Monday, July 5, 2010

My 4th was so so

Simple as that. It was a so so 4th of July. It started off decent enough. I got up early to get to the store and there was practically no one there. Ok good day. Then things started changing when my room mate went to go get his haircut and talk to his family. Well short version he heard news that pissed him off. Guess who had to hear about it. That would be me. So it goes on for a bit, but I managed to get him off of it by saying I need to workout. He decided to workout with me. Now I was working the abs and as you can imagine he did the same. Then he decided to experiment. So while I'm working out and resting between eat set he's asking me for help and advice on doing an exercise so it took me far longer then it should have. The weird thing is he's usually not needy when it comes to working out. Then again that is why I have a different workout buddy normally. Anyway so he finishes and after I've finished and am about to do my protein shake he starts ranting again. I had to stop him so I could mix up my protein shake in a blender. Then I was going to call my mom, but I had to wait so he could rant some more. So by now some of his anger has rubbed off on me. I wasn't angry at my mom, but she brought something up that pissed me off. I told my "friends" on facebook when I'd be in town and that if they want to hang out just let me know ahead of time. Left it up for 2 and a half days and nothing. Plus I had specifically texted my former room mate (who made it a point to tell me that we should hang out when I get back there) and he didn't text me back. Now I found out the texts I sent that day didn't seem to get out so I texted him asking if he got it. Still haven't heard from him. So now I'm just flat out pissed. So I try to get over it by watching some more Yu-Gi-Oh abridged. Nope couldn't do that because my room mate was STILL RANTING! So I put on my headphones to give a signal of stop talking to me. Nope didn't work. So by the time I go to bed I'm not angry, but not happy either. At least my toe nails were looking good since again I did anything to give off the impression that I'm busy and don't want to hear anymore of this rant that's making me pissed. Well I get up and I'm feeling better and go to workout. Only to find that the weight hog is there. This time he was in my way because he took the weights I needed. Plus he was doing that whole do one set of one thing then go to another machine and hog that one then go back to the weights. If he was the only one back there fine do it all you want, but when you see someone else in there have some courtesy and either do your whole set then put the weight up or ask hey do you need to use this weight. Plus he was again stationed right in front of the dumbbell rack. If I was a mean person I'd block him from using the machine he wanted to use. Then to make matters worse (least for me) he was doing those wrong curls. You know the kind where you use the momentum and a jerky motion. I wanted to yell over and say your doing it wrong. If you can't do it with correct form at that weight then go down in weight. Of course he wouldn't have listened. Clearly a gym novice and/or and asshole. So right now I've calmed down, but still really just in the mood to be left alone.So yesterday like I said I was pissed most of the day because of my room mate and my "friends" and the only thing that kept me from wanting to strangle all of them is Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series. So I figured I'd post the episode that made me laugh the hardest. In this episode we meet Duke Devilin who is the inventor of dungeon dice monsters. That in itself is somewhat of a funny thing. If you need a good laugh I suggest you watch this episode. In other news I have a new blog follower. Hello new follower. Glad you now obey me. Today's tip is fear, unlike pain, is a learned response, and is more fun to use on people since it doesn't leave any physical scars.

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