Friday, July 2, 2010

Wow what a day

I did a lot this morning. Worked out this morning then had tons of things to do today since I'm the only one here and there were orders that needed to be placed. Yesterday was nice and relaxing. Just laid there and cleaned up a little. Played on the internet too. My days off aren't too exciting because of the fact that when I'm working I'm pretty much doing something constantly. Good to just not do something. I did apparently miss an eventful day at work. Always seems to happen on my days off. Honestly would have preferred to take today off then yesterday. I can honestly say I really like Test Drive. I wish I tried it instead of Novedex XT. This is the 2nd day I've been on it and seems like my energy went through the roof. Just feel good. Plus I had an amazing nights sleep. Seemed like I didn't wake up as much or if I did I went right back to sleep. Seemed like I had a deeper sleep. So that meant I didn't have too much of a problem waking up at 6 to go work out. Plus the dumbbell hog wasn't there. I'm usually the only one using free weights that early. Oh just a word of advice. If you think your a bicep curling master then try drag curls. You'll find out how wrong you are. It's basically a concentration curl with no way of cheating. It's one you won't see guys doing a lot because there is no way to cheat so they can't curl as much so they don't want to do it. There is no momentum help and no way your delts can do some of the work if you do it correctly. It's all bicep. So tomorrow I'm going to take a break then on Sunday do that ab workout. Always good to have a plan in order. I thought today I'd post something that's educational as well as funny. The other day on the radio they had an ad for some fair or farm thing and mentioned fainting goats. My boss said he'd never heard of such a thing and I told him that they are goats that faint when startled. So I youtubed it and this is what I found. Like I said funny and educational. Today's tip is never underestimate the power of a dictionary. It's always fun to insult people with words they've never heard of.

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