Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day number 2

Yesterday I played a little game to see how many people would mention the Superbowl when they came into the store. The grand total was....2. That's right. Just 2 people mentioned the game. Now maybe if I was next door more people would have mentioned it. They were having a huge celebration. So I guess I'll see if more people come in talking about it today. Well I guess I can't play the game today since I don't go in until 2. Oh well.
I was watching GMA today and they were talking about a teenager that sleeps with a baby tiger in her room. Anyway they were talking to someone who trains tigers and he sounded just angry about the story. Maybe it was because he was outside, but he was just yelling a lot. Well then I heard Robin say something that yeah I'm sure would piss me off to. She said "I know your heart is in the right place". In case you can't read between the lines, she basically said you are wrong for what you do. It's like when someone says bless his/her heart. It's usually after something bad has happened or they are going through a tough time. Why even say that? Why not say thank you for shedding some light on this issue, but then again she interviewed him like he was wrong for what he does. There is tough interviewing and then there is condescending interviews. That was for sure a condescending interview.
Yesterday I was on twitter and there was a tweet talking about someone's worst workout ever. I read it and well yeah I can see that. You see a lot of people don't understand that going to the gym and staying in shape is truly a lifestyle. It becomes your day to day. So on days when you plan to workout and don't get to do it, it's a terrible day. I've had days when that has happened. It's a terrible workout not working out. Like I said it's a lifestyle thing. You make time for it. It becomes part of your life. That's how you stay healthy.
Today's tip is one of the best skills to learn is learning to not take things personally. Sometimes an "attack" on you truly has nothing to do with you.

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