Thursday, July 8, 2010

Busy day yet again

So yesterday I had to train my replacement like I said. Plus I was in a shockingly good mood. Usually on Senior day I get annoyed because well some seniors are quite rude. Plus some are kinda out of it so they take forever to make a choice. So not only did I have that plus I had a trainee. That usually puts me in a not so good mood because I could be doing other things. I don't know what did it. I think it had to do with the first customer I had. I go in with my (at the time) fake smile because I had just finished ranting about being irritable. Eventually it stopped being fake. It could also have been the fact that I was so busy. So the day ended well. Plus I was feeling a bit better about my trainee so I think that relaxed some of my nerves. As for today I had to workout on my own because my workout partner said he was feeling kinda run down. So that meant I had to go by myself. Plus I woke up 5 minutes late. That may not sound like a big deal, but when I'm as time constrained as I am 5 minutes is a lot. I am suppose to be at the gym at 6:30 at the latest. Honestly that's even pushing it. It takes me about 7 minutes to get to the gym. Takes about 7 minutes to take all my pre-workout stuff and get dressed and ready. So that's 14 minutes right there. So in theory I should have even gotten there at 6:19, but of course I dragged for a bit trying to decide if I did want to go, plus I had trouble leaving the apartment parking lot because of all the cars so by the time I was on the road and moving it was 6:20. When I get to the gym it's like 6:30 plus I had to grab all my stuff out of my gym bag and start on my warm up. I'm really lagging. At the gym I notice the weight hog is there again. He's on the treadmill though. So I figured oh he's just going to hog that. Plus he started to go hard as I finished my warm up and moved to the back. So I'm back there and I hear someone talking really loudly and tons of beeping. Then eventually weight hog moves to the back with me and he's brought a friend this time. Now it seems weight hog has learned his lesson and is finally sticking to one exercise at a time. His friend not so much. His friend was worse. His friend takes his 35 lb dumbbells and does a bench press then moves to the front pulley machine then moves tot he leg press and repeats. Again I was very tempted to use the leg press just to piss him off, but again not going to ruin my workout because he's an ass. Hopefully weight hog saw how annoying that is and thought wow if I was doing legs or back today I would have to deal with this guy. Maybe he'll talk to his friend, maybe not. All I know is the mornings are starting to look really crowded. Not what I signed up for.Today's tip is when someone says don't try this at home, what they actually mean is don't try this at home and sue me because you were dumb enough to do this too.

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