Sunday, July 4, 2010

Feeling better

Yeah yesterday morning I was kinda tired. I'm good now. After work my room mate felt like going for pizza so we went to a local pizza joint. Glad we did. For sure was better then trying to cook something. It also helped that I decided to check out the Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series. I watched the first episode and didn't think it was all that great, but I continued to watch it because I figured well it's better then just sitting there waiting for the network that my computer was connected to, to let me on the internet. I will say it for sure grew on me. It made me laugh a lot. The funny thing is that the Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series was made before the DBZ abridged. Plus it got posted a lot quicker then DBZ, but granted there are less people and no segways. Anyway I also found this game app. Zombie infection. Or something like that. It was fun. So today I'm posting an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series (shocker). This episode is number 15. It's right after yugi lost to kaiba. I love it because of the little spat between Mai and Tea. Plus there is the battle with Peagus and Kaiba. That's a funny exchange too. So enjoy. Today's tip is holding a fire cracker with the name pipsqueak as it goes off is a good way to lose a finger.

1 comment:

  1. Ah man this is the first post of yours I've read :)it takes me back a few years when I was drolling over this sort of anime all the time

    I loved Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, Dragonball/z/gt and obviously 'Chin' Pokemon. Really great stuff all part of my child hood really.

    I'll keep reading :).

    Heres my blog it's nothing special at the moment
    but it will focus on my interests and a business venture.

    Much lv
