Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When did this happen

Apparently my blog is slightly popular now. At least enough that I'm getting followers and comments. I'm just shocked because I've been up for going on 7 months now and just now getting people to read. It's just shocking. Anyway enough of that. I don't know what is up with people at the gym I go to. Well I should say people that workout later in the day do this. I go to the weight room and there are the weight clips thrown down on the floor. Weights are not re racked. I mean some guys (and I'm sure it's the guys doing it) think they are so important that they can't re rack the weights. There are surveillance cameras everywhere in that gym. It's not like the manager or owner can't go through the tapes and see who's not re racking or cleaning up after they finish the equipment. So that wasn't a good start to the day. I will say though I did have a good workout despite that problem with re racking and weights out of order. Tomorrow is my day off, but I might do a small stomach workout. Just a few crunches and what not. Back to today I was watching Today and they were talking about Kyron's (that 7 year old Oregon kid that went missing) step mom. They had a criminal profiler talking. So they asked how would she profile the step mom and she's like well clearly since she was a bodybuilder and looked like she did steroids she's narcissistic. Ok I saw the picture of her 25 years ago. Yeah she look muscular, but not overly muscular where it was obvious she was doing steroids. She very well might have since it ws 25 years ago, but again doesn't look like it. Secondly just because someone is a bodybuilder doesn't mean they are narcissistic. I happen to know a bodybuilder (granted he is a natural bodybuilder) and he's a really good guy. Very loyal guy. Very family oriented as well. Now the guys that shoot up steroids to the point that they clearly doing things, then yeah maybe I could see how you'd say they are narcissistic. Those are the guys that leave their weights everywhere and never clean up after themselves, but don't say that just because someone is a bodybuiler means they are narcassistic and don't assume that every female bodybuilder out there is on steroids. There are those who get very fit naturally and aren't a step away from being called a guy. Ok this will be the last Yu-Gi-Oh abridged I post. Mainly because I think this is the last really good one plus I'm all caught up so I have nothing new to post with that one. Anyway this episode is where our heroes are heading towards the battle city finals when a ninja obessed movie star wants to marry Mai. Another good set of punch lines in this one. So enjoy. Today's tip is if you start a sentence with "If I was a mean person..." then you are one.

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