Friday, December 31, 2010

Last blog post for the year

Yep hard to believe I've been using this blog address for a year. Plus the fact that I plan on staying here for another year. It's probably the first time that I find that it's ok for me to stay. My 1st blog I quit because of I forgot my password. My 2nd blog I quit because of well a bunch of reasons. I'm staying here because well it's really simple. There is finally a stat button. No point in me really moving.
So the former manager turned trainer I swear is still the manager. I come in to workout and she's cleaning. She's cleaning all the machines. I've never seen the current manager do that. Pretty sure he doesn't know how to clean since he can't even wipe the machines when he's finished. She seriously was cleaning from the moment I got in to right before I left. I think she already worked out, but I could be wrong. I did get there later then normal. Just weird. Very weird.
My plans for tonight are as follows. Eat pizza. Watch the rest of that World War 1 documentary that I got my roommate who refuses to watch it alone. Probably go to bed early. May stay up. yeah not too much.
On twitter I wonder what in the world I say that I get some strange followers. Today I checked my twitter and I'm now up to 131 followers. Which is odd because I think last night I had 126. Now I must have had 129, because only two look new. Anyway the latest follower has the name AssLickingHeave. Like I said what in the world did I say that got that username to follow me. Now I know it's a spam account, but what did I do to get their attention. My last tweet was a retweet of a description about libras from Zodiac Facts. Weird.
So I haven't been keeping up with Bleach. I use to watch it religiously, but it seemed to be dragging on. Well apparently things really are starting to perk up. Least if I'm to believe this 12 opening for bleach. Kinda makes me want to start watching again. I'm so far behind though, that I have a whole lot to watch. Granted I can skip the filler arc. We'll see. Today's tip is the fun thing about today is that you can say that's the last time I'll do a certain action for the rest of the year.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oh boy what a day

First I need to apologize for my statement about the 48 hour mystery I watched. I probably should have watched the whole thing before commenting. It aired after Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan pleaded guilty. That is why it was shown as if they did do it. I will also say wow.... Craig Titus has some problems. The dude pleads guilty, but still says he is innocent. Then he seems to take that back and says he did do it kinda. I couldn't watch his interview because it felt so phony. Just didn't feel like he was telling the truth. Felt like he thinks what he says people believe. There was a point when he says he's sorry for what happened. Feels kinda like he's sorry for the fact he's sitting there behind bars, not so much for what happened with the murder. The interviewer even says the mother says she won't forgive you. He then replies saying he's not asking for forgiveness. He's sorry for what happened. Even in court he was just off. The judge says that they are concerned about the plea. And asks him point blank do you plead guilty to this. Did you or did you not do it. You could tell Craig wanted to say I didn't do it, but says yes I did it. He apparently got 26-55 years behind bars. After 26 years he is eligible for parole. I don't think I want him out and about. Not unless he has a serious 180 attitude wise.
Speaking of attitude changes, Michael Vick has turned it around. He is a guy that said I did do it. He paid the time and the fines and has come out as a better person. He has been a great player. Has not gotten into trouble. He is seriously someone that got a 2nd chance and said I'm not going to blow it. That's why president Obama praised him. Well that's the big problem. Since Obama praised him Fox News has to condemn him. Tucker Carlson said that Vick should be executed for what he did to dogs. That kinda of Vick hating sentiment has passed in public opinion. Vick has admitted what he did was wrong and did his time. He hasn't denied that it was a terrible thing that he did. That is why people are praising him. He's turned it around. He has shown that he isn't the same person that did those things. If he said this during the big scandal yeah I get it, but Tucker only said what he said because Obama praised him. He's saying Obama shouldn't praise him. I'm a Christian and I believe he should be executed for what he did. There are people that have done FAR worse to animals and haven't been executed. No person has been executed for animal cruelty. It's just sad. Sad that a man doesn't get viewed for the changes he made to himself because one person said he did good and the opponent has to say they did bad.
I'm sure you've heard that we have come to an end to the Favre investigation. Needless to say I'm pissed about it. Probably wouldn't have been happy with it either way. I admit that. What I'm mad about is that it took this long. Other players and coaches get suspended and fined at the drop of the hat, but this one took 2 months? Even with him admitting to sending the voicemails. Plus he got fined not for what he did admit to, but for not helping the investigation. ARE YOU SERIOUS! If an employee didn't help with a sexual harassment investigation they'd be fired or suspended, but this guy gets fined. Plus only $50,000. That's a drop in the water for Favre. That's not sending a message. Well it's sending the message of be a big football star that's getting ready to retire and don't help with the investigation and we'll just slap you on the wrist. The sooner he's out of the NFL the better for football.
Today's tip is the time is fast approaching to come up with a new year's resolution that you'll give up on about 2 months later.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This should get you thinking

I was just surfing the web when I came across a 48 hours mystery video. It was about Craig Titus. If you don't know who that is I'm not really shocked. He was a somewhat famous bodybuilder. I only know the name because my dad use to subscribe to muscle and fitness. He was regularly in there in some way or form. Well awhile back I heard he was in prison, but I never really looked into it. Well this 48 hours explained it. He and his wife were accused of killing a woman. It got me thinking about several things. 1 it was presented as they did it. It was incredibly biased. What happened to journalist integrity? I only watched 2 parts of it, but at the end of the 2nd part the guy is interviewing Craig and just keeps asking him did he do it. Now granted later on he did enter a guilty plea after saying him and his wife had nothing to do with it. Still says he is innocent. Anyway the other thing that it got me thinking is maybe there are just people out there that are more easily corrupted. If we are to believe what was in that segment he had a lot of money. He also openly did steroids. Apparently got his clients and other people them regularly. Also partied pretty hard. Yet there are tons of successful bodybuilders out there that don't do what he did. Like I said just got me wondering.
Speaking of wondering ever notice how in ads for ab machines they always show someone that is clearly out of shape then magically by "using" the product they not only have a 6 pack, but other parts are well developed. For the longest time (when I was much younger) I would see these and think that if you work on the abs everything else fell into place. Well obviously that's not the case. You can see it with the actual people that use the product. Or how about the product T core. It's from the same company that makes the shake weight. They have this new ab machine. The funny thing is it starts off with a guy that already has a 6 pack doing crunches. Then the announcer says are you tired of being on the floor doing ab crunches that hurt your back. The guy then puts his hand on his lower back. Ok the guy looks like he clearly knows how to do crunches and has been doing them forever. They then show him and another guy (with a 6 pack) using the machine. How about we get real people. Let's show some actual results. If you already have a 6 pack then well it's kinda well pointless to have the machine. Well that's how people viewing it look at it. Oh well.
Today's tip is when going to the store for someone write down what they want. Don't get there, call the person, then give the phone to the clerk. It's just weird.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Well that makes sense

