Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ready for the weekend

Yeah it's that time of the week when I'm ready to kick back and relax. This week has been an interesting one since I came back from vacation Monday and worked that same day. Also had tons of ordering to do. Yeah don't think I'm going to go on vacation anytime soon and if I do I'm going to make sure I find a better replacement. Like the guy I had last winter. He was a good replacement. Plus today it's been raining. I get up to go workout and it's just pouring outside. So I figured wow this is the best time to workout because few people are going to want to go out in that. I was right. I got there and a lady was leaving. I was there by myself for about 30 minutes then a couple showed up, but again they weren't in my way. They did cardio while I was back in the weight room. My workout partner had to work this morning. I couldn't exactly spare today since I have 4 major workouts that require me to go to the gym and I don't plan on going on Saturday. I'm sure Saturday isn't as busy as I think it is, but I just don't want to run into the trainers. I'm not going to get up early enough to make it in the morning since it's Saturday and I usually sleep in just a bit. Plus going after work might be really busy. So that's why I just avoid it all together. Today I have to deal with trying to bring in this book case. It was suppose to be here yesterday, but the guy was lazy/thought he had more time. He had somewhere to be and therefore instead of getting it to the office early he put it off to the last minute. So now the office looks messy since we moved stuff to make sure we had room for the bookcase. I don't think we are going to get it today either since it's raining and I don't think it's suppose to let up. Today shall be an interesting day that's for sure. Today's tip is if you wear contacts make sure to put them in before you do an arm workout. Unless you like poking your eyes.

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