Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And restless

So this morning I didn't go workout because honestly I need a day off to rest right? Well I woke up at 6 as if I was going to the gym. I seriously couldn't go back to sleep so I figured what the hell I'll just do an ab workout at the apartment since I'm not going to put on my stuff to go to the gym to do it. Waste of gas right there. So yeah I'm turning into one of those people. The ones that can't take a day off from working out. Well on the plus side it was an abbreviated workout. Only was at it for like 20 minutes if even that. Probably more like 15. The stomach is one of those things that isn't hard to train since there's so much you can do without weights. Honestly I do need to start working the stomach more. That might be one reason why my body fat is higher. I hold fat in my stomach more then any other place in my body and if there are no muscles there to burn off fat then of course it's just going to keep building. And this way if I flex my stomach there will actually be something there even if it's under a layer of fat. So today I'm going through my gym partner's book of exercises to look at some different workouts I could do. I think I'm going to add this one called good morning. I've seen it under exercises that work the back, the glutes, and now the abs. Seems like it's a good one all around to add. I'm thinking I'll add it to my back day. Pretty sure I don't have a lot of back exercises and I'm sure the good morning works the lower back which I don't have a lot of exercises that does. If I wasn't so self conscious I'd post an image after my first week at the gym then in a month from now post another. Well tomorrow I do have the day off, but I do plan on going to the gym in the morning. Oh well. There's always Sunday or Saturday. So today's video is from India.Arie. I heard this song while my mom was getting her colon checked out. We were there early and I was watching my then favorite news program the Daily Buzz. They were doing a feature on her and this song came up. The song being I Am Not My Hair. I love this song for the simple reason that it has a good message. Not only that but you can actually understand the words. The version I heard was the one I will post with Akon. There is another one where it's just her and it starts off with two of her "fans" talking about her hair. Anyway it's a good song with a good message. The music video is pretty good too. Simple yet speaking volumes. Today's tip is be critical of what people tell you. Just not so critical that you give them the 3rd degree when they tell you the time.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The world is crazy

That's just a constant fact. There is always something crazy going on somewhere. There is some odd thing that is being discovered. It's one of the few constants that you can count on. When you think you've heard it all something will come along and blow you out the water. For me I've had like 3 of those today. Well first one was that the father of the missing 7 year old boy Kyron has filed for divorce with his wife (Kyron's stepmother and the last one to see him) and filed a restraining order against her. Ok I will say that this family had a rough start with this whole thing. People were suspicious that they hadn't made a public statement and I will admit I did at first until I started thinking about it. You have to be emotionally ready before you step in front of those cameras because they will tear you apart if your not ready. Well now that this is going on I'm just thinking what the hell. I mean if you were planning on filing for divorce then why not wait and what's with the restraining order. I didn't get to see the story because I was at the gym so those answers might have been answered, but it doesn't change the fact that it now looks like something was going on. I just find it really really odd that this would happen now of all times. The next thing is gun control. I'm honestly shocked that the ruling happened like it did. Now granted the court swings conservatively, but still. With all the shootings you hear about. So now states are severely limited when it comes to keeping guns out of the hands of psychopaths. Now the next part of this is where can guns be allowed and not allowed. I mean I wouldn't want to allow guns in my store or bar. That's like asking for trouble. Just feels like the supreme court is doing so much damage everywhere. I mean companies basically own elections now. Lastly the big shocker is what happened on the Bachelorette. I expected this big show down to happen. They made it a 2 hour special. Now granted I didn't watch it (got better things to do with my time), but I expected to hear that a fight broke out or something. Nope the player just walked out. The funny thing is that the girlfriend said he was doing it for the fame so I figured he'd do something to make him well famous. Nope he just got up and left. What kind of reality show doesn't have drama when a show about a girl or guy looking for love finds out that one of the contestants has a boyfriend or girlfriend. I mean I'd thought that at least one guy would be so pissed he'd throw a punch, but I guess that would get you thrown off the show.So I was surfing youtube again and on a recommendation I clicked on a link. I watched it and said to myself, "Wow this looks legit". So I googled it and of course found nothing other then people saying yeah it's a fake. What I'm talking about is this Sailor Moon Supreme. If you watch it, it kinda looks like it's legit until you get to Sailor Earth who looks like Sailor Uranus with different colored hair. Plus Mamarou (think that's how it's spelled) is suppose to represent the earth, but again it looks too good to be a fake (like most found on youtube). So as far as I know it is a fake, and I hope to be proven wrong, but I doubt it will happen. So enjoy. Today's tip is when overcome with emotion, write it all down then throw it away. It's like taking an emotional dump.

Monday, June 28, 2010

And I'm good

So my back is feeling a hell of a lot better. It kinda happened when I did a shortened leg workout. That means I'm back on track and able to work. That makes me happy. Will say that's also shocking how quickly I recovered considering how badly it hurt. Guess that's the magic power of glutamine and stretching. As for last night I was spending most of my time combing through fitness magazines I had for some exercises I could do at the gym. I like to plan ahead with these types of things. I don't want to go in there just winging it. Plus I like to keep a journal so I know how I'm progressing. The annoying part is there are so many different types of workouts for each body part. So I basically had to take the exercise that seemed to be the most used for a muscle group. For instance with the chest everyone seemed to have some form of a bench press and flies on a flat bench, a bench at an incline, and a decline. So I stuck with that. Then from there I added on 1 more exercise that I saw a lot which was cable crossovers. That of course wasn't easy. Just seems like all these fitness magazines are just ads. You think you stumbled onto an article only to find out nope just an ad meant to look like an article. The annoying thing is if I wanted to create a product I could easily do those types of ads. Just get people that are already built and make them a spokesperson. Then get some people that are out of shape, work them out then doll them up and take after photos. I mean they don't show you what they look like from day to day. I mean these guys had to dehydrate themselves so they look even more ripped. I say this because it's true. Look at a before and after photo. Doesn't the after photo look more tanned then the first. Yes they might be getting more sun, but some say these transformations happen in like 2 weeks. Or you notice how they seem to be shiner or like they put on some tan stuff. That's why I don't trust those ads. Especially Muscletech. Those products just don't work for me. I took Nano Vapor and all it did was make me hot. Didn't make me feel an incredible pump or energy like it claims. Just simply hot. Least one claim was correct. Today's tip is the only day better then a day of rest is a day when everyone gives you stuff for free.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