I went to the gym today and the woman that gets "trained" by the gym "manager" was in. I happened to look over at the windshield and noticed that there was a sticker for the fort in the area. Then I thought back to the new "managers" bio and it said that he was at the fort. So it got me to think. Maybe he's not being paid to train this woman. Maybe it's him doing something for a friend. Then I realized you wouldn't come in as early as he does unless you were getting paid. Which is just sad that someone would pay to workout with this guy. I get into the gym and go straight to the back. Well the woman does some cardio then she comes back all by herself. So I thought oh maybe he's not coming in today. Then I noticed she kept looking at the door. Which meant he was late. He did show up and I didn't hear his excuse for being late. Then as I'm finishing up I hear that she just has to do some ab work and she can go home. Why she pays him to basically do what she can do by herself is beyond me.
The annoying thing about Wisconsin is that we have to renew our license every 8 years. It's annoying because of old people. Most of us have been stuck behind seniors. We know how bad it can be sometimes. Well this morning a woman puts on her breaks way before getting close to the stop sign. Stops way behind the pole to where she can't see if a car is coming. So me and my workout buddy got talking and he told me about an old woman that hit the concrete barrier at a bank drive thru. In Wisconsin the only way a senior losses their license is if they can't pass the vision part when renewing their license or a doctor or family member pushes the issue. Well doctors won't do it because seniors basically pay for their car with all the prescriptions they need. So they are going to keep them happy because if the doctor says they shouldn't drive they'll just find a new one. The family members won't do it because they don't want to upset grandma. Well which is worse. Having grandma mad at you or having grandma get into an accident. I've heard horror stories from customers about seniors that hit them or that they saw get hit. What if these people hit and kill someone. Do you really want that on grandma's conscience for the rest of her life how short it may be.
How I was introduced to mermaid melody was an AMV (anime music video) of it. The song they used was Sweet Little Bumble Bee. It's a song that's on DDR. Whenever I hear that song I think of mermaid melody. I can't find that AMV anymore so I figured I'd find one and post it. Found one I liked and here it is. Today's tip is how the fine print is hidden should give you a hint into the danger of whatever is being explained.

Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm awake and ready to rant

Today I'm more up and with it. So I'm in the mood to rant. So I guess I'll start off with my former 2nd job. How I figured out I no longer work there is the fact I'm not on this weeks schedule (at the time next week). Now you'd think someone would say something on my last day. Or that I'd even get a phone call. Nope just not on it anymore. Oh and shockingly my manager wasn't working. You know it's not that hard. You simply say to the person thanks for your help this season, but next week we won't be needing you anymore. I'm not saying I want to continue to work there. Just would like to know ahead of time. It's just my personality. I like knowing things ahead of time so I can plan accordingly. That's a corporation for you.
I called up the store last week and was talking to my boss. He mentioned how one of our customers came in. He asked if I knew that there was something wrong with him. I said yeah he told me he has an over active thyroid. Well apparently the doctors took care of that. Apparently there is a medication for over active thyroid, but like 90% of people can't handle it. So what do they do then? They destroy the thyroid gland. Not only do they destroy it, but they use radiation to do it. For 3 days he had to use a separate restroom from his family. He now has to be on a medication for the rest of his life that acts like the thyroid gland. The guy is so happy about finally feeling normal. Well he won't be for long. The thyroid regulates our body temperature. Without it he has to take these meds. Well eventually he's going to get use to them and they aren't going to be affective. Plus I'm sure the meds have some nasty side effects. Plus he probably has damage from the radiation that they used. If it was me I'd rather find a way of handling the over active thyroid then getting rid of it all together and being on meds forever.
What is it with the NY Jets and scandals. I know I'm late in reporting this, but apparently a foot fetish video was found on the web with a woman that looked like Rex Ryan's wife. There is a man off camera that sounds like him. Now I'm not saying it is or isn't her. I'm just reporting what I saw and heard. Now the part that gets me is that when Rex was asked about the video he kinda somewhat denied it, then went on about how pretty his wife is. From that it sounds like yes it's them. If we have learned anything from any of the scandals in this past year is, if you admit it people forget it. The more you deny the more they dig and find the truth. Or they find worse dirt. So if it was him and his wife he could have actually played the victim. He could have said yes that was us. That was a private video that we shot together and we don't know how it got leaked. I don't appreciate whoever did it. Well then the spotlight is off them and onto whoever uploaded the video. So we'll see if anymore gets found out on the matter. Just hope for the Jets it's found to not be the wife. Like they need any more negative PR.
I'm sure you know of someone that seems to cry at the drop of the hat. Or seems to get way into a movie. Well this woman does both. No matter what movie she watches she ends up crying. Just watch the clip. You can see that well even an action movie can make her cry. I'd never want to watch a movie with her ever. Not even a comedy. I bet comedies do it worse to her. Today's tip is if you ever get tired of saying "I told you so," then you've lost your zest for life.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Time to get back to work

So today is my last day off then I go back to work. Least I'm only working one plcae. I miss working the normal hours. Today I'm just doing my usual. Laundry, groceries, and working out. Should be fun.
Other then that not much happened. It was a typical boring christmas. Talked to people in my family, but yeah nothing big.
Be our guest. That's the video for today. I said I was going to post it and I finally got around to it. Today's tip is believe it or not, but it is actually not illegal to be nice to people in the service industry.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Got to blog and dash

Yesterday I just didn't feel like blogging. Happens when I workout later in the day. Anyway I got to blog real quick then get ready then dash out. So yesterday was a pretty nice day. Didn't have to go to work. Had the apartment to myself most of the day. This morning I opened up my gifts. My roommate was kind enough to get me a shake weight for men. Not shocked since for awhile I've been talking about it then there is this big box underneath the tree.
I also managed to finally get a squiby I've been trying to get for days. The artist hid it (like a lot of them are doing nowadays) and I kept trying to figure out what the clue meant. Well I thought I had figured it out early on, but I guess I miss spelled it or didn't give the page time to load. So yeah it was a pretty awesome day. The gym wasn't too bad either. Only one asshole was there. Why is it so hard for people to put up their weights?
Today's tip is make sure not to shake those presents too hard. Never know which one might have a baby in it.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wow what is it today?

