Friday, February 18, 2011

Going to get worse before it gets better

It's a great day to live in Wisconsin. I mean this bill that the Governor is trying to pass has really split the state. I mean the protesters keep growing and growing and growing. And the stupid thing about him is that he's trying to demonize the 14 democrats. I mean who is truly showing the will fo the people? The law makers that tried to push it through the congress in 5 days without even informing the public? Or the people that refuse to even let it come to a vote until it gets revised like all the protesters want? If it doesn't get taken up by the senate today the assembly might take it up. I would think that based on what's going on in the senate, that they'd say hey we aren't touching this with a 10 foot pole. The sad thing is I don't think that will happen and here is why. The leaders of the senate and house are brothers. No joke. And guess who's the top state trooper. Their dad. Hmm funny how that worked out.
The really annoying thing is that some people aren't seeing the issue that everyone is fighting for in the capitol. The guy that works at the shop next door comes in and asked if we had any teachers come in. Well we got talking and he's like they need to fire all those teachers. I said why? Well they are keeping kids out of school. I mean when I was in the army I couldn't just quit if I didn't like my pay. So I said well if they fire all the teachers wouldn't that cause a bigger problem. He says well they need to be punished. Now I didn't get into an argument with him because he's one of those people that thinks everything he says or does is right. Even when you catch him in a double standard. Such as the fact that he was in the army and he gets pension and health insurance without having to pay for it. These state workers have to. The second issue is that if you get rid of the union so they can't argue for better wages, how are you going to get more employees. What teacher in training is going to want to come to Wisconsin if there is no Union. They are going to go somewhere else. What person is going to want to be an EMT? What person is going to want to do anything in the state if they can't even bargain for an increase in living wages. How about we do what happened across the way. Minnesota added a 5% increase in the tax for the top 5% and he'll balance the budget in a year. If Wisconsin does this plan it will take 10 years to get out of debt. Smart idea right?
There is also national coverage of this. NATIONAL COVERAGE OF THIS! And it's not like it's just on MSNBC or Fox "News". No it's on shows like the Today show or Good Morning America. They are calling it a bill that will strip bargaining rights and get rid of the union. And actually it's a pretty good thing that Fox "News" is covering this. They are calling people protesting in Madison like the Egyptians. Well we know how that turned out. The citizens won. And if the people protesting are like the citizens in Egypt then who's the president they are trying to remove? Republicans and Fox "News" has shown their hand and it clearly is not for the everyday people.
Well enough about that. Tons of people were at the gym today. Had a person in from the local indoor football league. The woman that "trained" with the gym manager/trainer was in. Luckily without the gym manager/trainer. 3 women were in. Then the pompous trainer and his client were in. Tons of people. Now the guy from the football team seemed well confused. He was pretty much doing everything. The client of the gym manager/trainer is very very manish. I mean she really is. Her forearms look like a dude's forearms. She grunts and workouts like a dude. It's kinda scary. Wonder if this is a trend. If it is then it's going to be busy the next couple of weeks. Think everyone is starting to realize how close summer is.
Have you ever heard of the moron test? It's a test that some people created that tests your well comprehension skills. For instance they'll say which one is the biggest karat. They will then have an option of 1 carrot, 3 carrots, or a diamond. Someone that wasn't reading that would choose the 3 carrots. And it's little tricks like that. Well I bring it up because they made a new short that features a couple of the characters that they use in the moron test application. It's kinda cute. Today's tip is there are events that happen that prove just how powerful a peaceful protest truly is.

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