Monday, July 12, 2010

There needs to be a moving check list

So like I said in the last entry I helped a friend move Saturday night and Sunday. Wow was this guy unorganized. You'd think someone with his red tape job would be a lot more organized. He told me and my roommate oh I don't have much stuff. The heaviest things will be the couch, mattress, box spring, and TV. Then I have a table and a bunch of boxes. Well we get there and of course that's not the case. He had night stands, pictures, a desk, a filing cabinet. Stuff that clearly he forgot about somehow. Now he rented a 10 ft Uhaul. He should have gotten a 14 ft one and we would have told him that if he was truly honest with us and himself. Plus he still had everything plugged in. Now this is not like we just stopped by and said we're ready. No this had been in the works for at least two weeks. Plus he had stuff in his storage unit he forgot to mention. So as we are moving stuff he's like oh I have a bike. Well don't you think you should have mentioned it before. Plus he had this huge ass heavy wall painting that he never hung up because it was so heavy and he's had it for 2 years. It was a gift. Well hate to tell you this, but clearly the person doesn't know if you have it or not. It was just a nightmare. Me and my roommate left fuming because he basically lied to us and didn't do a good job packing. So before we left we said we are coming back at 8. Load up your car so we can just leave. We get there Sunday at 8 and we can't get into the building. We call him and his phone is turned off. We check his car nope nothing. So he finally decided to turn on his phone and come check the lobby for us we had to spend an extra hour packing up his stuff. Plus throw out a desk for him. So we are now running an hour late. Half way there he calls up the landlady and leaves her a message saying we are an hour away. We get there and she's not there. Now to his credit it's not his fault. Turns out she was with the grandkids feeding ducks at the park 10 minutes away. So we happened to see his patio door is open so we just started unloading stuff. She comes by and asks if someone let us in. We said no the patio door was open. She didn't ask any other questions. Then during the whole unpacking thing my room mate was starting to get a low blood sugar and asked if he had anything to snack on. Nope didn't bring any food. Doesn't know where the vending machine is. So we finally get it all done and we are getting ready to go eat. All of a sudden he realizes he has to mail something so he needs envelopes. He combs through all the boxes can't find them then says oh well I don't have to mail it now. THEN WHY THEY HELL DID YOU LOOK FOR THE ENVELOPES! Plus I'm waiting in the hot car. Then he has to turn off the fan. So we finally leave to get food. That was fine then we go get gas. Now he realizes that he has to swept out the Uhaul otherwise there is a $25 fee. He of course doesn't bring a broom because the other place needs to be cleaned out. So he thinks maybe the gas station will have one he could use. They didn't of course so he just used that window cleaner. Then when he was trying to figure out where the Uhaul drop off was he puts it into his GPS and he gets two different locations so he had to go in to ask the attendant for a yellow pages. So we find this place and we have to drop it off and by this time me and my roommate are beat. We finally get home 2 hours and a half later and we are just exhausted. So this morning me and my friend were talking about artists that get really popular then fade into obscurity. One I happened to mention was the spice girls. Then I also brought up the fact that I think Posh Spice was added kinda at the last minute before they hit it big. I say that because if you listen to Wannabe you hear Mel B. name off the other girls and herself, but you don't hear her say anything about Victoria. She mentions M (Mel. C), G (Geri think that's how she spells it), E (Emma), and herself. Don't believe me? Well listen to the song yourself. That's kinda something I always suspected, but honestly I think the song confirms it. Today's tip is if you ask your friends to help you move and you haven't packed anything expect to owe them 2 children instead of one.

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