Today it seems no one wants to follow the rules. So I wake up at 8:15 to find out that the snow removal company is already out and removing snow. Well they aren't suppose to be there until 9. We got a letter yesterday saying that the company came by and no one removed their car. Well the thing is they were suppose to remove the snow the day before and everyone moved their car then. So we all figured guess there isn't enough snow on the ground that they should remove it. So the note says be out of your spot by 9. Well I call up my roommate and he says oh they were out at 7:15 removing snow. So I start getting ready to go to the gym and figure guess I'm leaving early. So at 8:30 I get a knock on my door. One of the tenants was asked by the snow removal company to tell me to move my car. Ok first off I shouldn't have to remove my car for another 20 minutes. I wouldn't have a problem moving my car if we weren't told just yesterday to be out BY 9. Not by 8:30. So I just go ahead and get dressed and move. When I got back I e-mailed the landlord.
Plus I was at the gym. Now at my gym you have to come in using a electronic pass. One pass lets in one person. So if there is a line of people each one has to use their pass to get in. It's to make sure that everyone is accounted for in case something happens such as theft. We are told this when we sign up. We are told that if we do this the first time is a fine. The 2nd time the fine is more. The third time your membership is terminated. Well this woman and two guys were at the door. She uses her pass. All 3 of them come in. This is the 2nd time I've seen someone do something like this. That's right. I don't know if the new manager is just skipping over this fact or if they new manager isn't even keeping up with that. Either way it's annoying. A lot of us follow the rule and yet these people don't and yet there isn't any punishment. Oh and funny side note. This big guy comes in. Big with more fat then muscle. He goes to the leg extension machine. I'm not going to lie. He looked really funny. I mean he was wider then the seat. His face is red. I mean just bright red. His neck disappeared. I tried not to stare and laugh, but that was hard.
The last rule breaker was on the road. I'm driving back home and there is a car parked on my side. This wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't for two facts. One the hazard lights weren't on. There is a reason why I said this. It has to do with problem number 2. There is a sign. That is very visible that says no parking here to the corner. The reason being is that it's right in front of a traffic light. Well not right in front, but really close. Ugh what is it with today.
Today's tip is If you are going to break the rules then don't go crying to people when you have to pay for your actions.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I got lazy

Was going to post yesterday, but got lazy. Was a weird day. I had to move my car at 9 so I figured I'd workout then. Well turns out they never removed the snow like they were suppose to. When I got to the gym I found out I forgot my shoes. So I went to the office and got measured. I'm leaning out. Happens every winter. Last year my lowest body fat was in February then it went up. So if that trend continues then no matter how much I eat I'll lose weight. It would help if I didn't have to work at a job that has me walking around for hours on end without getting a chance to drink a lot of water or eat a lot of calories. So yeah we'll see.
Plus a lot of stuff didn't happen on Monday, but not yesterday. First off Bret Farve is injured yet again. Now the NFL commissioner has come out and says he's following up on that investigation and it will be done by the end of the regular season. Oh who are they kidding. They had no intention on finishing this anytime soon. They have had this going for far too long. The reason being is that it kept all eyes on the NFL. It kept them from having to disgrace him even more. He's been having the crappiest season so the NFL punishing him for it would be a total kick in the ass. That's what they think. In all honesty if they got it done asap then it wouldn't be holding over his head. We know he's going to pay a fine. I mean come on. You look at the texts, you look at the pics, compare, and if he did it based on the evidence you act. It doesn't take what 5 months? Everyone else got fined like the day after something comes forward. Why is this taking so long? It's just a slap in the face of the players that aren't retiring. Basically it says if you do something wrong do it the year you plan on retiring.
Speaking of stupid choices. I was getting gas and the idiot in front of me DID NOT TURN OFF HIS ENGINE! Yes he did in fact fuel up with his engine running. Apparently in Illinois they don't turn off their engines. Maybe it was just this guy. I mean that's so stupid for several reasons. 1. there is a could chance we all could blow up. 2. Even if we did you are using fuel while getting fuel. Your bill is going to be higher. People are stupid.
So I was going to post Be Our Guest from beauty in the beast and then I got looking at the videos youtube recommended. Yeah these videos are way better. I'm just not going to ruin them. Watch them. All I can say is sometimes you just can't recover from something funny. Today's tip is if ever there was a time to be on your best behavior, in front of the camera is one of those times.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Just have to get through this week

Just have to get through this week and I'll be able to relax. I have a late night tonight and Thursday. The really annoying thing is both nights we are suppose to get snow. Ugh just not my week. Least when this week is over I won't be getting home at 11:15 or in the case of Thursday after 12:15. Just so dangerous being out that late for two reasons. 1 very few cars are out that late. So if something happens to your car you are kinda screwed. 2. No one is out so snow is really begining to pile up. No fun.
On Saturday it was just wow. Had a customer come in and ask if we had any other Uno game besides the basic Uno. Like Uno attack. So we go through the games and as they can plainly see we don't have any. So I told them well doesn't look like we have them. I personally haven't seen that game. So then she is like well it was here just last week. I don't see why it was here last week and not this week. I then wanted to say hello dumbass. It's the Christmas season. What store has the same inventory from week to week let alone day to day. So they ask me to look it up. Well I can't look it up. I have a SCANNER. I can only look it up if I have the code or the item in question. So they ask if they can do it at the front desk. Yeah they can. I can't. Well they leave and she's still bitching. Later on I tell my co-worker so we go back and see if there is even a label for it. There was I scanned it and turns out we have none on hand and we aren't going to get anymore. Which means that it was pretty close to going on clearance. Wish I had found it when they were there so I could say hey we don't have anymore and we won't have anymore. That's what they get for waiting to get it. It's Christmas time. If you see a gift that someone wants you buy it. If you wait then you probably won't get another chance until after the holidays. Some people are just that stupid.
So today's video is from the recent episode of Pokemon Best Wishes. I would have just done the opening, but that is so hard to find. Anyway it's not subbed, but it gives you a pretty decent feel for the show. Today's tip is there is one way to win an argument. Start randomly shouting words. No one wants to argue with someone not in their right mind.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Well that was a blessing

