Makes you wonder what in the world will happen in summer. Will summer be way cooler? Maybe it will be full of natural disasters. Who knows. I think that it's the Earth showing it is pissed off at us. Only time will tell. So the other day we had this guy come in and he was talking about one of our competitors. Saying that they're prices were way up there and mentioned that one of the workers over there was just flat out rude to him. He said that he use to work out and the clerk quickly responds with "No one likes a quitter." Yeah I know there is probably no employee handbook over there, but I'm pretty sure that should be one of those common sense rules. Don't insult the customer. Just makes me wonder how they keep staying in business if they are going to treat people that come in like that. I know I wouldn't want to shop there if the first thing out of the clerks mouth is something like that. Which reminds me suddenly all these teenagers are coming in asking about quick flushes because they have to pass a "piss" test. For like a straight week now. I'm of course thinking that if you wouldn't do what the test is for then you wouldn't have to worry about dishing out 30 bucks for a flush or that if it will work quick enough, and they all ask me if it works. How should I know if it works. I'm not some druggy that's always worried about passing a drug test. Go ask our competitors. They clearly have a lot of guys that need to pass drug tests.So again I'm in the Card Captor Sakura Mood. So I'm going to post the first opening for it. It's called Catch You Catch Me. This is an AMV someone made that takes the first few episodes of the show. I love this song, just because. It's weird. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is never underestimate the power of boredom. It can make even the smartest man do the dumbest things, and the funniest.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Man my days are busy

So I'm so late in posting because I had to go to a meeting earlier that was oh so much fun. There was yelling involved. A clash of personalities. So on and so forth. It took way longer then normal so I had to come over here in the middle of it. Then I had to do some receiving in that I shouldn't have had to do. Or could have done it yesterday. So that pushed me behind a lot. So now I'm trying to post this before I have to run to the other store that has no internet and be bored for 6 hours straight. Plus cold. I'll be cold too. Anyway I was watching the today show before I left and they were talking about how Nancy Kerrigan's father's death was ruled a homicide. This is not shocking considering how he died. Not to mention the son admitted to strangling him. The family is apparently shocked by this and think the person that did the autopsy jumped to conclusions without waiting for all the facts. I call bullshit on that. There is a limit to being supportive and just being in denial. I mean the guy has a history of violence. HE BEAT HIS EX-WIFE. He has a history of alcohol abuse. They had the ex-wife on the show and were interviewing her. Apparently after she was beaten by him the father came by saw all the damage that he caused and blamed it on the alcohol and walked off. Wow really you think that's the problem. How about the fact that the man is choosing to bring the bottle to his mouth and drink. I mean the guy should have been forced into rehab. I will say that based on how the family is acting I'm not shocked by the story from the ex. I think the family just doesn't want to admit that the son has a problem so they keep trying to pretend that it didn't happen. Oh well that's their choice. If he gets convicted you know they will say that the jury was unfair and didn't listen to all the facts. Yes the father had a heart condition, but the son STRANGLED HIM! His actions caused a reaction that caused the heart attack. Well I should say his actions caused the heart condition to act up which caused the heart attack. So I'll just let them live in their little bubble. Can only deny a problem for so long before it blows up in your it did.......moving on. Well got to run. Oh tip of the day. When push comes to shove is when wind comes to gale. Think about it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Only Day 2

It's only the 2nd day of a really long week for me. Yesterday the new store opened and I got the first shift. Was all nervous because well it's a new store. I didn't want to stray to far away because I might miss a customer. Plus I was paranoid about closing up. Plus it didn't help that it was snowing A LOT. Not a lot of guys came in, but did have a few. One even asked if I was a bodybuilder. Yeah that isn't an ego boost. It really wasn't because a lot of the things I told him seemed to be a real shock to him. For instance he didn't know that bodybuilders use a tanning solution to make sure they don't get washed out when they are on stage. Didn't know they used a posing gel. So him calling me a bodybuilder not so much an ego boost since well pretty sure he hasn't seen a lot of them. Pretty much was the highlight of the day. That and I was looking in the fitness magazines and some of the products and I see these before and after pictures and I must say like 95% of them look like they were retouched. I mean a majority of the time they are wearing the same clothes and have the same facial and body posture. Are we suppose to believe that after "14" days or a week that they would just choose the same clothes to wear and give the exact same facial expression or pose. I know that my dad saw something where they could spray on abs. Plus they could all be on some diuretic and special diet so they look even more ripped then normal. I guess it's because I always have to question what's in front of me. Well in comparison, when the cable guy came over and turned on the cable there was an infomercial for P90X. Now when I look at those before and after pictures I can believe they are a before and after photo. Some have a little different hair style. They aren't wearing the same clothes. They actually look different. Maybe I've said to much and now they can make a better fake before and after photo.Today's tip is life is like art. No two people view and interpret it the same. Unless their clones.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I had a busy weekend