And feeling better

So my back was killing me last night. Seems like I didn't get much sleep because if I turned over I woke up from the pain. I couldn't find a good position. So I ended up sleeping late. Which means I went shopping late. Ugh and I seemed to run into tons of customers. Plus my back was hurting so reaching up hurt like hell. Just honestly wasn't my morning. I also discovered I can't do squats. My ass is too tight apparently. So I have to do more stretches and do more squat practice before I add in those weights. I'm also doing stretches. Seems like my back is getting better. I think mainly because I did a short workout which of course sends those feel good chemicals to the brain. Or it could have been that aspirin I took. I also got some anti-fungal stuff for my toes. Hopefully it will fix it so I can look at my left foot without wanting to shoot off my toes. Granted I don't want to do that now, but I refuse to wear sandals because they look terrible. My right is good, just not my left. It's really weird. Actually the weirdest part is that there is one toe on my left foot that doesn't have the fungus. I mean it's perfectly normal. I don't know why it's unaffected and wish I could make all the other toes like it. I also did my workout in my apartment. For several reasons. 1. My back was killing me so I didn't think I'd make it to the gym without wanting to cry. 2. So didn't need to run into that trainer and have him ask how I was doing and pat me on the back. 3. I bet it was going to be busy and that's kinda not what I need since I was moving so slow. So yeah that's fun. So since I've posted the kingdom hearts' version of Under the Sea I figure I should post the real one. So enjoy the classic song Under the Sea. Oh and before I post it I figured I should show you this. I always make sure the video I want is the right one so I play a bit of it then pause it. Look where I paused it. Funny look huh? Anyway enjoy.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

So very sore

Ooo bad idea working out twice in one day. Especially when one of those workouts is with a trainer. So when I last left you yesterday I was excited about working out in a gym. Now I'm still excited about it, but very sore. Not so sore I can't function, but sore enough that I'm not functioning at 100%. Anyway so when I get there my back isn't killing me, but I know I worked it out. So I meet with the trainer and we get talking. He says I'm in pretty good shape for someone that hasn't done a lot of resistance training. Anyway so we get started and he's of course happy that I brought water along and that I knew about nutrition and what not. So we start the warm up on the treadmill which I don't do at all. I find walking/running/jogging boring. I usually like the bikes myself. Anyway so after we finished up my legs were really stiff and when I walked seemed like I was moving faster. Probably because I was actually getting somewhere. Then we did some stretches. I discovered something. I can touch my toes without bending my knees. I have never been able to do that. I was shocked, but I didn't want the trainer to know that I have never touched my toes before. After a few of those we move to the weights. Now I told the guy that I was looking for more upper body mass. I mean my legs look great, but I'd like my chest and arms to look great. My stomach I'm finally happy with. Yeah there is some pudge, but not so much that I hate myself. Anyway our workout was mostly leg stuff. Guess I shouldn't be shocked since it was a free consultation. Of course he wasn't going to give me the good stuff. Then he of course tried to strong arm me into signing up for his training program. Yeah so not going to happen. Barely managed to get money for a gym membership let alone a trainer. I mean I honestly. I knew he was kinda buttering me up. Oh and the best part was that at the end of the workout he was like I hope that you don't think that all my sessions are this easy. So of course I'm like I'm exhausted from this one and this was the easy one. Oh hell no. Then again I ran into someone yesterday morning that said the trainers really push you. So yeah I left there feeling great I made it through with no puking (which means I didn't take in enough carbs and my body is eating itself) and kinda pissed because he just gave me mostly lower body workouts to work with which isn't my problem area. Guess he thought it was. Anyway never going to get a trainer ever. I can't imagine doing something more intense even once a month for 3 months. It should never be so intense I feel like puking. I even had extra carbs too. So that's why I'm sore today. Now to go in tomorrow and do this all over again. Minus the getting close to puking part. So I had Under the Sea stuck in my head so I figured I'd post it. No not the one from the little mermaid. The one from Kingdom Hearts 2. And to spice things up I'm also going to post the Japanese version. Yeah I'm bored. Oh and quick note the Japanese version does have English lyrics. Today's tip is if your going to make an ad for a product or service make sure your ad actually makes a reference to the product or service.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I could be a gymrat

