Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wow I'm in love

With Waximaze. It is the best carb to add to a pre-workout supplement ever. I mean the pump I got was amazing. I never got that from the pre-workout plus the other carbs I was adding. I mean my veins were popping out like nobodies business. I mean I swear I had the best arm workout I've ever had. For me I'm aiming for a pre-workout that gives me the best pump rather then energy. Energy is not my problem. I want the best pumps because that means the blood is flowing and tons of nutrients are getting to the muscle so the pumps last longer and when it fades the size gain is much more. So I'm going to add it to the Xpand Xtreme which has some, but I'm sure if I add some more the tingling and pumps will be amazing. I'm super excited to try that tomorrow. Plus when I got to the gym today it seems like someone actually cleaned back there and put stuff where it needed to go. Now if they would just have someone do that every week then that would be great. No weight hog there either. I'm thinking he's coming in later which is why I haven't seen him in awhile. In more annoying news I was at the store yesterday and I happen to look over and The Globe has their headline story as Obama really born in Africa and the papers proving it. Ok you know that something is a joke when it's in the globe. I'm so sure that the "papers proving it" is that fake birth certificate that the birthers were using. Then the woman behind me says "Obama born in Africa" I believe it. Oh that of course just pissed me off. I wanted to turn around and say are you seriously as dumb as you look. They've proved that he was born in the U.S. countless times. So much so a federal judge has put a block on any more complaints asking for proof since it's a waste of tax payers money. Then to make matters worse the lady behind me then starts on this bull shit about Muslims and the Koran. She's going on saying he put tons of Muslims in his cabinet and that they have some rule in the Koran that either you 1. marry Muslim 2. you kill others that don't believe 3. you convert. I can honestly say that's all bullshit. She was seriously just doing all the could to make Muslim and the Islam religion sound like a bunch of extremist which is bull. It's people that like that spread hate and discrimination. Today the video is Hoku's Perfect Day. I love this song because it's so upbeat. I mean playing that song while working out really gets you jazzed. Plus when you are having a great day it makes it seem even better. Wonder if she's still doing music. Today's tip is if you get your news from the tabloids at the checkout stand then you might want to avoid making any comments about anything.

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