Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fun little shock

Yesterday I was a bit sore mid day and I knew I was going to be really sore this morning. Yet when I woke up the only pain I had was a weird headache. Took my pre-workout and it left pretty soon.
Speaking of which I worked out at the gym today which I usually don't do. Found out that Wednesday is the other day the pompous trainer trains his client. I just can't stand him. I mean I swear his face keeps getting rounder and rounder which means 1 of 2 things. 1 he's doing steroids. Honestly wouldn't put it past him. He's very vain and obsessed with what he could do. Plus he wants to put on 20 lbs by June, but I bet it's number 2 which is he's getting fat. I mean the man refuses to take off his sweat shirt. No matter how warm it is. Plus he doesn't lead a very active life as odd as it sounds. He has no other job besides training. His girlfriend pays for everything and he lives with her. He doesn't actually workout with his clients. He watches them and times them. Doesn't even do a quick show of what they are doing. Ugh can't stand that guy.
No rude customers yesterday for once. I do apparently keep shocking my boss at how well I do at my job. I mean even on the worst days I raise the sales up pretty high. So he's very happy. Wants me to keep up the good work and I plan on doing that. I like my job and I plan on keeping it. Don't feel like going home to Texas to stay anymore.
Last night I watched the new episode of RuPaul's drag race. It was the snatch game episode. If you saw it last season then you know how funny it can be. This season it was good. Still think last season's was better, but hey that's my opinion. Today's tip is we all know the pot calls the kettle black. It's our job to call the pot out for being a racist.

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