So today was the first day that I worked out at the gym. Wow I still feel the workout. Clearly a good workout. I honestly love it. I could see myself getting addicted very easily. I mean it's a high really. Knowing that you got a great workout and that your taking a step to make yourself look better and feel better. I mean like I said it's a high. It's the 2nd best high the world. The first being sex of course. I really can't wait to get back in there. Actually I do have to go back today because I have a free consult to do. I honestly figured oh I'm going to do a quick back workout and I'd be ready for my consult. Well I don't regret the decision, but clearly I'm going to be tired after the workout. It's 30 minutes of talking then 30 minutes of working out. I'm really really excited because I might learn some new exercises that I might be able to use. There are so many machines that I can use. I can change up my workout in so many ways. I'm hoping that means I can get some of the results from my chest and arms that I've been looking for. I mean I see I have some chest development, but I want a better development. I want my arms to look better. I'm finally kinda getting a peak, but I'd love a better peak. I mean that took so long just get get the bit I see now. I now see how a crossbow isn't as great as I thought it was. Man it would so be easy to become addicted to working out. Well after today I'm taking tomorrow off and going Sunday to work my legs. Man my legs will be be sore. I'm so excited. I think we all remember the group TLC. They just seemed to have a rough time. First they go broke then one of their members dies. Well one good thing we know is the song No Scrubs. Seems like it was their most popular song. So here you go. Enjoy the song. Today's tip is love is one of the most healing emotions. Anger is the most destructive. Now you know and knowing is half the battle.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lot of time off

So today I'm getting a half day off. Yesterday I got a half day off. Tomorrow I'm getting a full day off. Like I said lot of time off. In this time off I'm trying to figure out which gym I want to go to. I checked out two gyms. Why is it the one that I think I'm really going to enjoy is the one that I hate the most? I guess because I get my hopes up so they get dashed easier. Now in this case it was mainly because the gym I thought I was going to enjoy one of my customers goes to. If there is one there's another and another. Plus this one is linked to another gym that I'm sure a lot of guys that shop at the store go to. So I really can't go there. The other gym is smaller. It isn't as popular so that means that it is very unlikely I'll run into someone I know. Plus it seems like it's more friendly. For instance let's dare to compare what happened when I showed up. The first gym (the gym I liked) has a non-member door. The door is facing the office of the manager so someone can greet you right off the bat and that's exactly what happened. I introduced myself and the manager greeted me with a smile. At the other gym. There isn't a non-member door. So I had to ring the door bell. I had to stand there in plan sight of everyone working out before someone on staff finally got to the door. When I introduced myself she had no clue who I was or that I had called ahead of time. So yeah not good. The first gym has tons of security cameras and things for the members to use if there is an emergency. Didn't see anything like that at the other gym. I wanted to join with a friend and there is a deal that I can do at the first gym to add a person and it actually makes the cost per month for each of us less then the original price for just one. At the other gym we have to sign up separately and it would be 2 dollars more a month then at the first gym. So needless to say I found one I liked even though it is further then the other gym. In other news I apparently have my first follower. Hello *waves*. I'm so popular now. Awhile back I posted the opening for an anime called Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro Chan. Think I also posted an episode. Anyway this is part of an epsiode of the 1st episode of the 2nd season. As you'll notice her hair has changed colors. Oh and if you want to see all of the blood and gore then you'll have to buy or borrow the dvd. Apparently even japan can't air it on tv the way it is. So enjoy. Today's tip is hard to be unbiased, especially when the guy gave you free cookies to choose his side.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And I'm fat

No not really. Turns out that the reason why my body fat keeps going up is because of all the creatine I have on a daily basis. On days I workout I'm getting it from my pre-workout and my protein. On days I don't workout I'm getting it in the morning when I drink my mass gaining protein. So right now I just have to cut it out. So that means that once I finish with this gainer I won't be getting it again because all pre-workouts now have creatine in them. I've taken them before and stayed pretty lean because it's such a low amount, but I guess the double dose did the job. Good news for guys that want to gain weight and size. Me I want to gain, but stay pretty darn lean. So today I bought a cutter pre-workout. Hopefully I'll keep the size, but lean out. I also got some Kre-Alkalyn. Hopefully that means same size minus the water retension. Plus got a testosterone booster which also should help. Plus it's not like my body fat percentage is 30% of something like that. Just about 3% higher then where I'd like it to be. Which when you think about it isn't really that big of a deal. Besides I just go from being very lean to very fit. So like I said it's not a big deal. Today's tip is idiots are like cockroaches. They multiply like crazy, are hard to get rid of, and no one is quite sure what purpose they serve.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just been Thinking

Yeah I do that a lot when I'm working out. Which is actually quite shocking. Anyway so my home gym is really my roommate's crossbow he bought. I've been using it for awhile and yeah I'm getting results, but I'm starting to outgrow it. I'm already maxed out on a few exercises. So I started thinking. Maybe I should go to a gym. I can use the crossbow on days I can't make it to the gym like in Winter. I mean my roommate did mention that I was started to outgrow it, but I said no I'm fine. I said that mainly because we do workout with each other. Well least we use to. He hasn't been working out as much as I have. I hit it 4 days a week. He sometimes goes 2. Now granted he does have a new job, but well if I'm going to have a training partner I'd like to have a training partner. So I find myself working out alone a lot. Then when he does workout with me I always get frustrated because I feel like my workouts moving too slow because I have to wait for him to finish his exercise and then I have to add on a ton more resistance bows. Now granted we aren't working out for the same reasons. I'm trying to bulk up and put on as much mass as possible. He's more doing it to stay lean. So obviously he won't be outgrowing it any time soon. It's perfect for him not so much for me. So I might have to save up some money and get a gym membership. I mean I don't want to because I don't want to make my roommate feel bad, but I think it's more because I didn't want to change. I didn't want to rock the boat. So I figure I got to talk to the guy. Just hope it doesn't make it awkward. I would assume it wouldn't since he was the one to suggest it. Plus I always feel bad using it when he's not. You know how you hear something and it sticks in your head, but you have no clue where it came from. For instance if someone does a specific type of knock (one that requires 5 knocks in a specific sequence) we all know to knock back twice, yet very few of us even know where it came from. Well it's basically something called shave and a haircut and we respond by saying two bits. Yeah didn't know that did ya. Well this is another one. I heard it on the today show and I was like I know where that comes from, but how many people my age know where that comes from? Well just play the video and I'm sure you'll say wow I've heard that. Well it's the theme song to an old show called Green Acres. We all know the music just not the words. Today's tip is It's human nature to be afraid of change, but it is a necessary evil. Without it we'd still be in caves.

