Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I can't stop thinking period

I'm always thinking of something. I was thinking about what was motivating me to workout. I came up with quite a few answers. 1. is being more self confident 2. (as one magazine put it) Look better naked 3. to look the part of my job and 4. to look better in my later years. I will say number 4 was new to me, but it's true. Right now I'm laying this foundation so that I just have to maintain it in my later years. I mean in my line of work I see these guys come in and say they want to get as big as possible and they are in their mid to upper 30's or low 40's. Yeah you can still get big, but you won't be nearly as big as if you were in your 20's and right now you were trying to add onto that size or keep it up. I've seen guys get bigger at that age, but they were already in great shape to begin with. I just don't want to go over board and be one of those guys that is like I can lift exactly what I lifted when I was 20. A customer was telling me about this man that was between 50 and 60 years old. Skinny, but muscular and he was bench pressing 180 lbs. And by bench pressing I mean struggling and getting it up by pushing up with his hips. He then finishes the "set" and adds on 20 more pounds. Clearly someone is lying to himself. I don't think I'll get like that because I know at the age of 50 my testosterone is lower then when I was 20 and clearly I'm not going to have the same strength I once had. Plus I hopefully won't be like the seniors that come in here and they assume that whey protein is only for muscle building. Protein is for repair period. Doesn't matter what type it is. This old guy comes in and says he got this protein made of hemp, soy, and rice from this place in the east. Wanted to know if we had it. We didn't of course. I showed him what we had that was close to it. He said no not that. So I said the only other one we have is whey. So he is like no that's for muscle building don't want that. I was going to argue with him but he honestly annoyed me. He then goes on to say he stopped lifting when he turned 60 which was 18 years ago. Ok I didn't ask nor do I care. So he finally gets the protein and as I'm checking him out he insists on telling me about the health food store that he got the protein from. Like I was going to change our store around to look like that one. He later comes back to return it because his wife doesn't want it. Then I forgot what tangent he went off on because I was doing my best to show I didn't care what he was talking about. As I'm getting the money out to return to him he for some reason says I have 2 20's would that help. Why would it help when I'm giving you money? I give him the money ignoring his comment and he walks out. I don't even say have a good day. Yeah he lost that common courtesy when he stereotyped whey instead of asking about it and when he mind raped me with his useless information about a store I will never visit. Today's tip is worrying leads to increased stress and decreased immune system. Use this against your enemies.

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