Friday, July 9, 2010

Just a little late

I got side tracked with stuff. Like I said for the past few days I've been training my replacement and she is worrying me. After the first day I felt better, but after yesterday I was like maybe I shouldn't go on this vacation. She has come in a lot more and a lot longer then I figured so I haven't had any opportunity to open up my laptop and get on the internet. Anyway I had a good workout today. No weight hog and I got a compliment. This older guy that me and my workout partner met our first day there was in finally. We hadn't seen him in forever and we thought that maybe we scared him away or something. So he ended up talking to my workout partner and I went back to the weight room. I swear whoever works out last is a pig. They can not put anything back in the right spot. Anyway when I was doing drag curls I notice that the older guy is pointing at me. I saw it in the mirror. He was apparently telling my partner that I look really muscular. Ha funny. Now someone at the store said I looked bigger, but it was the autistic guy so I ignored it. Well I got another one today. It was from a personal trainer so I figured well it must be true. Even though I don't see it. I'm just a wreck about this replacement. I'm just worrying about it so much. She freaks out about every little thing. We had to write out step by step instructions. Just ugh... Today's tip is it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, but if they lose the other eye then it's back to fun and games.

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