Thursday, February 17, 2011

And here it comes

So here in Wisconsin a huge battle is waging. In case you didn't know, the new Governor proposed a bill to basically strip bargaining rights for most state workers and make them pay more for their pension and health care. There are huge protests going on. What I want to do is do a poll on everyone protesting. Ask them who did they vote for. I then want to say to everyone that voted for Walker or didn't vote to sit down. Well say to the ones who didn't vote to sit down. Then those that voted for Walker I want to put them in front of the crowd and say these people voted for Walker. They are the reason that you all have to worry about this. I think what's going on here is just a glimpse of what's going on around the country. A lot of places are having voters remorse when it comes to republican votes. The funny thing is my boss' father in law is a hardcore republican. One of his daughters...actually two are state workers. I know he voted for Walker. Well his vote basically can make his daughters pay big time, yet if you ask him about it he'll say something that would make him voting for Walker a good thing or the bill is a good thing. He's like those hardcore Republicans or Democrats that say they can do no wrong. They lie to themselves to say that their Democrat or Republican is right.
And my workout partner challenged me on Tuesday. My gym has two leg press machines. One that puts you at a 90 degree angle and uses plates and a pin. The other puts you at a 45 degree angle and you use weights to determine how much you press. So my workout partner tried the 45 degree one like what I use and he said it was different. So we got to talking and I said well the 90 degree one is easier since it doesn't make you push against gravity. Then we got to talking about how much weight we are pressing. He's like I do 220 and I said well I do 190, but mine is harder. So we were going to do a challenge where I do like 240 on the 90 degree one. Well yesterday I was just thinking about the 45 degree one. I thought of something I said to my workout partner. Without any weight plates the 45 degree one weights 45 lbs. I never ever count the weights of the bars, or machines naturally when I count my weights. Well 45 on top of my 190 = 235. So when I told him that he's like....crap you don't take the normal weight into account. So he just caved in. He did ask me to try the 90 degree one to see if it's easier or harder. Honestly it's different. I didn't like it. Seemed like it had you going up too close. I think my partner forgot that I'm taller then him. Not by much, but enough that it does affect me in positioning things. Really was funny. He was so sure I'd lose. I knew I'd win and I really would have if I hadn't said anything.
Today's tip is don't blind yourself to people's faults. Keeps you from truly accepting them into your life.

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