Friday, February 4, 2011

So funny

So it's really funny that the Superbowl is in my hometown. On top of that it's covered in snow and ice. Last year it kinda happened too. I left the state after visiting and wham they get hit with a foot of snow. All my friends got 4 days off. Me I get way more snow throughout the season and not once did I not go to work because the roads were bad. And I mean they were bad sometimes. Should be fun.
I swear I always get some of the stupidest questions asked me. So this older woman comes in. She picks up a bottle of an essential oil and asks "is that the price for the whole bottle?" I'm sorry did you really just ask me that question. No that's the price for one drop. Who sells a liquid in a bottle or container per drop. Or for half a bottle. I mean seriously that is a stupid question. They say there is no such thing, but I can come up with quite a few stupid questions. Well there stupid if you are older then 4.
Today's video is N*SYNC's Bye Bye Bye. I'm in a retro mood lately. The video is such a funny video. It was the introduction to the new N*SYNC. Least that's what I thought when I first saw it. I mean Chris cut his hair, and Joey died it. Justin's hair got all poofy. I mean when you look at some of the first videos they looked so young. Today's tip is think before you speak. Keeps you from asking a stupid question or saying a stupid comment.

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