Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Come on melting

Yeah winter is back again and ugh it's so so so cold. I keep telling myself get through this week and next week will be warmer. Can not stand all this snow after we basically got rid of it. One day. One day it will be gone.
Ugh people are becoming so rude when they shop at the store. To the point that I want to call them out on it. There was a woman that came in and was asking about a product. Then another came in and well she wasn't exactly well....she was kinda clueless. Anyway she wanted to know if we had a product and we did just not from the company she wanted. And as I'm trying to talk to her the first woman says oh go to Walgreens and get it from there. I mean I just stood there mouth a gape. I mean what the hell. You are in my store and you are telling someone to go somewhere else. Well I stepped in and said we did have the product she wanted. Like I said I want to just be as rude as they are sometimes.
Got to workout today. The gym wasn't too busy. So I did my arms today instead of my legs like I was planning on. Had a great arm workout. I added a new exercise and upped the weights on pretty much everything. Can't wait for my leg workout. Plus this time I used a pre-workout that I know works. Sometimes a good pre-workout is truly the difference between a good workout, a great workout, a bad workout, and a workout that was so bad you should have stayed in bed. Last week I almost had one of those workouts. The last one. I mean I was doing great then all of a sudden I felt sick to my stomach, tired. I kept pushing (which most people never do) to finish. My arm workout last week was so bleh. It was good, just not the best like most of them.
I'm sure you've waited long enough for it to happen. The new episode of Sailor Moon Abridged is out. It's a pretty good episode. She finally gets her new locket. Yay for the opening too. Today's tip is pride and curiosity are two things all humans have in stride. Sometimes in a dangerous mix.

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