Monday, June 21, 2010

And it's summer

Yay summer. On the downside I was suppose to get remeasured today, but my boss is feeling sick so I will probably have to put it off until Wednesday. Yeah that's not cool. I think I've got my body fat back down and my lean muscle up. Well won't know until Wednesday maybe. I really don't know when I will get to get it down this week. Might not even happen until Thursday. Oh and update on that interview. That job I was basically gaurnteed to get. Yeah not so much. The very next day they send out a rejection letter. Keep in mind that the person interviewing me said I was going to get a phone call either way next week (which is now this week). Yeah like to see that manager that assured me a position show up this week. Bet he'll steer clear of here for at least a month. Other then that not much has really happened to me this weekend. Kinda just sat back and watched It Only Hurts When I Laugh and Smoking Gun presents World's Dumbest. Not really much to do when your not with your dad on father's day weekend other then give him a call.So I was just surfing around newgrounds when I discovered they made a third brawl taunts. I believe I posted the other two awhile back. This one is again pretty darn good. Wish I was good at making flash stuff. Anyway it's pretty good. If you've ever played brawl you'll find something about this you like. Today's tip is it is the first day of summer meaning sending something to the sun takes a little less fuel.

Friday, June 18, 2010

On top of the world

Today I'm feeling just really energized. I'm feeling great. I think it's because of the pre-workout I took this morning. I mean it got me pumped up. In more ways then one I must add. That's a little side effect that I'm sure guys won't hate but their girlfriends and/or boyfriends might not like it. I can't seem to sit still. Downside is it leaves a horrible taste in your mouth and even brushing your teeth doesn't help. Have to eat something to help you with it. Today I think I have a good amount of stuff to do so this buzz can eventually wear off. I'm just feeling really excited and up beat today. So this stuff gets a thumbs up from me. Now to have other guys test it out and see how they like it. Hopefully they all love it to. It was part of this whole we are changing over without really telling you and now it's basically a whole new product type thing. The last time that happened we ended up with protein no one wanted. As for my interview yesterday I think it went well. Won't know about a positon for about a week. Plus when I got back I think I got a canker sore. Least that's what my boss things. I basically took a break, changed, did the interview, came back, changed back, and went back to work. I don't think it was one, but then again he's probably right. They are brought on by stress and well I was under a lot of stress. I don't get nervous the same way other people do. I tend to hold in my emotions and clearly it resulted in a canker sore. Which of course stressed me out even more. Luckily my boss suggested some things that might help which helped destress me which helped it go down. No sign of it so far knock on wood. Oh and another weird thing that happened yesterday. This woman comes in and wants to buy something. The total comes to like 20 something I believe. She then asks if I can break a 100. This was early in the morning so I really couldn't. Plus I had just done it and had to run to down to the bank. Anyway I said I couldn't and so she says oh ok and starts pulling out some 20's and 10's. So I'm just thinking what the hell. Why ask if I can break 100 if you had smaller bills. So of course I really think it was a counterfeit 100 or she is just too lazy to go to the bank. Ugh. Today's tip is no 2 people are alike, so stop comparing yourself to everyone. Not even that clone you made is exactly like you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oooo kinda nervous

So today I'm nervous. I have an interview for a 2nd job. Now my boss is like don't worry you'll do fine. That's the thing I do great in interviews, least I think I do and I get a rejection letter. So yeah I'm nervous. Plus I don't know what I'm going to end up doing. I got into this because the manager knows my boss and he told my boss he was looking for someone and he told him that I was looking for a job. Well I send in an app and call up to make sure they got it and the person that I talked to said I did. Then it turns out that it was deleted because I didn't pass the psych test. Ugh I hate those tests. They ask you the same question like 5 times in different ways. Plus it is so long that eventually you don't care anymore. So I did it again and it got sent in now I have an interview, but the manager is conveniently not the one interviewing me. That's why I'm nervous. I don't know what they are going to ask what I'm even truly applying for and what not. So this will be fun. Yesterday I finally got my boss to let me wear shorts. I have been trying for a year to get him to let me do it. When two other business owners were seen wearing shorts I of course point this out so it lead to a conversation where as long as I wear nice shorts I can wear shorts. The main reason why I couldn't wear shorts because the guy before me always wore shorts and sandals and never seemed to do his job. So yay shorts for me. I also saw the series premiere of Hot in Cleveland. Wow I just loved it. It really is a throw back to how sitcoms use to be. It was really funny. Plus Betty White plays the part of the old lady that says way too much very well. I think that's why her career is taking off again. She isn't one of those ladies that's just sitting around knitting. She's out there speaking her mind. Even though she was only in a few scenes she had some good one liners. My favorite is "What are you a cop?" So I've done a lot of transformation sequences for the girls (mainly that's because they are the only ones that have them, but there is one of just guys. It's from the anime Ronin Warriors or Legendary Samurai Troopers. Depends on your translation. It's also interesting because in this clip they clearly say something in Japanese to call on the armor, but in the dvd's I purchased which were supposed to be uncut they actually say to arms. Yeah that's a little fun fact for ya. So the order is Wild Fire, Halo, Torrent, Hard Rock, Strata, and Inferno. Enjoy. Today's tip is when someone is mad at you just speak with an accent. Everything sounds better with an accent.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What a weird day

