Friday, July 23, 2010

More thoughts

So while I was taking my protein after working out at the gym I started thinking. What is it with guys that buy supplements and girlfriends. What I mean is that they'll be a good customer that comes in every month, then all of a sudden they get a girlfriend and we are lucky to see them even once every six months. Now let's think about this. Clearly you got this girlfriend not only on personality, but also looks. Now that your not even buying a protein anymore how do you expect to repair the muscles after you workout. If your even still doing that. Staying fit and buff is a lifestyle choice. You have to make sure you hit the gym a certain number of times a week and make sure your getting the right supplements and nutrition to not only keep the mass you have, but also to gain. Now true guys have gotten buff by just eating right, but they usually go so much farther by taking a pre-workout that helps them last longer in the gym and push out a few more reps to get in that extra bit of growth. Then if you get a liquid protein in right away it makes sure that your body stays anabolic (muscle growing and fat burning) instead of catabolic (fat storing and muscle destroying). I see it all the time. A guy will come in say I'm looking for something to boost my workouts I give them a pre-workout get them to take a protein as well and in a month they look better. Plus not every body is alike. Some guys need a mass building protein to gain or even keep the muscle they have now. Others need just a regular protein. Your only cheating yourself changing your lifestyle for one person. What if you break up? Now you have to hit the gym twice as hard to get where you were. So why not just make sure you maintain while your going out with this girl? I guess I find it frustrating when I hear a guys goals and seem him fall short of them because a girl thinks he's spending too much money to make sure he reaches his goal. My boss told me about this one guy who use to spend like 200 bucks a month. He got engaged and she followed him in and as he was picking up stuff he wanted she's like "remember we are on a budget for the wedding". He left with I think just a protein and we never saw him again. I don't know if he's packed on a lot of weight or if he found a way to stay in decent shape, but I wouldn't be shocked if some day we see him again and he's put on quite a bit of weight and wants to slim down and get back to where he was. So on a different note. As I was waiting for squiby to work I got an e-mail from blogger mentioning the new status feature. So I of course had to try it. I found out some interesting things. 1. This blog is only slightly more popular then my old blog. 2. Most of my views are coming from  Luxembourg. That's right most of my views are from out of the US. I had 114 views from Luxembourg and 36 from the US. What does that say about me? Guess I'm more interesting as a foreigner then I am as someone domestic. Today's tip is if you constantly use the phrase "That's not what I meant" then clearly you need to work on your communication skills.

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