Sunday, February 20, 2011

More snow

Yep snow snow snow. That's all that's suppose to happen today. What a great day. Well clearly we are still in winter. Can't wait for the day we can forget this horrible winter.
Speaking of people trying to forget on the way the store I saw two people jogging in the snow. I mean what was the purpose of doing that? Today is the one day when you can blame the weather for not jogging.
I swear some customers honestly love being rude. A woman and her husband comes in and they ask if we had a product with two enzymes. Found the product. She then asks if we have a smaller size. No we didn't. She then asks if we had a phone book. She asks for it so she could call up a place in town to see if they had a smaller size. I mean are you serious. You are such an asshole that you'll go into a store then asks to call up another store to see if they have the same product. Just flat out rude.
Least one customer has been found out. One of those people that tried to get me in trouble has been found out. Turns out she tipped her hand too much to my boss. Love when that happens. Serves her right.
As some of you may not know the Power Rangers has been picked up by Nickelodeon. They have started with the Samurai season. This is the opening which is a bit of a throw back to the very first Power Rangers. It also has some similarities to the Samurai Sentai Opening. So I figured I'd post both so you can see. Plus the show is more like the Super Sentai series then the past few power rangers have been. Today's tip is don't forget to talk to yourself from time to time. It freaks people out. Got to love that.

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