So yesterday turned very weird with all the stuff we got in. I got a call from one of our suppliers giving me bad news to give to my boss. Then we get a wrong shipment from that supplier and find out that one of the products we bought from another company went up in price. Yeah so that was great. I also don't get why some people can't just get to the point. I mean they know that we are working and that aren't a lot of us at one time yet they continue to just go on and on and on about something. I swear they just want to avoid having to call their other customers. In other news I hate the BMI index. I think it's a horrible indicator of if you are overweight or obese. It only takes your weight by your height. Well according to it I'm overweight even though at last check I only had about 7% body fat. The rest is muscle which as we all know weighs more then fat. I mean for my height if I was truly overweight it would show. I mean if you were to get a personal trainer on this index it would show they are overweight too. Imagine a bodybuilder. They'd be considered obese. Do they really look obese to you....ok the ones not on roids. So yeah I hate the body fat index. How this came up was my friend sent me and some others a link to an article saying that fat women are less likely to find a sexual partner and are 4 times more likely to have an unplanned pregnancy. How they did this was based on the BMI. And this study said overweight men are more likely to have sexual partners. Well obviously if we base this off of BMI not bodyfat. I mean I'm considered overweight according to it. So that means a lot of guys who workout can be considered overweight. I'm sure that some of those guys they studied were simply fit not actually fat. The calculator I used even mentions that. So I kinda don't trust this what this study says about the wide gap between men and women. I mean it says I way 71% more then others at my age and height. Well anyway enough of that annoying study. I read another article where the grandson of a victim tracked down his grandfathers killer. Now there is more to this story then that. The killer apparently walked out on his parole and life to restart in another state under another name... 40 years ago. That's right the guy was missing for 40 years. He is now like 70 something. He had a life sentence and was out on parole. He skipped his hearing and started a new life. Then 40 years later boom he's back in jail. Now I have kinda mixed feelings about this story. 1. yeah he skipped out on parole, but he's 40 years older 2. he basically was a completely different person 3. the grandson that found him didn't even know the grandfather or really know his family on that side. Now the board has this strict no skipping out on parole deal. Not to mention he was suppose to be executed by hanging. So he was basically spared and the dude ran off. Isn't that kinda what we hope doesn't happen. I just can imagine that the kids of the victim just had to feel so scared when they heard that. Knowing he was out there somewhere and had made death threats to basically everyone in the courtroom. The fear that must have run through them. Now this dude could end up pardoned by the president or the governor, but I doubt that will happen. It's one of those deep running wounds.The video for today is another one from the live action sailor moon. Except not really. This is a song that was sang a few times throughout the series since Minako in this version is a pop star. I use to know all the hand movements for the chorus. They had a dance lesson thing up on youtube for it. Anyway I like the song so I figured I'd post it and this one comes with subtitles. Today's tip is don't believe everything you read, unless you want to be like that guy you see on the streets all the time.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pretty darn good tuesday

So today I'm feeling pretty darn good. I got up on time to do a workout. I was worried that my stomach wasn't going to allow me to finish the workout, but I pulled through it. So I finished my workout and I just felt like I had a lot of spare time. I mean I got a lot done real quickly today. I'm just in a good mood today. That usually happens on days that I workout. Yesterday I was not having too good of a day. I mean I woke up just not feeling right. So I didn't workout, but luckily it went away. It was also a really slow day since it was raining...hard. My room mate also wasn't feeling good. He said he stomach was bothering him and I thought it was something serious since he did have a fever. Luckily it did break and it seems like he's getting better. They also added shutters to the windows of my apartment building. The annoying thing is these are the shutters that don't actually work. They are just there for looks. This was done in spite of the fact that clearly the money should have been given to a roofer to do the roof which is peeling and what not. Lucky for me I'm not on the top floor so if the room leaks it's more of a problem for the people above me then it is my problem. Well guess I should go enjoy more of today. Today I again happened to again check out a recommendation video. This one is a video of Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. Apparently this is the 6th boss Molegra. I say that because I never really finished the game. I just made it past the first boss and that's pretty much it. Game annoyed me too much. Anyway I'm sure any of you that have played Majora's mask will find that this boss looks kinda familiar. He also dies just like the one your thinking of. Yeah this guy is kinda like Twin mold. Minus the growing giant thing and having to attack the tongue not the head or tail. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is Deja Vu is the body's way of telling you your boring do something new already.

