Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yep back in the swing of things

Back at home and in the swing of working out and working. Probably because I never really lost that mentality. I mean I usually work 5 days a week. Use to be 6 days a week. Plus I workout pretty much 5 days a week. Which reminds me today was a fun day. Well first I heard about the weight hog. He's apparently gotten worse since I left. He apparently now checks himself out in the mirror. Now granted that could have just been because I wasn't there. I guess he doesn't show off when I'm there because I look as big or bigger then him. Or he could have seen something in the mirror that day and insist on looking at it over and over again. It could have also been a different guy. Then another guy came in. He looked like he either just got off work or was getting ready to go to work or just walked in off the street. He was wearing jeans. To work out in. Plus he seemed to be in a daze. He would stare at a machine then kinda snap out of it, work on the machine for a few reps, then get up and start the cycle over again. And no he didn't wipe off the machines he used. It's like he had no plan what so ever. Plus it was crowded today. Now granted I've never worked out on a Wednesday, so that might just be the Wednesday crowd. Or suddenly everyone thinks that mornings are the perfect time to workout. Doesn't matter to me really since none of them came to the back where I work. Well one did, but she was working her back and I was doing legs. Plus she came in as I was finishing up back there. Well that's duely noted. In other news what is the deal with people and re-gifting. I brought back a souvenir for my replacement and she said oh she already has one of those. Ok doesn't mean you have to tell me. Could simply say thank you. Then she gives it to one of her friends right in front of me. Now she asked if she could do that, but what was I going to say. Oh no you can't do that. Just would have figured she would have at least waited until I was out of sight. Rude much. Then Al Roker does it on the today show. Someone in the crowd gave him a vase of flowers and he gives it to someone right next to the person that gave him the flowers. I mean at least hold onto it until the camera isn't on you. If you can't accept it then say that off camera. So today I figured I'd post the song Aloha, E Komo Mai from Lilo & Stitch the movie/tv series. It's sung by Jump 5. I like this song a lot. It's just very catchy. Now it's hard to find a good version of this song on youtube that actually has moving pictures and is the whole song. So I had to settle for one that is from the Dutch version. It's why Stitch sounds off. Also the song sounds a bit different too. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if your going to regift something make sure to not do it in front of the person that gave you the gift or on national tv.

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