The reason why I didn't post at all the past weekend was because I was moving. Started really early on Saturday. I didn't really have time to get the comp out and post something before I got started. If I did try then I wouldn't have finished when I did. Then on Sunday I didn't post because my new place doesn't have internet yet and all the other signals were secure. So I had to go two days without it. To make matters worse my new place doesn't have cable so I couldn't even watch TV. So needless to say I was a bored reck. Well not really bored since I had tons of stuff to move. Will say that relaxing and watching tv would have been nice. I got really sore after the first day. I should have taken protein and glutamine after I finished instead of eating, unpacking, then going to bed. Oh and I know what your thinking, I thought you couldn't get out of your other lease until March. Well that's true, but I did sign up for this place because if I waited then well I wouldn't have been able to move all my stuff in quickly since the new store opens today and I'm working 6 days a week the rest of this month. Plus this place comes with a room mate so that means less financial stress for me. Besides there was no way I could live in that place any longer with that asshole of a landlord of mine. Plus today the new store opens and guess who gets the first shift. Yep that would be me. Trying to do everything I need a comp for right now because there is a wireless signal there, but no place I can kinda hide away to play. Even if there was I wouldn't hear the customers since we don't have a bell. Oh and to make things better I found out that they are making a 5th generation of pokemon. How the hell can they do that? I mean they have seriously done everything. I'm surprised they managed to push out a 4th generation let alone a 5th. Well good luck with that. So like I said I didn't have tv set up at my new place, but I do have a dvd player. So I watched one of my DVDs. I watched Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan, which is something I watched when I was back at college. So I figured I'd post the 1st two episodes of the show. Now you should know that one episode is basically 15 minutes. So there are two episodes in an airing. Oh and after watching it if your still confused don't worry. The show does not make sense and is not meant to. Today's tip is life is constantly in motion. Either go with it or end up like a pancake like a cartoon character.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tempted to move to Canada

How often have you heard that someone wants to move to Canada if a certain person gets elected. Maybe that's something people in Texas say all the time. Anyway I was getting so frustrated with Republicans yesterday that I actually said I'm thinking about moving to Canada. I mean honestly they have universal health care. It's way more liberal then here in the states. I honestly would be in heaven....minus the way cold winters. I mean it just annoys the hell out of me that the republican party is being so dirty handed. They hired a guy to write their ads and tell them how they can stop this new jobs bill. He said ok call it another bailout (which it's not). People are sadly going to fall for it. Then come reelection time the republicans are going to say oh look the democrats did nothing instead of what they should be saying is I stopped the democrats from doing anything. They are the party of no. They refuse to compromise anything. Why should we fix health care it's just fine. We should be out there fighting everyone's war. We don't need to worry about what's going on at home. They want to go back to how it was with Bush who put us in this deficit, who let the banks and wall street do what they want that put us in this hole, and is the guy that got us involved in two wars (1 of which we had no business being involved in). The republican party seems to think that it's America's job to be the world police. They want us to take care of everyone else, but doesn't want to strengthen the home front. Just wish people would see that. I'm not saying that there aren't times when we should extend our help, but I'm saying right now we need to focus on US (get it. US looks like us but in's a pun). So lately I've felt the urge to watch the anime Cardcaptor Sakura. So I was going to post the opening for it, but after my rant about focusing on US (ha did it again), I figured I'd post the US version of the opening, even though the US version of it was pure crap. The original anime was 70 episodes, but they only showed 34 in the US. Mainly because there was homosexual crushes and age inappropriate romances, but if you were to watch it then it really didn't matter. Just enhanced the story. Not to mention they refused to go in any type of order. One week you'd watch the 5th episode then the next it was the first episode then the next it was the 12th. Anyway enjoy the opening. Today's tip is before getting into the tub you should test the water. The same isn't true if the tub is full of a highly potent acid.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I will never understand people

