Monday, July 26, 2010

Grinding away

It's Monday which means I'm back at work. I will say that people are starting to annoy me. At the gym another weight was left out. Now this not exactly a small weight again. I mean the person doing it is flat out just being an ass. One dumbbell I can forgive.....ok not really. This was one of the EZ bars that is preset with a weight. This time it was 100 lbs. This is not something you can easily over look. Someone flat out just put it down and walked away. I just don't see how someone could be such an asshole that they can just leave out weights. Now on the machines I get that you sometimes leave the pin in. That's not nearly the same thing as leaving a dumbbell or an EZ bar like that out. The really annoying thing is the gym tells you they watch your every move, yet the asshole that's doing this is still getting away with it. Why not charge them an extra fee. Or send them an e-mail. Or send someone in to talk to him. For all I know that bar was left on Friday and someone just now picked it up. I'm not saying that you have to have someone posted back there 24/7, but at least do something about it. It's only a matter of time before someone doesn't see it rolling around on the floor and trips over it. Then they get sued because they wouldn't get some balls and fix the problem. Then the people in my apartment building are destroying the washing machines because they are so cheap that they can't use two instead of one. They flat out over stuff the washing machines so they can't run properly. There are now currently 2 washers down. 1 that apparently "doesn't wash clothes good" and one that doesn't even spin because someone broke it by putting too many clothes in there. Apparently me and my roommates concerns aren't nearly as important as those complaining about the kids running up and down the stairs. We specifically called up the leasing office and said that people are putting way too many clothes in the washers and overloading them and that they wash them at all hours of the night. She said oh we'll put up a sign that says no washing clothes after 10 pm and to please not over load the machines. That was two weeks ago and still there is no sign. Pretty soon all 3 of them will be broken and then the people at the leasing office will say oh we better fix that. Just really annoying. So since I made reference to it yesterday I figured I'd post the opening of "season 0" of Yu-Gi-Oh. After I posted the full version of the song I thought about it and said oh I should post the opening, but figured meh gives me something to post today. Plus as you'll notice there is a new character that isn't in the well known series of Yu-Gi-Oh. Eventually I might watch a few episodes. See what's going on. Today's tip is tough love is just as hard on the person giving it as the person receiving it. Unless they are getting paid to yell at you.

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