Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm digging to China

I swear that's what Scott Walker is doing. He refuses to stop digging that hole. I mean the prank call that he got. He said that he said nothing in there that he's not said in public. I'm sorry you never mentioned that you are following a plan of a billionaire. You never mentioned you wanted to hit democrats with a bat. You never mentioned that you were thinking of planting trouble making protesters. You never mentioned that you wanted to make it so that you have control over what power companies can be in the state and which can't. You never mentioned that you were going to pretend to give into the demands of the democrats and then force a vote. You never mentioned that you are one of 5 Governors trying to destroy the union. Oh my.
On top of that he is sending state troopers to the 14 democrat senator's homes to bring them back to the capitol. I'm sorry rewind. Didn't they say they are in Illinois? So what is the point of sending troopers to the homes? Oh I know to intimidate the families so much so that they call up their families and say come home so people will stop following me. I'm very tempted to call up Scott Walker (there is an ad out that has a number to call up) and say I want Scott Walker to stop being such a stuck up idiot and compromise with the people. You basically are getting everything you want except for one line about bargaining rights. I mean other republicans are just giving up the fight. Well good luck.
I was watching Good Morning America and they were talking to a student that was hit by his coach and has now filed criminal charges. They were together for the first time. It was just as awkward as it sounds. I mean if you could see it you'd see that he bluntly bumps the player then when he sees the player has a bloody nose he says "got a bloody nose? Good". Or something to that affect. And I mean the coach clearly didn't learn his lesson. He would talk out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. He would say well the athletic director did punish me. She brought me into the office, showed me the tapes, then we talked about where I could improve. That's not a punishment. I mean he's lucky the player didn't slug him. Oh the worst part was that he tried to pretend like the player was his favorite. Like they got really close over the time they were together. I'm sorry I don't check my friends then kick them telling them to get up then when I see they have a bloody nose say good. It would be different if he did it, then came over to check on him, saw he had a bloody nose and said oh I'm so sorry here let me help you up. Yeah he deserves to be charged criminally.
So how many of you have a "Long, Stabby Thing"? Well if your curious about what I'm talking about watch this youtube video of a conversation that went on in Australia. Oh and when you think it's over it gets much much better. Watch the whole thing. You will not be disappointed. Today's tip is when in a hole stop digging. Or as Scott Walker likes to do, keep going until you hit China.

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