Monday, June 14, 2010

And not feeling so hot

Woke up this morning and I was just not feeling so hot. Usually when I wake up to workout I feel tired, but I get over it. Today I just didn't feel right. I think it's because of something I ate last night. It could also have had something to do with bleaching my teeth. I don't know, but I was just tired. My stomach was just not feeling right. Well I do feel better now that I took my probiotic. I swear that stuff works miracles. Sunday was full of laundry and working out. Which I'm not sore from luckily. I also did a little gardening. Not for me, but for a friend. They wanted to plant some corn. In return I got some lettuce. It was some good lettuce, but I think it might have made me sick to my stomach. Or it was the garlic pizza that had way too much grease. If it was that then clearly I'm never buying it again. Honestly I really don't want to buy it again because it's no longer a good deal like it was when I first bought it and it didn't make me sick then. In other news a lot of crap is happening. For one that Jordin Van Der Slunt or however he spells his name is now wanting to work with officials to be moved to Aruba in exchange for some information. I mean that guy just pisses me off. He is only giving that information because he wants to get out of "hell". He is being treated like the criminal he is and he hates it. He's back into a corner and wants to get out. I mean come on. Now he wants to work with officials. He was going to keep his mouth shut until the day he died. It just annoys me. I say leave him where he is and say hey if your information is true after peru is done with you then will fly you back to Aruba to stand trial then you can finish out your sentence in Lima and then come back to Aruba to finish your sentence. I just don't like the guy obvious. He's one of those people that I don't get a good feeling from. Then that missing 7 year old case is now going criminal. Which is so not good. I just hate that these kids are being stolen and what not. Just scares me. Then a teacher is got fired because she had a child with her fiance out of wed lock. Are you serious? Your firing someone for having a child. I mean what stance do they have to do that. It's discrimination. It's also not a legit reason to fire someone. Now if she had a child with a student then yeah I'd get it, but no she had one with her adult fiance. I swear we are going back into the dark ages of American history. Honestly I think the real reason is because they were an interacial couple. I mean at least that sounds a legit reason why you'd fire them. It would also be easier to fight legally. So I wish her good luck in her lawsuit because clearly she was wrongfully terminated. Especially since the adminstration told all the staff why she was fired and told all the parents why she was fired. Oh yeah they are so going down. So again I'm feeling nostalgic. You remember the very first Pokemon Movie. you know before they got movie happy and made one every month and no one really cares anymore unless your in Japan. Anyway this was a funny opening mainly because of the battle. I mean it was the first time we ever saw the pokemon Donphan and the move rollout, but I mean the other trainer has the lamest pokemon ever. His freaking Machamp lost to a squirtle that used bubbles. Not Hydro Pump or even Water Gun. No BUBBLES! That is one weak ass Machamp. Least the Donphan lost to Solarbeam which is a powerful move. Then to top it off his Venomoth, Pinsir, and Golem lost to a Pikachu. Ok the Venomoth I can get. The Pinsir is a bit of a stretch, but the Golem really? Golem is part ground which means it is completly resistant to electric moves. So enjoy this clip. Today's tip is sometimes to know where you are you have to look back at where you were. Say that three times fast.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Yep it's Sunday and I'm doing nothing here. Yesterday was a pretty decent day work wise. I say that because I didn't have tons of crazies. Plus I got some stuff done. It was a pretty decent day. Although when I got done I was so ready to do something. Then when I got home and ate yeah that went away. I also think my body fat is low for sure. I see veins and I'm still drinking water so yeah body fat is low. In other news I got one sweet deal. I went to go get some ice cream. It was an ice cream cone with these flavor waves called flavor burst. It was buy one get one free. I figured oh I bet they are small so I better go ahead and get the free one. Turns out that well each cone was like 10 inches of ice cream. Needless to say I couldn't finish both of them so they are now chillin' in my freezer. Got a lot to do. Computer is acting up per usual. Yeah just need it to last until close to October. Then I can buy a new one with b-day gift money I get. I mean this one did last 4 years. Well 4 years in September. Do of course plan on getting the warranty. That's why I swear this one lasted as long as it did. Plus it saved me like 80 bucks when my computer got this huge ass crack. Plus I got tons of laundry and other stuff to yeah didn't feel like making a tip or looking for a video so laters.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

And back at work

Yep back at work. Feeling a whole lot better then I did on Thursday. Will say that my weight went down again. I swear it just won't stay up. Then again that could have been fat that went up not muscle weight. I think my body fat is really low so most of that now 160.8 is probably muscle. Hey I'll find out in about 8 days.... better make that 9. The 20th is a Sunday and I either do it a day before or a day after if I can't do it on the day and I don't work on Saturday so that means Monday I get my weight check. Feels like it's the 3rd week in June not the 2nd. Oh well. Had a really relaxing day off. Pays to do nothing. Also pays since I didn't sleep well the night before. Plus I got to workout yesterday morning like a planned. Helps that I didn't have to be up early to get to work so I could not feel so time constrained. I also watched the movie It's Complicated again. Which of course brings up the good point of you shouldn't sleep with your ex. Which reminds me. One of my friends plans on doing just that. Not only does he plan on doing that, but he also is a virgin. He apparently struck a deal with his ex that they'd both lose their virginity to each other. Now I should point out that my friend is 19. Well apparently in our 2 years difference I've got some common sense. I mean if you two were together I'd get that. That would make sense, but losing your virginity to your ex. I just don't get. I mean are you so desperate to lose your virginity you have to do it with your ex. I mean at least do it with a hooker. That way there is no emotion attached. Now granted I'm not suppose to know this plan of his because he didn't tell me, but told a mutual friend of ours who told me. I know if he had told me I'd sure as hell say he was stupid for going through with this idea. Well if he wants to screw up his emotions then he should go for it. This was the girl that got him to fight with all his friends and just dumped him. I mean she was a real bitch, but hey if he's that desperate then clearly he won't listen to reason. So on my pisstastic day I found this video that made me feel a little bit better about my day. I thank World's Dumbest for posting the link on twitter. Anyway this guy Logan Lacy tried to squat 1008 lbs. As he was coming up he just shoots chunks at the judge sitting there. I mean what really gets me is everyone's reaction when it happened. I mean some step back. They help him get the weight up, but I mean no one really ran to help him. Everyone moved very slowly. And the judge well...then again he did have vomit on him. Sure does take a long time for someone to hand him a towel though. Well just check it out for yourself. If your ever having a terrible day just remember least you didn't projectile vomit at a competition and it landed on youtube for all to see. Today's tip is getting hit by Cupid's arrow means your in love. Getting hit by his diaper means you smell like imaginary baby poo.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Having a pisstastic day

