Saturday, July 24, 2010

Work on Saturday

So I'm back to work on today Saturday. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm expecting at least two people to show up, but it's looking bad outside so I'm not sure if I'll see them. Yesterday was an interesting day. Started off pretty good. Pretty much no one at the gym. Even though that asshole left his 80 lbs dumbbell just laying on the floor for anyone to trip over. And the fact that it's getting messier and messier. When I got home I pretty much relaxed. Until my Yu Yu Hakusho Tournament's End dvd got stuck in the dvd player and it wouldn't spit it out. So I tried to unscrew the case to get to it. Yeah didn't work. So I'm freaking out and calling up my roommate. He says he'll check it out when he gets home. So after he got home he undid the correct screws to take off the case and fixed the problem. Yeah always helps having a helpful room mate. Other then that nothing really amazing happened. People were over stuffing the laundry machines as usual. There were kids running around per usual. The guy above me was stopping around per usual. Oh and in case your wondering why the crown is called Shilver it's because I swear that's what it sounds like when someone from Japan says silver. Least the one I listened to. Anyway today's video is Beauty and the Beast Jump 5 version. I like their version. Yeah that's pretty much all I have to add to that. Today's tip is when someone offers you spearmint gum make sure they mean the flavor and not just mint gum that gets you speared.

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