Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Super Super Excited

Today is the last day for my PCT. Today a new product is coming in. It's a new prohormone. Plus I'm trying a new product at the time called HGH up. Hopefully together I can hit the weight I've been trying to hit for a long long time. If it works then I'll be taking that cycle right before I head down to Texas. I like shocking people who haven't seen me in awhile.
Nothing has really been happening besides that. Kinda a slow week really. Probably because I'm sick of the cold. Stupid cold.
I'm sure everyone that has ever been in a Hotel Room knows very well that they have adult channels. Well imagine if whoever was showing you your room had a conversation with you about all the features of their adult channels. And he just kept pushing. Well it might go something like this clip. Or maybe more awkward. Today's tip is sometimes the only way through the darkness is to look for the light. Or carry a flashlight.

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