Turns out that I was suppose to work Thursday night not Friday night. The funny thing is that no one called me. Plus my manager was working that day. So you'd think he'd know I was suppose to work. So that could mean one of three things when I work today. 1. I'm fired. Somehow I doubt that. From what I managed to hear I'm one of the few seasonal people still working. Plus they have my schedule for next week working. If they do then well what was the point of hiring for seasonal work. Option 2. My manager brings it up and says just don't do it again. Or 3. He had no clue I was suppose to work and that's why I didn't get a call. So we'll see.
Yeah still not feeling all that great. I really don't plan on talking to anyone about my feelings. Don't want to burden them with me complaining.
Today's tip is Christmas is now one week away. That means people are going to be even crazier when shopping.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Do I complain? Yes I do.

Just a flat out fact. I flat out complain and I know I do. The reason is because if I don't I hold it in. Holding it in isn't good for me. It's one of the things that got me in the hospital. Like I said before when something I view as unjust happens and no one does anything about it, it bothers me. So that's how it goes. What really annoys me when I have to deal with people complaining time and time again and then when I have complaints and I voice them I'm told to shut up. My roommate complained and complained about his job. Said he didn't feel like he was doing a good job. So he quit. I complain about my job (which I've had for less time then he had his) and I get told that I'm just complaining. That I should be happy I have a job. Dude you had two (just like me right now) and you complained about the 2nd one until you quit. He complains about his family. He complains about politics. He complains just as much as I do. I never tell him to shut up. I don't really pay attention, but I don't tell him to shut up. So you know what if I can't find someone in person to complain to then I'll do it here. Just have to double it up.
Speaking of complaining back to my gym. So they are holding (well the pompous trainer is holding) a bench your weight contest. Now the thing about my gym is that everyone there isn't exactly there to win contests. Most are there to get into shape. Some are there to get bigger. Others are there to make sure they keep what they have right now. They tried this before. No one signed up for the World's Strongest Man/Woman training. As for the beat the trainer, I don't know if someone did it. I can't imagine anyone did since well the "prize" was a stupid prize. Why would you want a free training session if you can already beat the trainer. Well anyone so I come in today and there is a name on the paper. It of course was the pompous trainer. Ok two things with that. Why the hell would you put your name in the contest running? YOUR A FREAKING STAFF MEMBER! I mean wow. That is stupid. The second thing is again there is no timeline to this "contest". No prize. So now that anyone that thought they might want to try it won't. This guy apparently benched 230 lbs 25 times. Want to know the funny thing about that? When the beat the trainer was up I'm pretty sure it was 225 lbs benched 25 times. Makes me wonder if he just wrote a number that he did once. Then figured he should up it. Did another staff member actually see him. I didn't see anywhere that an employee was suppose to sign saying they approve of what they wrote. If anyone else signs up I will be shocked for sure.
The trainer/manager was in again. Still talking. I seriously can't stand the guy. He hogs the machines and just talks. He doesn't train. I mean arg.....
Today's tip is if you have a trainer that does more talking than training then you clearly have a trainer in it for the money. Get a new one.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

6 more days

I just have 6 more days of work at my 2nd job before it's all downhill. After next week the store goes back to normal hours. Also means things aren't going to be so pushy. The sad thing is I know I'll have to work the day after Christmas. Plus I'm assuming I'm only working 4 days like usually. I'll see the next day.
I had a good conversation with a customer today. We got talking about workouts and how you need to change it up. What brought it up was the fact that he works out with my co-worker. Both were mentioning how sore they were. We just had a good heart to heart. Least I felt like we did. I didn't feel like he was blowing smoke up my ass or just talking to get information out of me. Plus I learned a new workout technique from him. Not sure I taught him anything, but I think I at least made him feel like he was doing a great job. I think me telling him that my co-worker says he's sore because of him and he's saying he's sore because of my co-worker made him respect him a bit more. Plus I did get him to try a pro-hormone. I spoke to him honestly and he ended up buying it. Plus unlike other people he knows that not everyone reacts the same way to the same products. I told him how I felt on it, told him what others said, and I think he appreciated it. It's conversations like that, that make my day.
Today's tip is when you think you did something really stupid just remember at least you didn't ride your bike against traffic on the road in snow.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I swear it happens every time

