Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Almost there

Tomorrow I'm off to Texas again. I'm really excited. Still a nervous about the replacement. Not filling me with tons of confidence. Suddenly my friends are coming out of the wood works to try to make plans with me. Funny how when I gave them heads up way ahead of time and said if you want to hang out tell me now. Now I have no clue if I can hang out with them. Kinda jam packed with stuff kinda the second I get there. Just annoying because I do want to hang out with them, but again when I tried to let them know they just ignored it. It's my libra side showing itself again. This morning I did a total body workout since I won't be able to get to the gym tomorrow because of a meeting and the rest of the time I'll be back in Texas and my gym membership isn't old enough that I can give the gym there a heads up that I'm coming and just go in. So I won't be able to workout, but I do plan on doing some push ups, sit ups, and if the weight set is still there using them. I obviously can't do the same workouts I'd do if I was at the gym. I also got remeasured today. I'm kinda back on track. My body fat is down from last month. As a result my muscle measurements did go down a bit. I'm actually .2 lbs lighter, but goes to show that most of it was water weight. I'm sure if I was to gain that .2 lbs my muscles wouldn't be as big, but I'd be leaner. I'd have more dry muscle mass. I mean in most cases I just lost like a 4th of an inch or an 8th of an inch. Not like I lost a full inch or a half of an inch. Plus I think it really helps that I've been hitting the gym as religiously as I have been. The video for today is Destiny's Child's Lose My Breath. I think this video is very interesting because of the fact they kinda did a dance battle type thing which is a little different then what the song seems to be saying. Anyway good song, well done music video hope you like it. Today's tip is a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. Hopefully that step is into a vehicle.

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