Yeah it's just not going good at all. I woke up late so I couldn't workout today. Yeah that didn't make me happy. So that put me in a bad mood. Then when I get to work I'm doing the deposit all by myself which honestly wasn't that bad. Then I had my first customer. I say hello and he just keeps saying hello hello hello. Trying to be funny, but it came out as rude and annoying. As I'm showing him where his stuff is this young woman comes in I make I contact and I would have helped her, but clearly I had this old guy to deal with first. Then as we are checking out this old guy just throws a fit about his discount. I seriously just wanted to freaking yell at him. During his fit the woman walks out before I even have a chance to help her which pissed me off because I'm sure I could have got her to buy something since she was looking at proteins and workout supplements. So the old guy finally leaves and I have another customer who seriously takes forever. Again another customer comes in and I know I could help him, but I was clearly busy. She then takes like 20 minutes to check out because she's pulling loose change from her purse. I finally get her on her way to help the other guy. Yeah I'm not in a great mood at this point. Then I get a call from one of our suppliers and this guy just keeps talking. He starts of saying well either way works. Plus he was talking really quietly which meant no good news. He then is calculating something on the phone with me. That's right he didn't even have it ready when he called. Then after this long calculations finally gets to the bottom line. Basically either buy 70 dollars more stuff or get it with that in shipping. Then after I hang up with him I get the autistic kid coming in yet again. Just not my morning. Ugh just want to roll over and sleep the day away. Or at least go workout. So since I'm having a bad day I'm reminded of something on family. A certain someone was having a worse day then me. Just watch. Sorry that it's crappy quality, but it's hard to find a clip of this. Today's tip is when your day just keeps getting worse and worse just remember that as long as a baboon doesn't fall on you it was a good day.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So I didn't really have any excitement go down yesterday. No real crazy calls or customers. Today my boss my come in to make my day seem a little nicer. I forgot to bring this product that I'm suppose to try that is suppose to give me energy throughout the day and I forgot it in my haste to get in on time. So I'm going to have to work through the day. In other news I love watching the news. Mainly because it really helps me in reading people. Today they were talking about that Ian Vander Slut or however he spells the name. They had a criminal profiler who was basically explaining all his little tricks. I find it very fascinating. Learning about all this stuff. I also notice things when I watch interviews. A lot of people give off something to let you know what's really going on. It's how I decide who I trust when it comes to a dispute. Today's tip is don't run with scissors. Unless you have protective gear.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day off...kinda

So I'm not working today. Well I'm working the last 2 hours of today. Then I'm working all Wednesday and Thursday by myself. Which isn't too bad, but it is that whole I have to get up early tomorrow to go to a meeting that will kill me. Anyway so today I'm just going to hang out and honestly I don't have anything to do. Hmmm I'll have to figure it out. I guess it's daytime television for me. Yesterday was a pretty decent day. Had some crazies per usual. Had one that was insistent that we had this product. He kept saying oh you have this product. It's freeze dried adrenal gland. And I mean come on. Then after I have explained to him that we don't have this or asked him to describe the container he couldn't. He just goes on about how it makes him stronger and what not. So I said should I call up my boss and he said no don't do that. I'll just go look for it at the capitol. How the hell can you find it if you don't know what it is. The annoying part is I did call up my boss and he said oh it's this. So I'm thinking if that's what it was how the hell could he not tell me that. It has this very big id on it. It says it's for men. If he had just said that I probably could have found it. Oh well. So I was just going through youtube and I found something that shocked me. There was a space channel 5 game for the game boy advance. It was based on the original game for dreamcast. So I figure I'll post both so you can kinda see for yourself. Scary how similar they are. Today's tip is you should never base your real life skills based off a game. You can't really dance, skateboard, or fly a spaceship.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Damn it blogger

So pretty much all day I couldn't post my blog for today. Now that really annoys me since I moved my blog from wordpress. I figured blogger was better because I got more freedoms then I did on wordpress. Plus the fact that they gave me stats on my blog started to make me paranoid. Anyway so I was real busy over the weekend. I found out the awesomeness of the map app on my phone. For once I can read a map. My biggest problems with maps is I never know where I am on a map. Now I can always know. Well once it finds me. Anyway also makes it easy to see where your going. Big help on my road trip on Saturday. I also had a good workout yesterday. Also finally started doing something about my stretch mark. Well I assume it's a stretch mark on my right bicep. I could be wrong. Just really hope I'm not. What I'm using does seem to work on them. I know that if they are stretch marks I'm stuck with them for life. I can at least minimize them. Also found out I have a killer work schedule. Well only in the sense that I have to work 2 days straight all by myself. Least I get most of the day tomorrow and all day Friday off. I'll so need it. Plus my workout schedule is screwed up since I have to go in early Wednesday for a meeting. Ugh I hate those meetings. Just listening to a big blow hard talking for an hour. Maybe he'll be in a decent mood on Wednesday. So while working out a song played on my mp3 player that made me want to post it. It's called Oversoul. It's the first opening to the anime Shaman King. I love that series. It was really funny. Crappy ending though. Anyway I just really like this song. I decided to post a shaman king amv. Just wish I could find one I really really like. Oh well. Today's tip is broken trust is like coming up with these tips of the day. Takes time, effort, and sometimes has a terrible outcome.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fun day