Every time it's suppose to snow it happens when I'm suppose to work late at my 2nd job. It's probably one reason why I really hate my 2nd job. I can honestly say when I just had to work just my 1st job it hasn't snowed. Plus whenever it snows (least so far) it has been a snow storm. It has not just simply been snow fall. You have got to be kidding me. Oh well. Least it's almost over. I'm suppose to work 90 days, but as I told my dad when he called and my roommate asked according to the contract I signed there is a chance that after the holidays I'll be done. The contract says I can work no longer then 90 days, but I or the store could terminate it early with no prejudice. Meaning neither of us can sue over it. Now granted I'm not an ass that would quit when I'm suppose to work. If I was to quit I'd do it before the next weeks schedule is posted. Oh well we'll see what happens next week.
So what else has been going on. Nothing really. It's been a pretty uneventful last two days. Probably because I haven't really been working. Plus I've been trying to calm down. Especially after Sunday. Oh and I think I really do need to superset all my arm exercises. The only problem with that is I have 3 bicep exercises, 2 tricep exercises, and 1 forearm exercise. So that means my biceps wouldn't have a good rest. Maybe that's what I need to push my arms up. Plus it's the only time I could ever Super set. I don't work my chest and back on the same days since they both are massive muscle groups. You can't really superset any leg exercises. So I should take the chance when I have it. Especially when I'm the only one in the back. The sad part is it's getting hard for that to happen. Mainly because it's hard to leave at the normal time because it's getting so cold. As a result I'm getting in later when other people are there. Not fun.
Oh and I thought of another thing I can tell my co-worker if he pushes the whole workout together thing. Honestly as you can kinda read I'm very selfish when it comes to my workouts. What I mean is it's all about me when I workout. People get in MY way. I don't ever get in theirs. I want all my attention on me. I want to get the most out of the least amount of time. I can't workout in a group. I don't even do that now. Yes I have a workout buddy, but it's more like we go to the gym together. We don't workout together. Rarely do we even work the same muscle group on the same day. He was talking about there were 8 guys last Sunday. Well not last Sunday, but the Sunday before last. No that's too many people. I get fidgety when I'm just standing around. Plus I don't want to talk. I don't talk when I workout. It annoys me when I see people talking. I can't help, but think about how much time they are wasting. I'm talking about back in the weightroom, not on the treadmill or cardio machines. That you can do while talking easily. Anyway it would bother me to whole time. He's talking about 2 hours at the gym. I hate that. The longest workout I've ever had was like an hour and a half during a total body workout. That was more because I just wanted to be there longer, but normally it's an hour including warm up and cool down. So that's what I'll tell him. I don't think I'll ever be coming by. When I workout I don't like waiting around. I don't like to talk. Basically we'll simply be in the gym at the same time. I have my own routine and I don't change it. I'll avoid the way he invited me. If he keeps pushing then I'll bring it up, but other then that I won't.
So the episode I posted yesterday has a certain song stuck in my head. Yes No One Else On Earth by Wynonna Judd. Yay for audio/visual memory. Today's tip is sometimes you think of a good response after the situation. It happens. Don't dwell on it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My gym is funny

It really is. So yesterday I was checking mail and I get this mailer from my gym. It says that the staff is wishing you a happy holidays. As a "gift" they offered me 5 personal training sessions for only $125. That's right only $125. That's $25 a session. It's practically a gift. No pretty sure a gift is something that you get for free, but I will say that is a huge discount from the normal trainer costs. If I recall right the cheapest you can get is like $99 a session. Now the thing about this gift is I might have taken it, if the trainers seemed like they knew what they were talking about. Here let me explain. I went to the gym today. The pompous trainer was there again. He did exactly what he did last time. Comes in, hides in the trainers room comes out and walks around, goes back in, comes out and walks around again, goes in, comes out and finally trains his client. I mean dude why are you coming in early. Oh I know so you can try to intimidate people and act like the big guy you aren't. I have never seen this guy in a sleeveless shirt. He is always pretty much covered up. He was actually wearing a sweatshirt the whole time I was there. Now I get that you keep it on after you come in for a couple of minutes while your warming up. Yet you never take it off? Well based on what I've seen he looks like he is getting pretty chubby and knows it so he keeps the shirt on to look like he's in shape. I mean the other trainer/manager takes off his shirt and he clearly is huge. So I'm not going to use the pompous trainer. So what about the trainer/gym manager. Not using him either. He tends to talk too much. I mean 10 minutes of an hour session is really just him talking. Don't want that as my trainer. I mean when he works out he never says a word. Just listens to his music and does his workout. Why can't you work your clients like that? So how about the girl trainer. Well that kinda answered the question. I'm trying to bulk up and she is clearly not the one to do that. Plus she can be a major ice queen. Yeah I don't want you talking too much, but I want to feel like if I have a question I can ask you without you staring me down. So how about the student trainer. Well that's the problem. He's a student. Right now he's really busy with school and is rarely around. He's a good trainer and I think he could help me, but he's no help if he's working at school. So like I said not really a gift.
They also had a free month of tanning. Ok yeah that would be great if it wasn't winter. Do you know how weird that looks? Being tan when the sun is rarely out. Plus when it is you clearly are covered up. I mean you basically are flaunting that you tan. Don't want to be one of those people. Maybe in spring I could get it. Plus I don't want to deal with all that skin damage. Rather get a normal tan.
So that leads to the back of the letter. They gave me 6 referral cards. I'm suppose to give this to friends. It says 12 days of free fitness. Now I don't know if that means they don't have to sign up and they'll get 12 days for free. If that's true then that's stupid. They offer 30 days for free. Unless that was a November thing. Or it's you sign up and they will take off 12 days of the price. Or you get 12 days for free before they start charging you. Either way I don't get it, but it says use this card to enter the refer a friend contest. Wait does that mean they are entered in it or that I am. I fail to see how that's a great thing for anyone. Cause it looks like I'm just doing it to get into a contest or it looks they only want to do it for the contest. Like I said. My gym is funny.
Today I'm posting the 3rd episode of RuPaul's Drag U. I love this show because of what it does. It gives women confidence by dressing up like a drag queen. I really hope they do a reunion special. I really hoped a lot of the confidence stuck. I chose this episode because well it was the last episode I saw, and because I think the transformations were the best. In terms of confidence and drag queen look. Plus it seems like Drag U knows what it's doing at this point. The first episode was clearly a first episode. Plus the queens seemed to forget what exactly they were there to do. I think they were talked to after the first episode because I haven't seen that again.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yep fed up with things

I'm fed up with working at my 2nd job. I'm fed up with snow. I'm fed up with people. I just want to stay in my apartment until spring. Yesterday I had to dig myself out for 15 minutes to get to work. I of course couldn't go shopping so I had to do that later. That was a pain in the ass. Just tired of things. It's probably my seasonal depression popping up too.
Plus my co-worker got on my nerves. I don't know if it was because of the snow or because I was on break so I couldn't stay and talk much, but he just seemed to be out of it. Didn't turn off the front computer. Didn't do any shoveling. Then on top of that he gives me that "oh you heard that so I have to invite you" invite. Then when I tried to back out of it he wouldn't let it go. He workouts out with his buddies every Sunday at like 9:30. On Sunday at 9:30 I'm doing laundry or shopping. I told him that and he hands me this photo that he was going to hand his friend about bitching and man up. Well you know what the truth is I don't want to workout with him or his friends. I feel like the 19th wheel with them. Plus I don't workout the way they work out. They max out. Me I don't. I get a weight I feel comfortable with and lift. Make sure I can do 3 sets of at least 8. I could probably lift more, but I want my strength to increase gradually. Not to mention I'm going for muscle fatigue to build muscle rather then strength. That's kinda what most of them are going for. On top of that I'm not driving to another city in this weather. Not when I can just go down the street to my gym. So if he pushes it I'm going to tell him I'm not going all the way to another city during winter. I have a gym that's a 24 hour gym. If he brings it up I'll say that and if he really pushes it I'll say honestly I didn't feel like I was truly invited. That it felt like you were just inviting me because I happened to be in the backroom when you were inviting a customer. Not like you couldn't have invited me sooner, but only invited me after you thought I heard you inviting someone else. I know you thought that because I had no clue you invited the guy until you came back and told me about it.
Today's tip is how you invite someone to something speaks volumes. Do it properly and they'll most likely show up.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

