Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Never Fly Delta

So before I get to that I must say I did have a good vacation. The reason I didn't blog is because whenever I would get up I would kinda not turn on the comp and watch tv then when I did I realized I had to go somewhere soon. So I just figured I wouldn't write a blog that day and then the next day and so on. Only a few things on the whole tripped really bugged me. So if you don't want to read a long rant then well you came to the wrong blog because that's all I pretty much do. The first thing that bugged me was Delta. Delta has really blown in for me. I'm never flying that airline again. The first part of the trip was delayed. We were suppose to leave at 2:30 I believe and get there at like 3:30. Which it doesn't take an hour. Well we didn't even leave until 4ish. Now it was probably the weather that caused that, but the annoying part is that because of that I would have missed my connection flight if it hadn't have been delayed. That really annoys me. On the connection flight seemed like it was an ok flight, but I was pissed I was coming in late and didn't spend more time on my layover so I could have a good meal. Then on the way back Delta was just being stupid. They had two people at the check in station when they needed 3. There was a huge line of people for standby. They even over booked the flight. How the hell do you do that? So they asked 4 people to give up their seat. At first they just said for a $400 travel voucher. So I was like yeah that you have to use to get a flight out. Then they said you also get a 1st class seat on another flight. So yeah that was a decent deal. Then came time for us to board. Well there was an issue with a passenger wanting to sit by her friend so the person that was scanning our boarding passes was busy with that so that took forever. They finally got that done and we were able to leave. Lucky for delta we arrived early so I was feeling a little better about them, but I had such a tight connection that I couldn't go get something to eat. So I get there and the flight has been delayed 20 minutes. Yep that did it for me. I was pissed off. I could have eaten if the stupid flight board had showed that. Then when it came in there was a problem with a passenger. He needed a wheel chair. So they bring one....then they bring another one. Then they bring a straight back one. So I'm like great a fat bastard is on there. Why did he even get on if he needed that much help? Better yet why did Delta allow that or at least inform the crew that was going to be there at landing that they were going to need help. So they get him off finally and for some reason didn't wheel him out. They kept him right in front of the boarding door. They had 4 guys in red sweaters talking to him. The captain was there. Then they called him a taxi. So I'm looking at my cellphone and we should have started boarding. This goes on for 30 minutes. It's now 1:30 and the bastard is holding us up. Not just us, but the flight that is suppose to come in behind us. Then the fat bastard (yeah clearly don't like him) has the nerve to come out on his electric wheelchair and say smile everybody. Ooo I wanted to jump on him for that. Why the Delta staff couldn't just pull him out and talk to him instead of holding up our flight is beyond me. Delta is so bad at customer service. The need of the 1 outweighs everything. That includes leaving on time and arriving on time. In this case the need of the one is not that important. If it was the last flight in ok I get it, but when your holding up 2 flights that's when someone needs to say hey move out the way so we can board. I mean everyone was pissed off. The guy working the counter was clearly pissed. We are pissed because we aren't leaving on time because this fat bastard is holding us up for some reason. I probably wouldn't have been so pissed if we knew what the hell was going on. If they had said we can't board because there is an oxygen mask that this person needs and we have to find one then ok I'd be a little less pissed, but no nothing. I still don't know why they couldn't have just wheeled the fat bastard out as they were waiting for his taxi or whatever the hell the bastard wanted. So my advice is never fly delta unless you don't need to be wherever it is your flying right away or you don't want to be frustrated. Now before I was on the trip I contacted a friend who was so excited to see me and we set up a dinner date. We did this 2 weeks before I was suppose to come in. This was not something I sprung on them. Then I think the day before I was suppose to leave or something he e-mails me and is like oh I can't do our dinner date. I'm helping someone move all day and I don't want to drive all that way to have dinner with you. Well didn't say that last part so much, but it's basically the gist of it. So let me spell it out I'm not as important as they made me out to be. I come into town for a few days twice a year. I let you know two weeks ahead of time so you can keep that time open. And you help someone move instead. Yeah that pisses me off. Then he's all I'm sorry can you forgive me. And I said yeah sure I can in time. In time I will, but doesn't take away the sting of knowing I was so important and then getting shut down like that. Yeah I'm not talking to him for awhile. On top of that he won't be given first priority when I return in December. If he tries to set up a time then I'll say something like if I have time I'll see if I can squeeze you in. Ok that might be a little harsh, but yeah not going to get first priority. I mean to contrast I had a friend who said he was going to be somewhere and he wasn't, but that was because he had a family emergency. That I get. I understand that a family member takes priority over a friend and I told him I'll send him a prayer. I wasn't mad about that. I just felt bad I didn't know ahead of time, but the guy at least talked to me while I was in Texas over im and text. Now I will say that I was more upset about it yesterday with all the shit going on, but now that I got to workout this morning I'm not so mad, but just more hurt. I now feel better getting it all off my chest too. Still not talking to him for awhile though. He has to initiate contact first. Not me. So when I was home I finally got to watch RuPaul's Drag Race. I've been wanting to watch that, but Charter doesn't have Logo. Well on my package anyway. They were doing a marathon too so I get to watch quite a bit. There was one song that really stuck in my head. That was Jealous of My Boogie. Omg I love that song. Way too catchy. So I figured I'd post the music video. Let it get stuck in someone else's head for a change. Plus the beginning with the slapping is priceless. That was fun to watch on the show. Today's tip is if you manage to hold up a plane from boarding until 10 minutes after it's suppose to take off, don't stop and make chit chat. You might get punched.

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