So today has been a fun day. I mean that both literally and sarcastically. So I didn't have to go into work early so that was nice. I was surfing the web then all of a sudden my spybot kinda goes crazy. Then my internet explorer started bugging out. So I try to open up my anti-virus and spybot and of course the "antispyware" program wouldn't let it run. So I had to restart my computer and when I did run a virus scan and a spybot scan. Found the problem and took care of it. By this time it was time to go to work. Get to work and internet explorer is being funky. And my yim won't pop up. Still isn't. Not that I use it a lot. Oh wait there it goes. Anyway so I had to reset my internet explorer which I didn't know you could do. I notice that it's working very nicely. Clearly should have done it a long time ago. Anyway so right now my computer is being good. I knocked on wood of course. Anyway then I get to work and I'm just hot. I mean I've been hot all day. I feel that I clearly worked out my legs. So I think it's this gh stuff I'm taking. We'll see if it results in more fat loss and more muscle and strength gains. Sure can't do any worse then Nano Vapor. So that kinda wraps up my blog for today. Didn't feel like doing a tip of the day or messing with youtube since my computer was acting up.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wow that's weird

So I had a strange ass set of dreams last night. I mean strange even for me. I mean I was donating sperm and having kids left and right. I imagined that whenever we closed up the store another shop takes over and they were always busy so that pissed me off. Then my mom was in line to talk to a man who apparently is best friends with the president of bp. So I guess we were trying to really get him to realize the impact of what happened. Then I just remember being in a car and I was playing a game which I suddenly went into. I'm apparently playing a different version of gaiaonline's booty grab. I apparently have to chase down a fish to begin the game. Anyway I see this angler fish following this kid so I go to try to catch it and it grabs me with it's antenna and throws me. So I start running to follow it again and got on my bike ala pokemon games. Then all of a sudden I'm in a cartoon and in this cave. It was just a weird dream. As for the real world wow. That autistic guy keeps coming in. I swear he keeps getting worse and worse. I mean he's getting louder and talking longer and longer. I mean I flat out have gotten past the stage where I just politely nod. I make sure I don't even make eye contact or find something to do while he's talking. Oh don't worry that doesn't stop him from going on and on. Not even a customer coming in can stop him. It just makes me want to yell and scream at him, but I know it's not his fault which is the most annoying thing. I mean if he was just a chatterbox I could at least stop him and say I need to work, but not so much with an autistic guy. No he will continue to talk until he gets bored and moves on. Ugh. Today's video is a blast from the past. Guys that had an N64 played Star Fox 64 at one point. This is the ending of Star Fox 64 on hard in expert mode. The thing about expert mode is you could only unlock it by getting medals on every planet. Expert mode was a bitch because your ship crumbled at the smallest bit, but you got to have fox wear some nice shades. So enjoy. Today's tip is people do the strangest things for money. You now know what you must do.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I don't understand

I don't understand the logic behind some people. I really don't. Had a guy come in yesterday and he never buys anything. He just soaks us for info or free samples then goes and buys it off the internet. He came into our other store one day and wrote down all our prices and never saw him again. He also wonders when one of the other employees will be working who he soaks for info and again buys the stuff off the web. So I didn't help him very much which sucked because he was with a guy who would have bought stuff, but I knew he was talked out of it. I mean this guy has a bad attitude. Thinks we are always trying to cheat someone. I think he kinda got the feeling I was blowing him off too. I conveniently didn't know when the other employee was going to work. Then we have this other guy who is just so picky it pisses me off. He will stand there looking at one section for 10 minutes mumbling and saying he usually gets this, but it's not here so he should get this no this. Then after he finally gets his stuff he spends another 10 minutes looking at everything or looking at our info table. Well he called up because he bought some soap and the safety seal dissolved. Now keep in mind this is soap. Not food. Not a pill. It's stuff that will be used to clean surfaces, and by his own admission said it was the soap that did it. He said he'll call up and see when we get more in and get a fresh one. Well who's to say the soap won't do the same thing again. So we have to open one to see if it's not broken and if it is then we can't sell it to anyone else. So we are figuring we'll just say contact the company because we have no clue if the seal will in tact or not and if it isn't we are out of money. In both cases the guys just assume we'll bend over backwards for them. The first guy thinks we'll give him info on everything he wants to know despite the fact he never buys anything and we know he never buys anything. Or this guy who comes in every like 3-6 months to buy 2 things and expect us to give him fresh soap because the seal on his was dissolved by the soap. Like I said I don't get people's logic sometimes. Today's video is Left 4 Lol. Needless to say it's a spoof off of Left 4 Dead. Now if you've played Left 4 Dead you will find a lot of similarity in these situations. Me and my college buddies use to watch it all the time. Well enjoy. Today's tip is if your going to keep pushing for a position of power, then don't go complaining about the responsibilities.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So very sore

So I'm really sore today. My legs are killing me. Haven't gotten any better. I'm walking like the seniors I so don't want to become. Plus the internet is finally working. I have a bit of a headache and I'm tired. Yeah today is just not my day. We got shipments in and I feel like I've lost all my energy. Probably because I'm recovering from the leg workout. Plus I stopped taking my Novedex and I'm sure that has a bit to do with the lack of energy. Well I'm starting a new thing so we'll see how I am after a few days on that. Who knows I might like that better. Seems like Novedex didn't kick in until the last few days of the cycle. Ugh and tomorrow is Senior's day and that is so not going to be fun at all. I can hear the complaining and the whining and the asking if it's senior's day. Ugh my least favorite day of the month. Followed by the days I have to go to meetings. Plus Squiby is being an ass which is really annoying because it was working just fine earlier today. Yeah just not my day. Not my day at all. Well off to go do things that tire me out. Today's tip is when using pepper spray make sure not to spray against the breeze. Though it is fun to watch.