So hating the snow, my job, and christmas

Yep I've come to that point. Guess it was only a matter of time. I mean the 2nd job has never been something I enjoyed. The snow makes getting from point A to point B annoying and scary at times. Well only after it just started snowing. The day after it's fine, but since I always seem to have to go to the 2nd job on days it really snows not liking it. As for Christmas yeah thank the stores, commercials, and radio stations for that. I mean I have to hear the same old crappy songs all day at work. 2nd job work not my first job. My first job we listen to a radio station that plays classic rock so I don't have to hear the Christmas crap. I mean ugh come on why? Plus people get all pissy around this time when they shop. Some people are nice then there are others that are just assholes. Yeah that makes my job even less fun then it is now. Yeah the only way I'd sign on for a permanent position is if I only work 2 days a week and none of those days are weekends. That is only if they ask me which I know they won't. That's perfectly fine with me.
In fun news David Hasselhoff's show has been canceled after two episodes. That's funny because of a conversation I had with my roommate about the show. We were watching TruTV I think and the ad for that show came on. Now instead of givings us a general time or even day they said check your local listings. Ok that's work. If someone wants to see a show on a whim then you give them the day and time. You know the Tuesday at 9/8c or whatever. Don't say check your local listings. What does the A&E cable network really differ from state to state? Does it really? That to me sounds like you hadn't decided when the show was going to air. So that was strike number one. Well it turns out that the audience for the first show was like 750,000 viewers the it dropped to 500,000 viewers the next show. Now I don't know what's a good up or down number, but I'm guessing losing 250,000 viewers is a bad thing. Probably because people tuned back in for the show after it. Oh well. Didn't seem like a well thought out idea. Then again not a lot of his ideas nowadays seem to be well thought out.
So the other day at my 2nd job (yes we are back to that) one of the managers found a mouse. A dead mouse to be exact. In a trap to be even more exact. So she asked me to do it. Now the thing about this trap is that it's not well hidden. Anyone that looks up will see it. Yet this mouse was there for clearly a few days. And I'm pretty sure it was actually a rat based on it's tail. Now doesn't it make more sense not to have a trap in plain sight of a customer. I mean that would make me say wow this place has a mouse problem. Maybe I shouldn't get food items here. Well since no one noticed it until then I guess well the store is safe on that end.
Oh and side note. Probably not going to blog tomorrow since well as you can guess my 2nd job has me coming in early tomorrow. I can't do grocery shopping, blog, get dressed and make it on time. Not in the snow at least. Today's tip is taking a shower is better than taking a bath for the simple fact that you are less likely to fall asleep and drown taking a shower.

Friday, December 10, 2010

It's got to make you wonder

I wonder what goes through people's heads sometimes. My boss told me that yesterday someone came in and asked if we had a probiotic toothpaste. They said that it was suppose to remove more bacteria. Well I want you to think about this. If you know anything about probiotics you know that they are themselves bacteria. They are good bacteria, but bacteria none the less. So if you were to do one of those germ sensors you'd probably notice that there are tons more germs then you'd expect. They don't make a sensor that really tells the deference. You have to basically get a culture and have a scientist figure out the difference. So how in the world can they make that claim. That's why I don't trust things on tv. I think I mentioned the other day about the AB circle. I was looking at a box for it and it had pictures of "real customers" that use the product. They had before and after photos. One of them was no joke the guy in the after photo stretched out to be the before photo. It was obvious because of several things. He was wearing the same shirt, same expression, and the pixelation and discoloration. Another one looked like they seriously took two different women. It's so easy for corporations to change photos to their advantage. That's why I only trust photos that actual customers take and show. The average person isn't a professional at photoshop so if they change something it's kinda obvious.
I also wonder why so many people listen to their friends for products. What I mean is they don't really listen. Like they'll get advice from a friend in a different state then act shocked that a store doesn't carry what they want. Or they will look at the price and jump out of their skin. Wouldn't that be something that you'd talk to your friend about? Plus sometimes you have a friend that never has to change. There are some guys that shop the store that have never changed pre-workouts or protein. Then there are others that have to change ever time they finish. Those people will probably be able to give you an accurate choice. Say hey this one was great at this while this one was great at this. The guy that never changes will say this is the one I have and it does the job. So if it doesn't work for you, you are now at a loss. That's why it honestly does not hurt to ask the clerk. If they don't know then do a little research. Test things out. I guess probably because I'm so skeptical. I know what works for me. I know what doesn't and I only know that because I've tested so many different products.
Today's tip is if you say something then pause to think, "did that sound wrong," then yes it did.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fun day

