Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not a great start

So I didn't have the best start today. I got up and went to workout and seemed like I was making good progress. This week is the week I up all the weights I'm using. Seemed like I was doing great. So I come home and I drink my protein shake. Now I know I chugged it which was my problem. Then it all came up. Of course it couldn't have waited until I was at the sink or the toilet. No it happened on the way there. So I spent like 15 minutes cleaning that up. That's 15 minutes I could have used to shower and get dressed. So had to do a quick one and have most of my stuff ready to go. Then it seemed like the floor was way sticky so I had to clean that up. Then seemed like the place reeked so I had to open up some windows. Basically all the good feelings I had after the workout left me and everything I was worrying about returned. Lately I've just been getting this feeling that one of my co-workers actually hates me (or at least doesn't like me) and is only being nice to me because I spend so much time working with the boss. I just don't get this feeling like he's joking when he says some the jabs he does. Plus he seems to avoid any chance of talking to me. Now it could be just because he's stressed about his upcoming wedding that I'm getting this feeling. Maybe I'm over analyzing things because I've been dealing with two people that have been overly worried about things. Well I honestly need this feeling to leave. I may need to do a workout later tonight. I was going to take Wednesday off, but I think I really need a workout tomorrow morning. Maybe just a stomach workout. Plus I didn't have the best final sell yesterday. These two guys come in and the first thing out of their mouth is "Got any free samples". Why would you come into any store and do that? You just told the person that you aren't going to buy anything you just want free stuff. They aren't going to waste their time on you. Plus they were these type that you knew that they were just wasting time. Plus they were whispering crap about the store. I'm just not in a good place today. Whatever is causing this I wish it would just get out of my system. It reminds me too much of what it was like when I was depressed and I don't want to go down that road again. I know I probably posted this once before, but right now I just need something that puts a smile on my face. I love this song and haven't heard it in awhile. It's Velonica by Aqua Timez a.k.a. Bleach opening number 9. Enjoy or don't. Today's tip is going into a store and asking for free samples right off the bat is a good way to get bad service.

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