Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Got some issues

Lately I have been kinda irritable. I'm trying to figure out what is the cause. On Sunday I blamed on the fact that my roommate was ranting and raving and it kinda transferred to me. Monday I didn't really seem my happy go lucky self. Yesterday was the same and I just got really pissed off at a customer (in my head). Now granted that could have been because this person is a customer that really rubs me the wrong way. Plus I had a guy right before him that didn't put me in a great mood plus a phone call that did the same. The guy that came in first is one that always comes in, spends 10-30 minutes at the clearance section (never getting anything from there), then will ask me some questions about products (which he will never get) then he grabs the item he always gets and checks out. This time was no different other then the fact that he now has a full card which he can use to get 20% off a purchase. He then wanted to use said card on an item already on clearance. Why he thought he could do that was beyond me. While I was checking him out I got a phone call from a customer who isn't a customer really. Just wants to use one of our free services. Then when I asked him his name he immediately goes into spelling it. I'm use to people saying the name then spelling it so it shocked me and I asked him to repeat it. Plus he was mumbling then I hear a clearly frustrated tone on the other end as he's saying his name and giving me his phone number. So while this is going on another customer I'm not too fond of comes in on his cell phone (like always) and is chatting away. I finish the clearance guy and go to help him. He says he has this sore throat so what do I recommend. I recommend a product he then wants to read every possible literature about it. He then asks for two more things then sees we don't have a sinus product he likes so he tries something new and says well I'll give this shit a try. Ok how do you not think it's rude to call a product that someone is selling shit. I don't go to his job and say his services and/or products are shit. Trust me I really want to. As I'm checking him out he asks me if I gave him his discount and how much was it. To review for those of you that didn't read my post about this guy he threw a hissy fit when I gave him his discount which was programmed into the computer when the owner (who didn't tell me this) gives him a bigger discount. So back to the somewhat present I'm super annoyed at this point. He's come in on his phone (rude, finish your phone call then come in), he's called another product shit (like he does every time again rude), and now he's pestering me about his discount. So I'm thinking my annoyance is written all over my face because he seemed to change his tone a bit. He got his receipt and product and tried to make a joke or get me to smile because he smiled. He doesn't do that. After that he left then came back in because he forgot his information on the product. I gave it to him and he said thanks. Again something he never does. So like I said I don't know if it's me that's more irritable or if it's just because I had a string of customers that do rude and annoying things. It could be because of the testosterone booster I'm taking. It could also be do to the fact that I'm going on vacation soon and the person replacing me is coming in today and she doesn't know much about computers (she's far older then me), doesn't know about our sports supplements, and she's bringing in the former owner of the store. Well I should say the former owner followed her. So for 3 and a half days if someone comes in looking for protein and pre-workouts she'll be clueless (which is why we hired someone to cover that angle, but he will only be in 2 of those 3 and a half days and only for about 2-3 hours). That's the problem with me. I hold things in so much so that I don't even know what's bugging me. I won't lie and say I'm in touch with my emotions because I'm really not. I know what makes me happy, angry, and sad, but when it comes to things that make me nervous or any other type of emotion I'm clueless. It's why I blog. To keep myself kinda aware of what's going on with me. The last thing I need is to have another depression episode and end up in the hospital and be on anti-depressants for the rest of my life. Ugh not something I want to repeat. 6 months on those things was long enough. They made me sleepy all the time, felt like I was in a permanent fog, but they did help get me out of where I was. So right now I'm chalking my irritability up to nerves about going on vacation and my replacement.Team Four Star has finally come out with episode 16 of DBZ abridged. Still a great series. Now this one isn't as funny as some of the other episodes, but of course has it's moments. One of my favorite lines is "Why did I explode?". If you liked the other episodes I posted then you'll probably like this one too. I suggest going to their website to watch all the episodes and the movie they did. Today's tip is getting to the root of a problem is the best way to solve a problem. Blaming other people is the fun way to solve a problem.

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