Friday, February 11, 2011

Weird dreams last night

I just don't know what to think about them. The first one had something to do with a road trip. Kinda can't remember what was up with that. Then I was working and there were these women that went into the back room and wouldn't leave. Then I think I had a dream within a dream or I told my boss in the dream about the ladies. It was weird. Then there I was taking a French test I hadn't studied for. Why French I have no clue. The only thing I can think of was I saw a commercial for Two and a Half Men where Alan spoke some French. Then I was at school and I was basically not trying to do anything. There was a big test coming up and I just wouldn't study for it.k Then some how I got to Patrick, Spongebob, Mr. Krabs. I just don't know what is up with my mind.
Went to the gym and it was pretty quiet. Did learn that the pompous trainer "trains" his client on Fridays. Funny how he actually looks like he's getting rounder. I mean you look at the photo of him on the trainer door or on the website and he looks fit. You look at him now and his face looks rounder. Then his goal is to add 20 lbs. Shouldn't he lose 20 lbs of fat first. Plus he never takes off his jacket. He better get in shape soon. The temperatures are going to be taking a spike soon.
Speaking of the temp we are suppose to be in a warming trend yet it's snowing out. And the stuff is starting to stick. Flurries off and on my ass. It's only been on all day. Well since 7. So sick of winter.
Today's tip is you know you mastered a language when you have a dream in it. Or your mind thinks it can speak it.

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