Friday, July 30, 2010

Ever get that feeling

You know the one where people are giving bad advice and don't care that they are doing it. Well that's the feeling I got when I popped open the new issue of this fitness magazine. I don't know if they were basing their calculations on a 240 lbs muscle guy or what, but I do know that the advice they are giving isn't truly helpful. Ok maybe if you are working out outdoors and in the hot sun then maybe, but not people that are working out indoors in an A/C filled gym. What am I talking about you ask. Well I'm talking about taking in water. Well any type of fluid in general. They say that you should drink 15-20 fl oz 2-3 hours before exercise. Then your suppose to drink 8-10 oz 10-15 minutes before you exercises. So in a 3 hour period your taking in at least 23 oz of fluid at minimum. Then while you workout your suppose to take in 8-10 oz of fluid every 10-15 minutes during exercise, but if you are exercising longer then 90 minutes you have to drink 8-10 oz of a sports drink every 15-30 minutes. Then after you workout your suppose to take 20-24 oz of fluid for every 1 lb lost so you weight before you workout and after you workout. You then are suppose to take a protein with 2 hours of exercise. Ok let's go through this if I was to go through my normal workout of about 45 minutes taking the minimum of fluid they require. So I take in 15 oz 2 hours before my workout. Take my 8 oz of my pre-workout 15 minutes before exercise so I'm up to 23 oz of fluid. At every 15 minute interval I'm suppose to take in another 8 oz of fluid, so that means 24 oz of fluid by the time I'm done so that's 47 oz of fluid. Now let's say that somehow I lose 1 lb (how I could taking in that much fluid at one time is beyond me. Honestly you'd gain weight) so that's another 20 oz of fluid. I'm now up to 67 oz of fluid. Plus I do need to take my protein shake and I use about 12 oz of fluid, but I'll lower it to 8 again so that's 75 oz of fluid I've taken in in about 4 hours and 45 minutes. Now honestly your suppose to take in a protein no later then 30 minutes after exercise to keep your body anabolic so really it's more like in 3 and 15 minutes. That's about 4.6875 lbs. So clearly let's take out that 20 oz for the lb I clearly wouldn't have lost. Now it's 3.4375 lbs. Tell me someone wouldn't feel bloated taking in 3.4375 lbs of fluid in 3 hours and 15 minutes. Now clearly yours suppose to take in more fluid throughout the day. You'd have so much water weight after following this plan. Even with the minimum like I did. This just proves you clearly need to be smart and figure out what works for you. I take in about 12 oz of fluid (my pre-workout) 30 minutes before my workout and drink water throughout my workout. Let's say 12 oz and I think that's being quite generous. Plus another 12 oz for my protein shake after my workout. That's 36 oz in about an hour and 30 minutes. I don't feel bloated afterwards and not so stuck on taking in a certain amount. Like I said I probably don't even drink 12 oz during a workout probably more like 8. But hey I'm taking in about 2.25 lbs of fluid and just drinking about 4 oz every so often throughout the day. Keeps me from feeling bloated or having tons of water weight. I can imagine I'd feel so bloated after taking in 8 oz every 15 minutes in a 45 minute period. Probably feel sluggish. So I think that calculation they have to make sure you stay hydrated is 1. for someone that is a lot bigger then me 2. someone that clearly is exercising outside where they might sweat a lot and 3. someone who's on creatine which takes out a lot of water anyway. Plus I can imagine you'd be peeing all the time which obviously doesn't help if you workout in the morning before work or at night. Yeah good luck with people that follow that advice. Today's tip is sometimes experts give you sound advice. Most of the time it's advice to make you paranoid and/or buy a product.

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