Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh boy

So I would have posted sooner if it wasn't for the fact that my adopted sister (meaning I took her on as my sister) was texting me earlier. She was freaking out over her boyfriend. Felt she wasn't supportive enough at 1:47 am. Yes seriously. She was freaking out because she was half asleep. Well you know what that happens when someone calls you that late. So I had to explain that to her. Then she kept going on and on about it. So I had to get her off that. Eventually I just blew up in a text. I hate doing the tough love, but I will do it when you aren't listening to reason. I told her to think about it logically. That's how a lot of guys think. Guys think very rationally and rarely with emotion. It's just how we are hard wired. So I kept trying to tell her think like a guy. Think about it logically. Why would he freak out if he called you that late. Why would he not call you when he can just because you said you didn't want him to be tired. So I flat out had to yell at her to get her to stop freaking out and go do something constructive. I think she thinks I'm mad at her though. Well I was kinda of mad because I was just repeating myself and she was just making excuse after excuse. Then I had other stuff to do which I'll blog about tomorrow. Yesterday seemed to be a decent day. The day finally cleared up. Came home and went shopping. Oh and finally got my gamecube hooked up. Oh did I have fun with that. I mean some major game play. Also set up a guys game night party. I plan on kicking some ass. So the video for today is the song Kawaita Sakebi. Now if you watched Yu-Gi-Oh the abridged series or the few clips I posted then this song should sound familiar. It's the opening of Yu-Gi-Oh season zero which is a different version of the Yu-Gi-Oh that was shown in the U.S. Seto Kaiba has green hair in that one. Anyway this is the song and the video is clips from the duel between Yugi and Bakura. Hope you like it. Today's tip is you can't be 100% all the time, but you can learn to take it all in stride. Or you can just harp over it and feel worse.

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