Just seems as I get older the more and more people confuse me. You'd think as you get older you wouldn't be so surprised all the time, but everyday there is something that makes me say, "What were you thinking"? For example I was watching the Today show and they were talking about the South Carolina governor's wife. I could look up the name, but well I'm lazy. Anyway she has a book out and in the book they point out a passage. The passage was about how in their marriage vows the former governor didn't want to put faithful in the vows. Now to anyone else that would have been a warning sign. What is the point of the wedding vow if not to show that they will be faithful. Like I said it was one of those what the hell moments. Well needless to say the man wasn't faithful. I think that guy has more issues then just that though. The other passages they pointed out in the book kinda showed that. They also had a friend of the wife's on and she said that he was always looking for her for support. Which also reminds me I was watching ABC comedy Wednesday and they are doing a special on the wife and they called it "The woman who didn't stand by her man." Does that just not sound like the wrong title for it. Why would she stand by the man that said he found his soulmate in Argentina. Why would she stand by the man that wouldn't put faithful in their wedding vows. It makes it sound like this woman should by standing by her former husband despite the fact that he was being a jack ass. Another example of a person I don't get. So this woman called up today and said she called a month ago about getting a product. She said she hadn't gotten a call. I said well the order hasn't been placed. She's like but it's been a month. I said well we only order from this company once a month. She says well I called a month ago. Yeah so it's time for us to reorder. The annoying thing is she refuses to come in to buy just one. We have one of the things that she wants on the shelves right now, but she refuses to come and get it. She's making it sound like she's in dire need of it. Well then come get the one we have on hand if you need it so bad. We aren't going to call this company up just for your one order. Not to mention we are trying to stock another store, but she didn't need to know that. Like I said I will never understand people.Today's tip is we all have someone that gets our goat. Word of advice. Stop putting your goat out. Of course someone is going to get it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This should be fun

Today is a big day and feels like I have some sort of stomach bug. That means I can't stand up for too long without feeling like I'm going to vomit. Why this couldn't happen tomorrow is beyond me. Just need to make it until about 3. That's when it will calm down. So far not so good. I go to open up and I was afraid I'd vomit right on the spot. I think my boss got me sick. His kids and wife were sick and now I'm starting to get what they had. That's just lovely. The big topic I want to tackle today is childhood obesity. I bring it up because I was watching Today and well they had the 1st lady on their and she was talking about it. If we want to stop childhood obesity then we need to get rid of regular obesity. If you show me a fat kid I can show you the fat adult that helped it happen. It also doesn't help that all these places are trying to get rid of recess. Hello that's a form of excersise. Plus they want to get rid of gym class because kids were getting teased or something like that. Well there goes another form of excersise. Our society has gotten to the point where we basicly are letting fat kids get fatter. They don't have to go to gym class because they can't run (because they are fat), and we don't hold the parents responsible. It's one thing if the parents are excersising with the kids and helping them eat healthy, but they are sneaking food from somewhere else. That's way different from having a parent that doesn't want to look for healthy food. Yes I get that you work late, but there are other fast food places besides McDonalds. Even if it is McDonalds they have healthy menu items. Your the parent show some authority. If you kid wants fries every time then don't get it to them if they are fat. I just think back to one of those day time tv shows I was watching. Think it was Maury. They had all these parents with fat babies. I mean toddlers that weigh the same as a 10 year old. One of the parents was like if I don't give him the food he wants he yells and throws a fit. IT'S CALLED A TANTRUM AND ALL KIDS THROW THEM! Instead of being the parent and saying no she just gives in and is helping to slowly kill her child. What makes it worse is that the parents will help their kid get fat until they finally realize oh shit my kid is really fat I need to do something. Then they go on the shows and get the kids to these boot camps or fat camps. Here is an idea DON'T HELP YOUR KID GET FAT THEN PAWN THEM OFF TO SOMEONE ELSE TO GET SKINNY BECAUSE IT'S TOO HARD FOR YOU TO DO. Well that's just how I feel about it. I'm sure there are others that agree with me on it. I don't know if you all remember this show called W.I.T.C.H. It was about these 5 girls who are suppose to gaurd this veil to keep two worlds at peace. Their names happen to form the word (you guessed it) witch. It was a half decent show. Didn't really watch the 2nd season since well it wasn't really advertised and it was never on at the same time from week to week I swear. Anyway this is the opening for it. Today's tip is a penny saved is not a penny earned, it's a penny saved. There is a difference between earning and saving.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

