Monday, February 21, 2011

Not even July

Not even close to it and people are already fighting about what to do when I get to Texas. I mean I guess that's a great thing that my friends want to spend that much time with me, but kinda annoying since my parents haven't even set anything up. I mean wow. Busy week for me when I go back home.
This week is going to be crazy. For one I'm a day late on my workout because of all the snow from yesterday and this morning. So I have to workout Tuesday-Friday with no break which I hate doing. And if it's bad snow again I may have a break and workout on Saturday which would annoy me to no end since that is another day off. Fun times.
Yesterday I also found out that my co-workers wife thought that I should enter a Bodybuilding competition. She said her husband would take me under his wing. Now this was before the He say, She say mess. The funny thing is that he never really pushed it on me which is great. I'd never do it anyway. Too much hard work. And shaving. I hate shaving my beard let alone my entire body. Plus I'm sure he doesn't want to take me under his wing and his wife. From what I hear he gets very frustrated with pupils. Actually he can easily get ticked off at you if you say the wrong thing to him. So hopefully it never ever comes up. Ugh I can see how that conversation would go and no matter what I'd be the bad guy.
Today's tip is trust is very counter intuitive. Takes a lot of time and material to build up, but can snap like the driest twig.

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