Saturday, July 10, 2010

And another day off for me

Yep yay. I'm off once again, but I have to help a friend move. Well more like I was pushed into it. I was volunteered to help. Always a good thing. I just got my haircut so when I fly back home my mom isn't pestering me. As for my replacement. Yeah I'm getting more and more worried about that. She's just over thinking everything and she's way too critical of herself. At least I got pizza for my troubles. 50% off on top of that. I got this coupon in the mail. We were the neighborhood of the week. Anyway it's awesome. It cost me $10.01 for a medium pizza and breadsticks. Anyway I'm done. Too tired and what not. Free time. Today's tip is getting a haircut is not the time to do your bobblehead impression.

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