Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Getting warm over here

Tomorrow we are looking at 54 degrees. 54 DEGREES IN FEBRUARY! That is a big deal. I mean the ice and snow is melting at a fast rate as it is. And we are only in the 40's. Then not only will it be warm, but there will be rain. That really melts stuff.
Speaking of which yesterday on the way to work I saw a guy actually out on the river ice fishing. Now keep in mind everything is melting. Yeah I know some parts of the river might have tons of layers and others not so much, but why take that chance when everything is melting. I mean the snow on top of the river is melting and you're seeing puddles of water which is melting the ice on the top. Plus you don't know what the temp underneath the ice is. I mean that's just so stupid. A customer came in and said she lived next to the river and she saw people there until any little step could crack the ice. I just don't understand the push to ice fish when it's over the freezing point? Don't get ice fishing period, but still.
Ok I understand that Autism is something that no one can control, but I mean this customer that keeps coming in is just on my last nerve. I don't know much about Autism. I'm not going to lie about that, but I swear he has gotten so much worse. There was a time when he'd come in maybe once or twice a month. We are looking at once or twice a week. He came in the past 2 days....twice. And I mean he asks you everything. We got asked about insurance at one point. He asks us about money. I mean I think we have to set boundaries like his roommate had to do. Hopefully he comes in so I can ask him his advice. He probably will say yeah you have to set clear boundaries.
Well everyone is talking about Billy Ray Cyrus. He blames Hannah Montana for destroying his family and causing all of Miley's problems. You know I can't say it's all the shows fault. I mean a lot of her problems had to do with parenting. I mean she was a minor for most of the show so you'd think a parent has a bit of a say of what's going on. And the fact that he was in the show. Ugh just don't think he has much to complain about. It got him back in the spotlight too. I'd be more sympathetic if it was a family that came out of no where. Like Mitchel Musso's family, but no it's Billy Ray Cyrus, Mr. Achey Breaky Heart. Hindsight is always 20/20.
I'm sure you all know about the comic strip Cyanide and Happiness. If you don't then I'm sure you've seen the comics here and there. Anyway they have shorts and this is one I've been meaning to post, but I keep forgetting to. It's called Dogs. It paints a very familiar scene. Then something happens in typical Cyanide and Happiness fashion. got to wonder if this is what would have actually happened if it wasn't a Disney movie. Today's tip is if you feel the need to ice fish on a "frozen" river when it's 42 degrees out then you have a problem.

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