6 more weeks of winter

Yeah I don't know what the groundhog said, but guess what? There are approximately 6 more weeks of winter. Go look at your calender. It agrees with me. Springs starts the 21st of March I believe. 21st or the 23rd. Either way that's 7 weeks away. Meaning (you guessed it) 6 more weeks of winter. It's not like this groundhog seeing or not seeing its shadow causes the earth's axis to tilt faster. You don't see people in the southern hemisphere doing something like this in August. It doesn't magically make our summer shorter and make fall longer. Well that's just my two cents about today. A lot seemed to happen yesterday. Republicans are now opposed to everything they once were. I swear the only way to get things done for obama is to agree with something. I bet you if Obama hadn't pushed so hard for health care then the republicans would have passed it. I mean they are seriously acting like elementary kids. They don't want to play with the same toy as someone that's their "enemy" Just disagreeing to disagree. Also funny how they are acting like Bush never happened. I'm sorry but didn't we go from having to a surplus to a deficit in the 1st term of Bush, so no matter what it's Bush's fault. Then Scott Brown is like no the Tea Party had nothing to do with my win. I guess we all forget it's all about getting elected then it's like F you until the next election. Makes you want to make every single elected official in the US serve a 1 year term so they always have to stick with what they promise otherwise we get Joe Lieberman's running around blocking things because they know they are going to retire after this term. So the video I wanted to upload yesterday was another dance from the Super Sentai Series. For those of you that loved the Magical Sister's Dance a couple of days ago then you'll love this. This was the song that they were singing. It's called The Spell Advent and it was the ending theme for the Mahou Sentai Magirangers. I actually learned this dance and still remember parts of it. I showed my friends when I was back in college and well I freaked them out. They were mainly shocked that I could move my hips so well. Oh quick side note those outfits that they are wearing are what the "rangers" of that season wore the whole series. I suggest learning this dance then doing at parties when your friends are so drunk they won't remember. Today's tip is no matter what the groundhog says winter will last about 6 more weeks. Look at your calenders.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Great day...not

So today I can't get onto the internet using my computer. Yeah that's just great. I have to use the company computer while the boss is away. The wireless that I usually use isn't working. Plus when I try to use the ethernet cable I get limited to not connectivity. Plus I had to get here kinda early, but got a late start on some important stuff because a guy needed to talk to my boss. My nose is still being weird. I don't think I'm sick, but yet my nose is running like a faucet. Yeah not cool at all. Plus since I'm not on my computer I can't put in a video like I wanted to because the one I wanted to post is on my computer. I will have to see if my computer works with the internet tonight. I just hope it's the networks here and not my computer, because I really can't afford to get my comp fixed or afford a new one. We also got a huge shipment of stuff in. So today is just one of those days where nothing seems to work with me. Had another one of those want to complain about their discount again. I guess people have gotten into this mode where they are entitled to get a discount from our store when it was our choice to reveal that you can get a discount. Personally I would keep that on a need to know basis since everyone wants to try to take advantage of that. Not to mention some are just down right rude. Had a lady come in and right off the bat says I bet you don't have what I need. Ok first of all how do you know right off the bat. Your just assuming that we don't have what you want. You know what they say when you assume. You make an ass out of u and me. Honestly it's more of you make an ass out of yourself, but well they were being clever when they came up with that. Anyway so now I'm totally not on your side because we did have it. Then she wants a discount on top of that. Want to post a sign that says if you want your discount? Then don't be an ass. I don't know if it's just the winter weather or the bad economy or what. Well I better get back to work. Today's tip is keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That way you always have a human shield close by.