Today is a fun fun day. I got to sleep in late. I was going to get up early to go to the gym, but I kinda slept in. It worked out today since I had to move my car at 9 so they could clean the parking lot. So I left at like 8:50 and get to the gym at about 9. It looked like it was going to be really busy, but a lot of the cars were customers for other businesses. There was 4 of us all together. 5 in the middle of the workout then back to 4 and finally 2. I had a really good arm workout. They type that made it hard for me to hold out my arm without shaking. I think it has to do with me supersetting. I got sent a clip from a friend of Rusty Jeffers. If you don't know who that is, then look him up. Anyway it was a clip of one of his workout vids. In it he was talking about how his arms are his stubborn body part. Which honestly makes me feel better. My arms are the same way. Well arms and chest. Anyway he got his arms up to 20 inches. I'm just trying for 15. Anyway he mentioned he supersetted (meaning one right after the other) incline dumbbell curls and what's known as the Nose breaker or skull crusher. So I tried it and wow. That was a great idea. I mean I really felt that one. My arms are still burning. I'm so doing that from now on. It's a great idea.
Yet again. I had a very boring day at work. 5 hours of me not really having anything to do. By 8 very few people were in the store. By 10 we had 2 people in the whole store. Now the worst thing about this is that next week the store will be open until midnight and I know one of those days I'm going to have to stay until closing. I mean I need the money, but not so badly that I only get 6 hours of sleep. If even that. Plus it's only $7.50. I mean like we are really going to have anyone come in at before midnight. WE DON'T EVEN HAVE MORE THEN 5 PEOPLE FROM 10-11 UNLESS IT'S ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY! I so hate that job.
Ok time for the only Christmas Song I actually like. The Very First Christmas from Spongebob. I love it because it's so random. Then again what on Spongebob isn't. So time for a cheap laugh. Today's tip is if you don't want to dispose of a dead mouse then you probably should avoid the conventional mouse trap.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Here we go

Tonight I have to be at my 2nd job until closing. Plus I have to work the last 3 hours at my first job. So I have an 8 hour day. The thing about that is that the first 3 hours don't really matter to me. I love my first job. That 3 hours will fly by. It's the last 5 hours I don't want to deal with. It's really annoying. I mean I get people that can be really great and make my job really easy or not. It depends on what goes on with the management. Depending on what they are doing sets the tone. If they have nothing for me (which is most of the time) then I'm just walking around looking for work. The thing about me is I really don't like looking for something to do. I like having tons of stuff set up for me to do. That's what happens at my first job. I have tons of things to do. Then when I don't then I'm allowed to be on my computer and simply wait on customers that come in. Not so much at this other job. I really don't have that at my other job. There isn't one thing you can always go to if nothing else is going on. Oh well.
Honestly that's kinda the only rant I have. Didn't go to the gym today and no one really did anything that pissed me off. I guess probably because I still haven't fully woken up.
Today's tip is if you can't love yourself then how the hell are you gonna love anyone else. See your own beauty and everyone else will too.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Feeling better

Yeah I needed that day off. Haven't had a headache today which is great. Plus I don't have to be in to work until later on today. Tomorrow is going to be a long night. Next week is going to be a very long week 2nd job wise. Next week is the week before Christmas. That means all the procrastinators will be out. Then the week of Christmas will be crazy too. Ugh I just so don't want to work there. People are starting to get pissy and it makes me pissy.
Yesterday I pretty much just watched tv. I watched World's Dumbest and Ben 10 which I had recorded and hadn't seen yet. Mainly because I'm going to need the space tomorrow night when I record my ABC comedies. So can't wait to quit this job. Well I'm not really quitting. More of not going to apply for a permanent position. Not unless they make it worth my while. Meaning they beg me to stay. Anyway I also watched some episodes of RuPaul's Drag Race. I love that show. It makes me laugh. Plus it lets us see what it's like for a drag queen. See what makes them tick. I think guys that go out in drag have more balls then the typical guy. I say that because they must get looks. They get judged before anyone gets to know them. Not always for the better. I think if people were to watch it they'd see a side they'd never seen before.
As for today I did my chest workout and I was basically all by myself in the weight room the way I like it. It's not that I can't share with people. I can't however deal with people that hog the machines and space. Plus when I do my chest workouts I really need to be back there alone. Or at least with someone who doesn't hog everything making me have to work around them. I will say I thought I was going to have to deal with one of the trainers. This guy comes in and he looks a lot like the manager/trainer. Then you realize he's taller and fatter. Anyway so I went back to my workout and during a gap between songs on my mp3 player I heard this weird clomping. I got up and saw that the guy is running on the treadmill. He is clearly flat footed. I swear it sounded like the machine was going to break. And the guy was really weird too. I mean he sweated a lot. He couldn't have been in the gym for longer then 20 minutes it seemed. 5 minutes of that he was in the restroom. Least it seemed that way. Then as me and my workout buddy where leaving he goes out right before us and starts stretching. The really odd thing about this is that he was out in a short sleeve shirt and shorts. But he did have a cap on. Then he got in his car and looked like he turned it on. The odd thing about that is that he still had stuff at the gym. Like I said he was a bit weird.
Here is an episode from RuPaul's Drag race. In this episode the queens impersonate different celebs. It's pretty funny. It really isn't as easy as simply putting on a wig. Today's tip is you know that time when you did that thing and you thought you'd never live it down? Since it didn't happen today you should feel better.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Finally off

Today is my day off. I've been needing it. I swear I've been getting sick. Well today I can do whatever I want. I have no room mate to deal with. I'm all by myself. Probably going to watch the shows I recorded later on today. Might even take a nap. YAY NAPS!
I so needed it after yesterday. Yesterday there was really no point in having me there. I mean nothing really happened. We had a really short busy spurt and that's it. Really we were just walking around. The boss right above me seemed to be hiding. I didn't see him really until he went home. That's really odd. I bet it was a really quiet night after I left. To think we have to stay open until 11. Was it really worth it?
Today I worked out at the gym today. The trainer was there again. It shocks me how much time is wasted with that guy. He spends more time talking then he does training. On top of that I'm not sure he's training her right. Today he had her doing hack squats. Yeah she wasn't using weights, but it's not going to shrink down her thighs. Seems like none of the women stay with a trainer for longer then 2 months. Mainly because I'm sure they don't see that they are slimming down. They see that they are getting bigger. The reason being is they get guy trainers that train them like guys. Guys tend to train for bulk and strength. Women tend to train for tone and slimming down. Oh well good luck with that.
I'm sure you all remember the show Kim Possible. I really loved that show (pre-movie). I thought it was a really interesting show. It was funny and taught some simple lessons by blowing them out of proportion. Plus I think it really did teach kids that they can do things that they put their mind to. Anyway there was a song from the show that got stuck in my head. It's called Say the Word. It was by Christi Carlson Romano. Pretty sure I spelled her name right. Anyway this was an AMV done by a youtube user. Just fyi the video starts basically at the 32 second mark. The first 31 seconds is the cover page sort of. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is common sense is an often under used tool. It can keep you out of some of the biggest trouble.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What a day

