Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sorry about that

Was really really busy yesterday. A lot happened. Sadly some asshole shoplifted and what pisses me off is that if I had spent two seconds looking I would have caught him. My boss said don't worry about it. You at least know who it is and the next time they come in we'll make sure we get him. Pisses me off though. Ugh pisses me the fuck off.
The other thing pissing me off is the weather. I'm so ready for spring. No more snow, no more ice, no more negative temperatures. I keep trying to tell myself oh just make it through February. Make it through this month and it will get warmer. I mean I was going to the gym at about 6:20 and I could see the sun starting to rise. Couldn't say that a week ago. So we are getting there.....very slowly. I will say when it melts it's going to be very very very wet.
Today's song is the Ketchup Song. The funny thing is that's actually the name of the song. I heard it several times and I tried to find the name of it. Then when I heard it was the Ketchup song I just shook my head. Today's tip is bad things happen. How you handle it will determine how much of your life will be lived after something bad happens.

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