Arg I can so not stand my 2nd job. None of the higher ups really seem to care about the workers. I had two of my bosses say to me wow you look tired. I told the highest one that I haven't had a day off in 2 weeks. Which is true. I'm going on my 3rd week without one. Lucky for me my 1st job will let me get off tomorrow. Did 2nd boss say anything. Nope just oh you need a day off and kinda walked off. Why the hell did you even start the conversation. If you say I look tired I'm going to say why I do. Ugh that pissed me off.
Then I get this phone call from a customer. She goes on and on about how when she got her xbox 360 wireless controller it rang up at the wrong price. So I go over there and I said well the wired one was that price the wireless one is what you were charged. Well I was just in there 30 minutes ago and it said 34.99. So I said again well that is for the white wired one. So she kept trying to do this arguing thing with me then the bitch got on. No it was a different person. And she's like can I just give you the sku. So I said sure. She gives it to me and I'm like no that's too long that's not a sku. Well that's what's on the receipt. And then I said well maybe it's the upc here let me try it. Nope that's not it either. Then she starts going all bitchy saying I could have gotten this anywhere else for less then what it was suppose to go for. I'm not paying $50 for a controller. Blah blah blah. So I said well if you'll bring it in then we can see if it was simply checked out at the wrong price (which it wasn't I guarantee). Well I live closer to the one on the south side can I just take it there. I said sure you can take it there and they'll be able to determine the same thing. So then she says thanks for all your non help. At that point it took everything I had to not say in the phone you're welcome bitch and hang up. Now here is the thing that got me thinking afterwards. 1. what am I going to do over the phone if it was at the wrong price. Since clearly she wasn't coming back to the store. 2. How come she didn't notice it before she left the store. She clearly remembered how much the price should have been. 3. Why wasn't the bitchy one with her. Since apparently it was such a big deal to her to get the right price on it. 4. What was the point of telling me to can get it somewhere cheaper. Then clearly you should have gone to that somewhere else. There is that whole lack of common sense thing.
What also happened at work was there was a shoplifter and the police got involved. The really sad part is that this kid had to be like 12 years old. So I hear the alarm sound twice. I didn't think anything of it. I then get closer to the front of the store and see a police officer at the service desk. I again thought nothing of it because police do stop by the mall in uniform. Well as I'm putting something at the front desk for them to hold I see the whole picture. The kid sitting in one of those scooters. The police officer on the phone with his notebook out. The tons of toys and candy on the counter. I mean this was stuff that you can't just simply put under your sweatshirt and walk away with. So he had to have had like a bag or something to try to sneak out with. The worst part of it all is that he looked like he's been caught doing this before. I mean if you were caught shop lifting at that age you'd look really worried. Unless he comes from a broken family and this is the norm. That's just really sad.
Today's tip is there are 3 sides to every story. The wrong side, the slighty more wrong side, and the truth.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

And it snowed

Yep it snowed last night. Not fun driving home at 11 last night. Least next week I only have to close once. Lucky for me most of my trip is on the highway. That means enough cars had passed that a track had been left. The sad part is that it was beginning to get covered up. I just really don't want want to go back out yet I have to. Stupid work.
I'm also getting sick of Christmas stuff. I mean you have got to be kidding. Why must I hear the same god damn songs over and over again. I don't care about Rudolf or Frosty or any of these songs. I'm beginning to dislike Christmas more and more.
Today's tip is holding onto the past keeps you from appreciating the present and seeing your possible future.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Can someone help me here

It seems like I'm one of the few people that really loves common sense. You know the simple things like if your going to walk in the road you walk with traffic. Or that if there is a sidewalk you walk on that. Or simply turning off your bright lights. I of course saw all this yesterday. In the morning I'm driving back from the gym and this woman (with a cane) is walking on the opposite side of the road. Not only that, but she isn't even on the sidewalk. Why do people do that. Especially those that can't move quickly. What if a car loses control. They are most likely going to get hit since they are going the opposite way of traffic and are in the road instead of on the sidewalk. I'm not saying your safer there if there is an out of control car, but you do have a better chance of getting out the way. Then how about the bright lights. I'm not talking about the people that have those really really bright lights naturally. I'm talking about the people that choose to have their high beams on as soon as it gets dark. When you live in the city you have no need for high beams. There are lights everywhere. Plus the people in front of you can't see a thing behind them. Not like they can signal that your lights are too bright. Well I know there is suppose to be a signal, but I honestly don't know it. Why people? Just why?
The other thing is people seriously just throw around words to try to sound intimidating, but they use them incorrectly a lot of the time. The best example for this is Libel and Slander. I don't know why people can not use these two words correctly. I learned the difference in 9th grade in my government class. So let's start with the basics. In both terms the main thing is that someone is making a false statement about you that hurts your reputation. It is a statement that has to be known to be false, but spread maliciously. That means it has to be someone presenting something false as a fact. Opinions don't count. So in a case of either one you have to prove that the person knew it was a false statement and that it did in fact hurt your reputation. Now the different between the two is the medium that is used. Slander is something that is verbal. As in said on TV or Radio. Anything that is heard. Libel is anything that is written. So here are two examples. If I was to go on tv and say that President Obama and I had a sexual relationship then that is slander. I am saying a known false statement and it will hurt his reputation. If I was to write an article in the New York Times that says George Bush raped my mother then that is libel since again I presented a known false statement in a written statement. Now if I was to say on tv that President Obama is the worst president in history then that's my opinion. Not slander. It is not presented as a fact. If I was to write that George Bush did a terrible job with the economy then it's not libel since again it's an opinion. People seriously throw those words out willy nilly just to sound big. Go look up the legal definitions if you don't believe me.
Well I'm sure you all have heard of Phoenix Wright. If not then google it. I'm sure you've seen the finger pointing and the words OBJECTION! Anyway this is a video using that game graphics and the soundtrack from The Frantics. It's about the reading of the will of a wealthy man who leaves well a nice surprise for everyone. I also posted the original video. I think the Phoenix Wright one was better. Probably because I saw it first and it's longer. Anyway it's a nice laugh.Today's tip is if your going to use big words in conversations at least know the definition of the word. Less embarrassing that way.